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The sun was stitched still in the blue cloth of the sky, the clouds begged the Gods to quench their thirst for water, but the sun would not allow it, feeling as the atmosphere was humid and tense, suffocating the air around all. All was soundless, students present in every class, except for our four adventurers, who had decided to skulk all classes today, feeling the regret tomorrow.

"Ok let's visit the library, maybe we'll find where she resides in a book" Karry suggested with the rest standing on campus at the side of the building.

"Which library? There are three of them in this place!" Stephon flung both his hands, showing all three libraries in the area.

"We'll go to the north, The Northern Library" stoically, Genevieve looked to the north of where she was standing at the side of the college, and there stood the northern library.

"But why the Northern Library? What about the Eastern Library and the Western Library?" Liam asked curiously.

"That library has the most books, so I just thought we should widen our search" Genevieve explained.

They all agreed and visited the Library to the north of the college. The building stood tall with its astronomical interior. Books that you couldn't finish in ten years aligned alphabetically of many dark and vibrant colours, creating confetti of colour within the walls. There was space enough for 5 ballerinas to dance simultaneously at different time intervals and the custom windows at the sides, with its transparency, the sunlight magically illuminated the insides with its golden-yellow rays. Karry saw this and thought this scenery would be a good art piece to paint. It was beautiful, peaceful and grand. With not much time, they blinked away the awe of the library and scattered.

Into the fiction section, they went, in search of the sorceress, the name of Diablisee. It was not an easy task. The fiction section was already large, and to add salt to the wound, there was an incredibly large number of books. However, mysteriously, a blue spirit like figure, appeared at the back of the library. It looked like a woman and at the age between, 21-24. Her aura and her body blazed alight with a royal blue luminescence, as though she was wrapped in blue coloured flames. Her blonde hair looked dirty and fuzzy, the grey shirt dress she wore was crumpled, torn by the shoulder and had two holes at the bottom left corner. The shackles on her hands and feet rubbed against her skin, creating friction and as a result, left red markings on her skin surrounding the chains. She whispered something in the air, Genevieve hearing what she said.

"Last, back shelf, bottom right corner..." it was such a subtle sound she wondered where it came from, even so, she followed what she heard. Reaching the back shelf, she examined it meticulously. A corner window shone sunlight on that shelf alone, with a step, she saw a pine green book and etched on it in cursive gold, was the sign identical to Liam's curse sign.

"Hey guys! I found something" Genevieve shouted and they came to her side at the back of the library.

"Well this looks like the book we're looking for since it has the same curse sign Liam has" said Stephon. Liam examined the books, sceptical of the cover.

"Diablisee..." Liam whispered softly, the books opened, flipped itself to a page that said
'Diablisee, The Sorceress' in cursive writing. Liam noticed the entire book was written in cursive and yet he still smiled.

"We found her" Liam said. Moving to the front of the library, they all sat at the table on the side of the interior, crowding around the enigmatic, pine green-covered book.

"Ok, where does she live?" Stephon leaned over Liam and stared at the book in excitement.
"I don't really know, it's like a...riddle...or hint to where to go" Liam tilted his head, puzzled at the book's sentences.

He uttered "It says, 1. Tears shall fall, a palace so dark and tall. 2. Wither in pain, but withstand, you shall gain. 3. Interiors murky and dark, lives a body with no heart. 4. Defeat or be cursed, no clemency, live in catastrophe.

"So where does she live?" Stephon asked again.
"I still don't know" Liam said in awe of what he read.

"She lived to the north of Jovelia" Genevieve voiced, leaving the rest speechless, that was until Karry asked the next obvious question.

"How do you know that?"

"Don't you guys pay attention in geography class?" she asked rhetorically with silence following and a cough from Stephon.

"Waw...the hint said tall palace" she paused hoping they'd figure it out. They didn't.

She sighed and gave up "In geo class, WE..." she paused and stressed on the 'we' spiralling her index finger to suggest all of them, "Learned that most, tall and wide buildings are in the north of Jovelia and also we learned about the different landmarks to the north of Jovelia, which mean one of those landmarks we learned about is where she lives, so this should be easy!" she exclaimed and smiled.

"See why you're such a great asset to the team!" Stephon voiced.

"Oh, I'm an asset am I?" she sounded irritated and without a doubt frightening.

"No no...I didn't mean it like that...I just ...well uhh" the words scattered in his mouth.

"I'm just kidding" her tongue was out at him and then a sweet smile plastered on her face.

"Seriously dude, watch out for her when she's angry with you, you won't tell the difference" he whispered to Liam.

"I have a lot to learn" he said gazing at her with a loving smile and an askew head.

"But seriously, you guys need to pay more attention in geo class, what if you get lost in the desert or ocean?"

Stephon replied, "Well if I get lost in a dessert, either keep walking till I see something or, GOOGLE, and for the ocean....just die cause I can't swim".

"Whatever" Genevieve sighed.

"Hey, now that we know where she lives, we should prepare to leave tomorrow right?" Karry uttered.

"Yeah we can leave tomorrow, and I'm paying this time for all four of us to go and come back" Liam said happily.

"Awwww, thanks Liam" Karry said. Leaving the library, the door closed on its own. The spirit- figure appeared in the back of the library with a dead look on her face.

"Ok, to be honest, that Library was kinda creepy" Karry shivered, not knowing if it was the wind or her creeping trepidation

"True that" Liam chimed in.

"You guys wanna know how I found the book?" Genevieve asked, they all nodded.

"I heard a...voice or a...whisper in the wind telling me where it was, and I'm not trying to add any content the subject of creepy deliberately, I really did hear a voice" she looked at them with a worried expression. They turned around, and all looked up, eyeballing the huge brick building, painted crimson with a gold base. One thought flashed through all their minds.
*The Northern Library...*

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