7: Wright or Wrong?

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We rode a bit away from camp to the creek, Hosea and Dutch reminiscing about old times the whole ride. I did miss the days where it was just us, but times were changing. We would never had survived with just the four of us.

"Hey, looks like law up ahead," Dutch said, "Play it cool."

We rode up behind them and, to our surprise, Trelawny was in the back of the wagon.

"I seem to have got myself into a spot of bother," Trelawny said to us and I shook my head. Trelawny always appeared in the strangest of places.

"Let's see if we can't sort this out," Dutch said before addressing the lawmen, "How are you boys?"

"Fine," the older of the two spoke.

"This is quite some country you have here," Dutch commented.

"We like it well enough," he said.

"Hoagy Macintosh, at your service," I fought the laugh that threatened to break out. Hoagy?

I saw Arthur's shoulders shaking and avoided looking at him, knowing he'd set me off too.

"Leigh Gray, this is my deputy, Archibald Macgregor," Gray said, Dutch had pulled him in, "You a Scot?"

"Partly," said Dutch, "The best part!"

Gray laughed at that, but I noticed the other prisoners in the wagon were picking the lock to get out of the cage.

"Now, tell me, sir, what did the silly fancy fop back there do?" Dutch continued, as I stared at the men. Hosea gave me a look that told me to shut my mouth, what was that man planning?

"He was accused of running a gold mining investment scam," Gray said.

"Oh, no no no," Dutch said, "I'm sure he wasn't. He is a magician, I know him! He's a fool, but he is not a bad feller!"

The door swung open and the four other captives burst out, so I stared as they ran. Not my problem.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Trelawny called after them.

"Shit, the Anderson boys!" Sheriff Gray said, "I can't have more scandal."

"Well, allow us to help, my friend," the deputy was running after them as Dutch spoke, but they had successfully jumped onto the passing train, "Ann?"

"Chase wanted men?" I asked, moving forward on Roach.

"And take Archibald with you," Dutch told me so I picked him up and we cantered after the train.

"Do not shoot them, you hear me?" Archibald warned, "We're losing them!"

"Calm down, we ain't losing them," I said, if anything we were gaining on them.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Ann Callahan," I replied quickly.

"Get to that flat carriage! You think you can jump on there?" He called.

"Me? Why me?" I asked.

"Because you ride like my grandmother," I bit my tongue to stop the snarky remark and threw myself at the train.

I hit the carriage with a thump and groaned in pain, picking myself up. The first Anderson was on me in a flash, pinning me down again, my head hanging off the side of the train.

I kicked up, causing him to lose balance, and he flew off the side. I glanced and saw he was unconscious, so I ran to the others.

One was in the carriage in front, running as fast as he could. I followed him up on top of the carriage roof, where he was waiting to fight me.

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