Chapter 5: Lunch

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Ever since Gray's announcement, the whole school vibe had changed. It was as if he pushed a button that reversed everything. I went from social suicide to popular within minutes.

"Hey Lana, come to my party on Friday," said Madison, a girl in my chem class, as I made my way to the cafeteria.

"I'll think about it," I forced a smile.

That was so not happening. I never got invited to parties anymore.

I finally spotted an empty table. I couldn't believe I was happy to be alone after hating it for so long.

I held my breath as I saw Britney, a girl from my functions class, coming to sit beside me. This was not good.

"Love your hair, did you do something to it?" she asked, reaching for a strand. 

I tucked my hair behind my ear. This was so weird.

"Thanks," I mumbled. It looked exactly as it did the first day of school. What did everyone want?

A boy now sat across from me. I recognized him from the school's football team, I think his name was Trent.

Where were all these people coming from and why?

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" he leaned his arms against the table trying to give me his most charming smile.

I choked on my apple, bursting into a cough fit. Britney gave me two soft back blows as if to help me. Why did she keep touching me?

"What?" I finally managed to ask him after my throat cleared.

Beautiful? Where was this coming from?

"I just don't think it's fair Gray got to you first. How about you go out with me this Saturday?" he asked.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe my ears. Did he just ask me out?

I felt someone step behind me. I peered over my shoulder to find Gray giving Trent a murderous glare.

"Move Trent, I made my claim," said Gray.

"Excuse me?" I asked appalled. "You made your claim?"

"Yes, you're mine," he said, eyes darting down to meet him.

"No, I'm sorry. Nobody owns me," I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Just who did he think he was?

"And you Trent, you and your team were calling me names a few weeks ago," I pointed my fork at him accusingly. Yeah buddy, don't think you'd get away with that.

Someone new stepped to the table. Kristen Talbot, the girl with... not the cleanest reputation. 

Good god, what now?

"You see Gray, don't waste your time on a freak like her. She doesn't deserve you," she said, clinging on to Gray's arm like her life depended on it.

Gray looked uncomfortable as he shrugged her off his arm. "You're right, she deserves better. If she's a freak, then I'm a bigger one." 

He sat across from me, practically pushing Trent from his seat. Trent looked back and forth between Gray and I before standing up.

"If you change your mind you know where I'll be," he winked, before walking back to his table.

Finally, one down.

Kristen, who failed to get Gray's attention, seemed to have been fed up with being ignored and left too.

And then there was one.

We both turned to look at Britney. It took her a moment to realize why before she got up and found another place to sit.


Now I could talk to Gray.

"What did you do?"

"I was just setting people straight-"

I shook my head. "No, I mean why are people talking to me? All I wanted was to get by these next few months undetected."

It was a simple plan. Lay low, graduate, escape.

"You say it like it's a bad thing," he gave me a confused look.

"It is!" I exclaimed. "People who spent their time talking behind my back are now trying to be my friend and asking me out-"

Gray let out a small noise from the back of his throat that sounded like growl.

"This can be an issue," he nodded his head in agreement. He was finally understanding my point of view. "I had planned to take things slow, but I need to take the next step. Lana Meyers, will you go out with me?"


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