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It was that time again. The laborious day known as Sunday came along, the peaceful, quiet, blue-skied Sunday.

The insects buzzed and flew slowly, the wind whispered in your ears and the flow of the rivers in some areas was a sweet and soothing melody, and to top it all off, to just lay beside the river and watch as the clouds float ever so slowly, nature truly was an orchestra, creating beautiful melodies. You would be lulled to sleep. The four didn't do much this day. All their parents rushed off to church while they stayed home.

Karry laid listless in her bedroom, letting her thought move like cars in traffic. The most she did was use her phone, for games and YouTube.

Stephon was known as the 'Lazy Goat' of the family. All he did today was lay in one comfortable position for hours, watching Netflix shows as they passed by. Even if he didn't want to watch the movies that were being shown, he left it alone, too lazy to reach for the remote to change it.

Genevieve played with her little brother, Alex all day. She had her fun on this Sunday, cleaning, cooking, baking, playing board games, all with her brother.

As for Liam, he was building his bond with Johnathan. He still hadn't told Vivien about his sprouting feelings of love he held in his heart for her, however, that was about to change, as they stood in the kitchen.

"You're telling her today" Liam commanded.

"But...I'm so afraid" he whimpered.

"Yeah well, we are all afraid of something in this life and have to face it someday" he said bluntly.

"She could be feeling the same way as you, but scared as well, so you gotta tell her before those feelings go away!" inspiration stroke him as he spoke confidently.

"Ok, ok...when?"

"Well it's five you can do it, I'll be gone and she'll be home"

"'s a plan then" a smile crept onto his stoic face.

"Yep, maybe when you tell her, she'll say 'It's a date!" Liam laughed while Johnathan stood there not understanding.

"Ya know, because you said 'it's a plan, so I said it's a date?" he smiled awkwardly.

"You don't have the funny side like your mom do you?" his eyebrows furrowed.

"Shut up!" he turned around with arms folded and head tilted while Johnathan laughed. Then Liam Liam's lips curled.

An hour until five O clock and Liam was prepared to go by Stephon as a surprise because he knew on Sundays he was the 'Lazy Goat'.

"I'm leaving to go to Stephon, you gonna be ok?" concerned splattered all on his face.

"Yeah...I'll be fine, just confessing my new found love to a woman I've known for a month and afraid of being rejected and then we break up...I got this" trepidation ran through his body like a train on a track.

"Ok, well I'm out, good luck" he slammed the door and it was so silent you could hear Liam's shoes as he walked. To take up time, Johnathan decided to cook again tonight for Vivien, a meal of sublime presentation and taste.

Liam arrived at Stephon's house, knocked on the door and patiently waited. Ms Higgins looked through the peephole to see Liam waving at her and she smiled coyly.
"Steph, it's for you!" she shouted. He rolled off the black sofa and fell onto the floor, feeling the pain ripple through his back.

"Ow.." he said with an impassive expression. He turned into the hallway with the silver and white kitchen on his left and the stairs leading to the rooms on his right. Turning the doorknob sluggishly, he opened it after three attempts, as he did he saw no one.

"Are you kidding me" irritated was he. He turned around and kicked the door shut, simultaneously, Liam popped out a nearby bush to scare some energy into him, but the door was already shut and Stephon said,

"Mom no one is by the door!". Another knock was sounded and Stephon swift around and pulled the door open, to see Liam standing there with a wild grin on his face.

"Liam!" he shouted as energy passed through him. His heart sparked with exuberance at the sight of his best friend and so did Liam's. The laborious Sunday turned into one filled with vim for they had each other to be with.


"So what did you want to tell me?" Ms Gails was a melting candle, her flame of anticipation melting her nerves.

"Ok, well...Vivien I...I, uhhhhhhh, ok..." Johnathan was a ship on a stormy sea, as he rocked and swung to and fro.

"Look, if you wanna break up with me just say so" she said bluntly, though it hurt to say.

"No! I don't wanna break up with suck a wonderful, hypnotic, heart-stopping woman. Vivien I met you, I know you and now I love you!" he let it out quickly.

"You...wh-" before she could finish, Johnathan interlocked their lips in a desperate, hungry yet sweet and love rich kiss.

"I said, I love you, Vivien. I love you" his facial expression was soft, his hair fell on his forehead in a messy style and their faces an index finger away. There was silence.

"You probably wanna break up now, I didn't mean to scare you or mess up what we have, but I had to tell you, I really do love you Vivien...but if you want to end what we have, though it will break me, I'll accept it" his head was hung in sadness.

Vivien giggled.
"Johnathan Blake Vermilion, what gave you the impression I would want to break up with you?"

"Well, love is a serious thing and I thought I'd
scare you away".

"Ok, I'm gonna be honest. I don't feel the same way. I have an intense attraction to you, I really like you a lot, you're almost perfect! Johnny, just because you love, doesn't mean I can't be with time nor does it mean I will break up with you. You make me happy and I want you in my life for a really really long time. I don't want to break up with you. Just give US time" she concluded.

Johnathan hugged her tightly and his mouth being the gun and his tongue is the bullet, French kissed her.

"Wait...almost perfect?" he raised one brow.
"Johnathan, honey I love you...but you're still a man".

"Now it's my turn to say what?"

"Well I don't COMPLETELY feel the same you do, but I do feel a spark, a flicker of that emotion called love, for you" her cheeks lit up.

"I'm so happy right now, as long I still have you and I can kiss you anytime I want, I can wait" he said then they rested each other's foreheads on one another enjoying the escalation of their relationship.

Two Lovers One KissWhere stories live. Discover now