Chapter 7: Permission

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Gray was coming over.

Gray might be coming over?

I hoped Gray was bluffing.

He couldn't come over.

He couldn't ask my father for my number.

He wouldn't.

I prayed he wouldn't.

I looked at the clock on the microwave. I was about done making dinner, I might be safe.

*knock* *knock*

I held my breath as I heard James make his way to the door.

Please be the mailman.

Please be the mailman!

"Hey man, what's up?" James' voice echoed from the foyer.

My whole body tensed waiting for the voice on the other end.

"Lana invited me," I heard Gray's voice.

I closed my eyes and groaned.

This guy actually came.

I couldn't believe it. 

I small laugh left my lips. He actually had guts, I had to give him that.

"Oh... okay that's great," I could hear the shock in James' voice. "Come in then."

"What's cooking good looking?" Gray asked, popping through the kitchen door.

"Did you really just ask that?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I did and I noticed you didn't set up my plate," he frowned, putting his hands on his hips.

Well duh.

"I didn't think you would be crazy enough to come," I stated.

"I'm crazy in love," he winked. 

I shook my head. What a tease.

Gray walked to the cupboard and grabbed his own plate and cutlery before going to set up a seat on the dining table. I couldn't believe it. This guy had memorized my kitchen after spending one day here. He really did treat himself at home. It was almost warming how comfortable he felt here, yet alarming. I didn't know what to do with him.

I took the last dish to the table before calling my parents down. "Mom! Dad! Dinner's ready!"

My father rolled my mom in on her wheel chair. They both paused at the sight of Gray, but then smiled warmly. Oh they really seemed to like him since meeting him. I didn't blame them, the guy knew how to charm.

"Hello Gray, it's nice to see you again," my mother smiled warmly at him.

He returned the smile, twice as wide. "It's nice to see you too Mrs and Mr. Meyers. I have to say Mrs. Meyers, you get more beautiful every time I see you."

This made her laugh.

"Have a seat son," said my dad, patting him on the back.

Everyone took a seat around the table. I sat uncomfortably in my seat realizing Gray had set up his plate beside mine.

My mother's eyes met mine before she smiled. "You made my favorite."

I returned a weak smile. I was thinking of her when I made it. Even though I took her legs away from her, I still struggled to give her little pieces of happiness.

Gray cleared his voice shifting the attention back to him. "So Mr. Meyers-"

My hand tightened around my fork. Was he going to do it?

"Jim, call me Jim," said my father.

Great, they were on a first name basis now. 

"I've been asking Lana for something, but she won't give it to me," he said, sparing only a glance. Oh dear god. He was actually doing it. "She said I'd have to ask you for it."

He was crazy! He was actually crazy! I looked at him wide eyed then looked at my dad and shook my head. Don't do it dad. Don't give it to him. I am your daughter! 

"Go on son," he said. Son. He called him son. He really did like him.

"All I want is her number and your blessing to go on a date with her," Gray finished.

Oh sweet Jesus he didn't. I was going to faint. 

Not only did he ask for my number, but also for permission to go on a date. A date. 

He really was serious about this.

My dad let out a loud laugh filling up the whole room. The rest of my family chimed in finding this horrible situation just as amusing. Great. Just great.

"Jesus Gray, I thought you were going to ask me for her hand or something craze like that," my dad sighed, rubbing his face.

My face burned. My hand... Good god.

"Not yet sir," Gray lifted his chin higher.

My jaw dropped. My family began to laugh again. What on earth was going on? Was I dreaming or was this actually happening?

I pinched myself.


It was actually happening.

"You got balls Gray," said James with a wide grin.

"I like him Jim," said my mom, patting my dad's arm.

Why were they taking this so casually? 

Gray looked at me and winked. This was real. He really was not taking no as an answer.

God, this boy had issues. 

He was my issue.


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