29: Visiting Hours

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Arthur and I rode to the coast where Sadie would be waiting with a boat. And that she was, but Abigail was also there, arguing loudly. Her appearance could only mean one thing - she wanted to join us.

"I must come, he's my husband!" I heard her speaking, desperation clear in her voice.

"I know he's your husband, but it's gonna be... well, it's gonna be violent," Sadie explained carefully as we approached.

"I insist!" Abigail said angrily.

"Insist all you like, it ain't happening," Sadie looked at us, "Arthur, tell her."

"Tell her what?" Arthur sighed next to me, stepping down into the small boat.

"She ain't coming with us to collect her husband," Sadie told him.

"Abigail, you ain't coming, that's the end of the matter," Arthur told her, his voice clearly showing he wasn't going to argue.

"See, there, you heard him," Sadie said triumphantly, "Now, let's go."

"But-" Abigail started.

"But nothing," I spoke, "It'll be quicker and easier with us three. Plus John will be calmer without worrying about you."

"It ain't complicated," Sadie agreed.

"Well... I ain't the crying sort, but..." Abigail sighed, "I'm real grateful."

"We know, we'll bring him back to you," I smiled at her as we rowed out, heading for Sisika.

"Place is surrounded by marshland," Arthur explained as we rowed, "Should hopefully give us cover to move in close enough to find a spot to look for John."

"Then all we gotta do is take out all the guards, find John and we're on our way out of here," Sadie said cheerfully, "Seems simple enough."

I doubted it would be quite that easy.

We landed the boat and took cover behind some taller grass, working out how to do it. We headed for the nearby watchtower, Arthur took out the guard on the top and we took out our binoculars, searching the fields for John.

"I think I see them," Arthur said, pointing to our right, I followed his hand.

I couldn't quite make out John, but Arthur seemed sure.

"I see two guards," Sadie nodded, "Take them out and let's go get our boy."

Arthur did as he was told, but all the prisoners immediately scattered.

"I don't think that was John," I commented as we climbed down, "But one of those guards looked like he was still moving."

Sure enough, there was no sign of John when we got over. Sadie questioned the guard who was still alive, and he told us John wasn't working that day.

I swore loudly, just our luck. Arthur and I went to check the barn just out of the way a bit, and when we turned back, Sadie had a gun trained on her.

"Put the gun down, lady," the guard said as he advanced on her.

"No," Arthur made his way forward, training his own gun on the guard, "You put the gun down. Where's John Marston?"

"He ain't in the work detail today," the guard stammered as Arthur grabbed him, holding a gun to his head.

"Okay, well, I guess we'll go get him together," Arthur pushed him forward, Sadie and I following close behind.

The use of the hostage was hugely beneficial, the guards we came across immediately surrendered, allowing Sadie or I to take them out as we headed for the entrance to the penitentiary.

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