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It was close to summer vacation in the year 2024. Liam snored in his bed with a spider web found at the corner of his mouth. Stephon had already left the house for college and decided to let him sleep, he needed it. He finally awoke and instantly felt emotional pain so rough and painful it become physical pain, as though his heart was aching. He looked at the time and with a panic jumped out of bed but slid on the floor. He saw 15 minutes to one.

"Damn, I'm gonna be later than I already am!" he shouted in a panic.

A quick shower and 2 granola bars, he was out the door. He ran to the university with vim. As he arrived, the campus was clear, silent... peaceful. He decided to skip biology just this once and visit the artistry studio. He walked slowly through it, gazing at the sublime art in awe. One caught his eyes as he turned by the hallway. The canvas was painted in a collision of blue and pink. On the blue side were the brain and the pink side the human heart. In the brain painted in black was a man alone and in the heart painted in black was a man and a woman kissing. This painting described exactly how he felt.
Lunch approached and the voice recorder came on.

"Students of the university of Jovelia, your lunch period has arrived. Being served today are a number of options. Spaghetti and meatballs, chicken Alfredo, fruit or vegetable salad, pancakes or waffles with either chocolate, blueberry or regular syrup, chicken and cheese fries, burgers and the usual selection of fruit juices, aerated drinks and water. Enjoy"

"Hey, Genei you alright?" Karry asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm good" she replied with an ersatz smile that Karry saw right through.

"Genevieve Sterlyne, sit" Karry said seriously.
"Ok, you're not 'good', you've been quiet way too long, distracted and you're not your usual cheerful self. Please tell me what's wrong" she said softly with sadness in her voice and she began to speak.

"I still feel hurt, terribly hurt and sad, I can't get over what happened, even if I have fun it still won't make me forget." At this moment she was a dark cloud swelling with rain, but kept the rain inside.

"But hey, don't worry too much about me, I'll be ok, I promise you!" she said with reassurance in her voice

"Ok, I believe you" Karry replied in disbelief.

The voice recorder sounded again after an hour.

"Attention students, the lunch period is now over, please return to your classes and do enjoy the rest of the day".

Instead of going to class, Genevieve needed to get her mind off of what transpired between her and Karry, she needed to regain her strength and there was no better way of doing that than visiting the art studio since she loved to paint. The art studio was an entirely separate building but it was right next to the university. This was where she would find all her inspiration. As she walked through, as though stepping into a Royal Palace, she took a deep breath in and exhaled through the mouth. She saw her favourite piece. A painting of a simple girl, sitting on a sandy beach, staring at a simple sunset with her knees to her chest and head held high in the air. Many thought it was a simple idea, which was the point, but she thought otherwise. This art piece just made her smile and feel solace within herself as though she was there. That was until she heard a faint sound of sobbing in the corner behind the curtain that hid all art materials. She crept up slowly, slid the curtain with ease and her heart knocked on her rib cage rapidly as she saw the person crying. It was Liam.

"Ah, Liam!" she exclaimed worried and scared. Even if they ended the sizzling friendship she still cared about him and as she saw his face after all this time, the love came rushing back like blood in the body. Liam still cried even when she was there.

"Liam, hey, hey what's wrong?"

Liam fell into her arms and continued to cry. No words were spoken so Genevieve relaxed with him in her arm and waited until he could regain control. 10 minutes passed and Liam had stopped crying and was ready to talk. He sat up and looked at Genevieve.

"Ok what wrong?" she said softly

"First of all Genevieve I am so so sorry for what happened, I didn't want it to go that far" he said and she confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Ok, so there is a reason why I pushed everyone away, especially you Genevieve...I'm cursed.
"You're cursed?" What does that mean?" she replied still confused.

"My mom wanted to be capable of caring for me, so she visited a sorceress by the name of Diablisee. She said she would help but one of her curses had to pass on to me or she wouldn't help at all. I know I probably sound crazy but it's the truth" he stopped as Genevieve said softly.

"I don't think you're crazy, just breath and explain"

"Ok, so as you know it's just my mom and me. She barely had money or food for the both of us, the house pathetic as well, our dad died. So my mom let her cast a curse on me in exchange for a proper life for me. If I were to kiss anyone I fell in love with, they would die". He showed her the curse sign on his shoulder that was kept hidden very well.

"Oh my, so you were distant from everyone because you were falling in love with someone, who is the person?"

He said with love in his voice and quite shyly "well you're right, and it's not 'were in love', it's 'is in love'.

In such silence, Genevieve's heart was vibrating so hard, she felt it in her ears. Her chest and heart were loaded with love. Not because of her breast size, but her chest felt weighed.

Genevieve wondered and she asked, "so, who are love with?"

Liam looked up with her mesmerizing emerald green eyes and said softly "I'm in love with you...
Genevieve thought she heard wrong "Can you repeat that?" she said in disbelief as though she was in a dream.

He said confidently
"I said...Genevieve, I'm in love with you! I've loved you for such a long time, for a few months when we met. You're gorgeous, sweet, generous, even to people that don't like you. You're a genius, my body, heart and mind gyrate like people on the streets when I see you. My heart never flipped like you make it do. You're the one for me, you're the one I want, the one I need, all I want is you, no one else. I would wait as much as it takes for us to happen for this stupid curse to be over so I could kiss you. Genevieve, I am MADLY, UNBELIEVABLY, INSANELY in love with you." He said and a tear fell, however, continued, "when you told me you loved me, I was so happy! Honestly, I hope you still do, cause I don't wanna lose you to anyone at all..I'd probably kill myself if that happened."
Genevieve felt exuberant inside as they sat on the chestnut brown wooden floor. She stared at him in awe, wide-eyed and quite flabbergasted. She embraced him in a sincere and loving hug as her arms were wrapped around his neck. He hugged her back as though it was natural too. Her eyes were covered with tears and they created a cloudy vision.

She said in his ears, "I love you so much Liam, even more, now that I know you feel the same way, and it's ok for how you treated me, I understand and I'm sorry that I was unreasonable and made assumptions".

"No! Genevieve, you weren't unreasonable at all. You had all of the right to be furious with me." He exclaimed. "Ya know, I wanted to kiss you so many times before and even now, I still wanna kiss you, so badly, but you know why I can't" Liam way too shy to look at her, rubbed the back of his head and smiled down at his lap. They sat close to each other as they listened to the beating silence with their hands intertwined, as Genevieve rested her head on his strong shoulder. At this very moment, Liam's sadness died and happiness came back to life. He kissed her on the forehead, for he knew a kiss on the forehead or cheek can't activate the curse. They both smiled a warm one, with their eyes closed as they relished in the renaissance of their friendship and newfound love.

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