Chapter 6: Number

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Every meeting with Gray was always filled with surprise.

Lana Meyers, will you go out with me?

My mouth hung open as his words rang in my ear.

Gray Roland just asked me out.

Gray Roland.

Asked me.

There was only one way I could answer him.

"No," I said. 

The confident smile on his face dropped and was replaced by a confused look. "Why not?"

Why not? A million reasons why not. 

"Because no means no," I said the only reason I could think of at the moment.

How was I even capable of speech at the moment? Never in my life did I see this coming.

He seemed to ponder. "What about your number? Can I get that?" 

My number? 

I blinked a few times. "No."

This was actually happening. I wasn't dreaming.

"Come on, you're hurting my ego. No one's ever told me no," he said, putting a hand to his chest in mock pain.

"I'm sure that's a lie," I rolled my eyes.

"No it's true, my ego is really hurt," he said, his expression not changing.

I bit my lip to keep me from laughing.

His lips stretched into a grin before he pointed a finger in my direction. "I saw that almost smile! I knew I had a chance."

Is that seriously what he got from this?

"You don't, leave me alone," I said getting up to leave. If he wasn't leaving me alone, then I had to leave myself.

"You will say yes," he called after me.

In his dreams.


Gray Roland had to be the most persistent species I had ever encountered.

A week had passed and with every single day, Gray would ask me for my number. I had changed it after the accident with all the horrible messages I got from people. The only people that had it was administration and my family. With the way Gray was bugging me at every corner, I was tempted to give him my number. The only thing that held me back was the knowledge that he would probably start bothering me at home too.

I was finally free after school, using my time to go grocery shopping. I walked through the aisles, picking up a list of things I needed for the next few days. 

I picked up a jar, turning to read it's label when a voice I could recognize anywhere spoke to me.

"Meyers, I think it's destiny."

Here we go.

"Gray," I sighed, putting the jar down and meeting his gaze. "Are you following me now?"

His grin fell.

"No, my parents are never home so I do the grocery shopping," he said. I could tell it bothered him no matter how neutral he tried to be. "I don't know why I am explaining myself to you."

I turned my face so he didn't see me smile. I liked this side to Gray, his inability to hide his feelings. It was so human. It was almost cute seeing him unaware of what he says.

His fallen mask was quickly covered as he redirected the conversation. "Why don't you end this whole chase and give me your number."

"I don't own a number! I burned my phone! Are you happy?" I groaned tiredly.

"Nope," he shrugged with a small smirk on his lips.

"If you want it that badly, go ask my father for it," I challenged him, raising a brow.

If old tradition didn't scare him, than my father should. My father was a large man. Tall and well built. He was the type of guy people got intimidated by at first glance. I'm sure he owned a rifle.

"I will," he winked.

He wasn't.

"Go ahead," I said, not believing him.

He will be quitting any second now.

"Alright, what are you cooking tonight?" he asked.

"Chicken Alfredo-- wait what?" I asked, taking a double take.

"See you at dinner honey," he teased. 

"Don't call me that," I grumbled.

He only laughed in response before pushing his cart out of my aisle.

He couldn't come over.

He wouldn't.

If he did...

Well tonight was going to be a disaster.


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