Chapter 4: Announcement

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My lungs burned, but I didn't stop. I needed to get home. 

I was almost there.

"Lana stop! Lana please," yelled Gray from behind me.

Why was he following me?

I picked up my pace. I ran so hard my legs were burning. My house was now in sight. Finally. The sound of Gray's footstep sounded closer until he ran passed me, blocking the my front door. Damn him.

I reached my door, out of breath, and crossed my arms in front of my chest angrily.

"Move," I ordered.

"No, hear me out," he said out of breath.

I shook my head and tried to reach behind him, but he blocked my way.

"Lana, I had nothing to do with those rumours. You know the people in our school, they like to spread bullshit," he said earnestly. I wanted to believe him. I really did, but I couldn't.

"Stop it, please. I don't want to hear it," I cried, wiping the tears that traitorously slipped down my cheeks.

He took a step towards me, but I took a step. I needed space between us.

A look of hurt crossed his expression. "Please Lana, you have to know I would never hurt you."

"But you did! Ever since you spoke to me you hurt me!" I said. With everything horrible people say about me, the last thing I needed was more attention. For them to think the absolute worst of me. To add another bad title to my long list of ones.

As soon as Gray spoke to me, he put a target on my back. He opened the doors of rumors.

"Lana I swear I will set things straight with everyone," he said.

"And what? Tell them that you actually did 'mess around' with me?" I yelled.

"No! Why aren't you listening to me?" he asked frustrated.

He was angry? As if he had the right to be angry now.

"Please, I just need to be left alone now," I pleaded. I couldn't deal with this now. Not with him.

He gave me one last look before taking a step to the side, finally allowing me access to my door.

"I'll show you you're wrong about me," he called out to me before I slammed the door from the world. But that didn't last long.

Despite wanting to hide at home, I went to school. It was just like the day after the accident. People pointing and whispering. I got through it once, I'll get through it again. It's senior year after all. A few months and I'll be in a city halfway across the country and away from this horrible place filled with horrible memories.

I quickly made my way to class and kept my head low waiting for the morning announcements. The morning announcement meant that class could finally start and that I could escape for a short while.

The speakers came on.

"Ladies and Gentle men, if I can get your attention. This is Gray Roland, some of you have been spreading a whole lot of bullshit recently about Lana Meyers and I--"

"Hey! Who let him in?"

 "--The truth is that I would be the luckiest guy ever if she even looked at me. So let me warn you now, Lana is mine. Whoever messes with her, messes with me," he said quickly before the secretary took the speaker from him.

"We apologize for the previous announcement, as for..." 

All heads turned towards me.

Oh no.

Gray Roland you officially messed up.

I picked up my things in a haste, and ran straight to the office. I needed to confront him. I let out a sigh of relief seeing Gray leave the office. Good, I didn't miss him.  

"Roland!" I yelled out to him trying to get his attention.

His head whipped in my direction.

A wide grin found it's way to his lips upon realizing it was me. "Speaking of the devil."

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as soon as I reached him.

His expression turned serious. "I'm making myself up to you. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but I like you Lana. I've always liked you."

I narrowed my eyes at him and frowned. "Don't lie to me."

He shook his head.

"I'm not, I'll make you mine soon," he said with a wink. He was confident about that and it scared me. I've heard enough rumors about Gray to know how capable he was.

This was trouble.


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