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In the torrid heat made by the afternoon sun on the Monday, each student wanted out of this humdrum day. No action, no events, no fun in class, even the class clowns of each class were too tired and listless to do any stand-up comedy. Liam slept through mathematics, Genevieve felt tortured with the subject of English Language, Stephon procrastinated in his business class and Karry decided to skip all classes today.

Graduation was only a few months away for Stephon and Liam, they thought Genevieve and Karry had one more year to get out of what the students called this 'H.H.H - Heavenly Hell Hole', but they were about to find out as the voice recorder would begin...3...2...1...

"Attention all students of the University of Jovelia, you have successfully completed the day, do enjoy the rest".

"YOU WENT TO WHAT?!" Stephon shouted incredulously.

"Waw congratulations you two!" Liam sounded excited.

"I can't believe we're 4th years already" Genevieve sounded astonished.

"Please explain how you two became 4th year when you were 3rd years only...half an hour ago?" Stephon pointed to them from behind Liam and Karry explained.

"Well, they asked if anyone would like to take an exam of all three years to be able to become 4th years. Genevieve and I took the test and if we're in 4th year now, it means we passed!" she exclaimed.

"So does that mean you graduate with us?" Liam's voice shouted hopeful.

"Yes" Genevieve leaned her weight onto Karry as she said that.

"Alright, congrats to you two, now it's time to tell you what Stephon and I planned" Liam smiled and evil one with narrowed eyes.

"We, being Genevieve and I, are going to Diablisee's Palace to ask her to lift the curse" said Liam

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Genevieve tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at his statement.

"I mean, I don't mind coming but, it just seems ominous to go there".

"We decided this because the only way to get rid of something is to go to the source of what's causing it" Stephon explained.

"We are out of options, 'The Healer' didn't do a thing, it was a hoax!" his voice squeaked at such level of pitch.

"Well, alright. But first, let's do something to celebrate the girl's transfer to a new term!" Liam was ecstatic.

"What will we do?" Karry wondered.

"Well, you all know my mom is in a relationship and my dad died, so, let's go to 'Rendezvous Point' on Coral street to meet the person my mom's dating then we can hang out in the mall."

"That sounds great! All in favour!" Genevieve announced as if in a political meeting and the hands went up.

All took the bus to the mall, and from the window of the vehicle, the colossal mall could be seen. It stretched over a huge landscape. Half the building was a semicircle, the other half a horizontal rectangle with a vertical rectangle in the front. Maple trees of different colours, red, orange, green, aligned themselves along the sides of the mall. When they arrived, they stared at the magnificent structure before them. In the front left, seats with tables and umbrellas in the middle and to the further left all around to the back of the building, different shapes of vehicles parked perfectly together and on the front right, a sale was being carried out on a parallelogram of lush green-grassed lawn. Lights popped and sparkled on the building which would give you a light show at night with the brilliant colours bursting with life, signs tried to cajole you into entering the different stores and people, lots and lots of people walked up and about, in and out, messing up the splendid scenery of architecture being displayed to the public.

"This place is always so beautiful" Genevieve said, mesmerized by the beauty humans and nature created.

The group decided to eat first and so visited 'Sizzling', a fast-food restaurant in the mall. They all ate hamburgers and as they were finished, it was time to visit Johnathan in his office. Going to the back of the mall, Liam saw the sign marked 'Office Area'. He pushed a glass door and was ignored by the employees around him in different cubicles scattered in the area. Liam spotted the 'Assistant Manager' door and headed for it with the other three behind him. He pushed that door and said

"Hey, Johnathan, is it ok to come in?"

"Liam! Yeah yeah come on" he gestured his hand in an inviting motion.

"So what's up? This a surprise"

"Well I just wanted you to meet my closest friends, Stephon, Karry and Genevieve" he pointed to each as he called their names.

"Good afternoon" they said together.

"Well, hi there, I'm Johnathan Vermilion and I'll proudly put it out there, I'm Liam's mom's boyfriend. Nice to meet you all" his voice deep but soft and friendly.

"I hope we didn't bother you" Stephon said.

"Not at all, I actually want a break from this" he pointed to the table with his thumb.

"I've heard your name before but I never saw're Liam's best friend right?"

"Yep...12 years!" he said proudly and Liam smiled brightly.

"waw I never had a best friend that long and I assume you two are best friends too?"

"Yes!" they said together.

"Same 12 years" Karry added.

"Ya know, if you guys had all met 12 years ago all four of you would be best friends".

"We are best friends in a group, but separately, he's mine and she's hers" Liam said and Stephon's face was coated a bit of pink.

"What do you do here?" Genevieve asked.

"Well I basically take care of everything while the boss is away or if she has other stuff to do for the mall I take on some of her work"

"Waw, a woman controls this place" Karry was a bit surprised with such knowledge.

"Yeah, she's sweetly and friendly firm, quite blunt too" he said with shrugged shoulders.

"Ok, well it was very nice to meet you Mr Vermilion" said Genevieve formally.

"Please, call me Johnathan, I feel better that way" his lips twitched into a smile.

"We're gonna go now, see you later" Liam and the rest of the group said their salutations.

It was 4:45 in the afternoon of a cool, balmy, beautiful Monday. The group enjoyed their time in the mall, singing karaoke, eating more food, playing a few games in the arcade, and buying some secret graduation gifts for each other. Time was running out, the humid air became cold and dry as night descended upon the country. It was finally time to go home and leaving their separate ways as they arrived at the park, they all stared at the gifts they bought for each other, thinking about it, and them, feeling happy to have met each other in this small, unpredictable world they lived in.

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