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"Oh, hey Gene-" he stopped as a warm, head shaking slap crossed his face. Genevieve wanted to cry right then and now, however, she was strong and was not about to cry for a guy that treated her like shit. With her emotions of anger and sadness, she wanted to harangue him and so shouted.

"YOU'VE BEEN SUCH AN ASS FOR THE PASS COUPLE WEEKS, YUH KNOW THAT! I get worried about you every damn day! I don't know what is wrong with you or what's going on, but you weren't like this a couple of months ago. You've become this cold, emotionless person which I don't like at all! I care about so damn much; I worry about you every day! Do you think I enjoy sitting in classes missing my lessons because of my worrisome thoughts over you!? You don't talk to me that much anymore, you don't even LOOK at me when we cross paths. Everyone is seeing this side of you and keeping their distance from you, but I don't want you to be alone in your sadness or whatever the hell it is you're going through! Liam you know I'm there for you, I hate to see you so sad, I'm not saying you can't be because it's a type of emotion we all feel it, but when you are, I want to be able to help you, to comfort you, to show you you're not alone, you have people and friends who love you and care for you, you have me who loves you, Liam, I LOVE YOU! So very much. I can't deny or shake how I feel for you, you're a wonderful, hot, generous guy. You're just.........beautiful. You mean a lot to me and I've never felt this way for anyone, you brighten my heart every time I see you, you make me smile more every day, I've been needing you a lot...I've been needing your hugs, your words, your inspiring dad is here" a single tear slide by her face, not for Liam but for her dad's presence and all the horrible thing he had tried to do to her in the past, however she sucked in her tears and continued.

"you're there for me and I want you to know and feel that I'm there for you and I'm not just saying all of this, I really, really, really mean every damn word I have spouted. You've lost so many friends due to this attitude of yours you've picked up for months, keep it up and...and you just might lose me!"

She stood there looking at Liam with his body leaned forward, his hands clasp together with elbows resting on his knees and his head bowed. Liam wanted to cry so badly at this point. He knew that at some point Genevieve would notice his icy behaviour and she would be furious and today was that day, however, if he had responded sympathetically and with emotion, the feelings he buried deep down and pain he sacrificed would have been in vain, and so with that in mind, he took the sacrifice to protect her and himself by saying three words as coldly as he can. With a deep voice and with no facial expression he said...

"I don't care..." At this point, all hope within Genevieve died. She looked at Liam with an astonished face and sadness in her eyes. She said to herself *well there is my answer then, goodbye, Liam* she turned around and walked away. She was quickly walking down the campus, but in Liam's eyes she was slow, he couldn't believe he lost someone he truly loved for the first time with everything he had and there was nothing he could do about, he could tell her the truth, however, the truth is something that cannot always be told. Her dress blew in the wind and he could still hear her shoes as they tapped on the concrete ground. He felt as though his heart was beating slowly to a stop and his chest felt hollow. With his head still bowed, a single tear slid down his face and he watched as it fell to the ground. Genevieve stopped and turned around slowly and as she did, Liam was gone. She strongly switched her hips and a tear fell from her cheek as she strutted away with great posture and a head held high.

Next morning, it was damp due to some drizzles. The shape of the cloud couldn't be seen for the rain covered the sky too much. The atmosphere spoke fear and depression as Liam walked deadly down Belfore Street to go to college. He had his umbrella leaned to the left and he was walking with nothing in his mind or heart. His emotionlessness was heightened to the point where emptiness, nothingness was his emotion His first thought came in his head,
*No one ever says emptiness can feel heavy...*. Never had he felt this way for a girl that was simple yet so extraordinary. He looked ahead to see no one waiting on him, a vision of her came to his head. She turned around with her skirt fluttering in the breeze and a bright smile, so bright he noticed it more than the sun. A plover flew by, he was shaken out of his gaze and his heart fell hard.

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