Chapter 3

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Morgana, Agravane, and a few of their men arrived at Morgana's hovel dragging an unconscious Merlin.

"What are we to do with him, my lady?" Agravane asks.

"Hmm... tie him up over there from his arms. We don't need my guest trying to escape."

So the men tie him up so he is hanging from his arms. It looks quite uncomfortable. Morgana is surprised that he has woken up yet.

"Will that be all, my lady?" One of the men ask her.

"Yes, you may go."

The men leave the hovel, but Agravane hesitates wanting to know what Morgana has planned. Morgana is already walking around the hovel getting out books and setting her plan in motion.

"What do you want, Agravane? I assume you have questions."

"It's just that I was wondering what you are going to do with him. Any information you want from him I probably already know. I am the most trusted member of the court after all."

"Oh Agravane. I know that you want to be useful, but that is for me to know and you to find out."

"Of course. Well, I need to head back to Camelot. They'll be expecting me."
He turns to leave.

"Agravane," she stops him, "If Merlin does come back to Camelot, assume he is there on my orders. I don't want you killing him when I still have use for him."

He nods as he walks out the door. Right away she goes back to her plans. She hoped to take over his mind using a Femora to get him to kill Arthur. It's brilliant. For some reason Arthur is very fond of his servant, he would never suspect that Merlin would try to kill him. Yes... this would be perfect! And as an added bonus, Merlin would be executed for killing the king. She would finally be rid of the one who somehow managed to foil all of her plans.

She looks over at Merlin's still unconscious form. He doesn't look so good, she thinks to herself. Hopefully he will be alright... but why should she care? The only downside to him dying is that she would have to come up with a different plan. That being said, she figures she should make sure the wound is not too serious before waking him up.

She goes over and starts to examine the wound. From what she could see the wound seemed deep, and it was quite dirty. She would have to clean that up later. However, the wound was a lot wider than she first expected. She tried to get a good look at the whole wound but between the awful lighting in her hovel and his shirt getting in the way, it was nearly impossible to see what the whole cut looked like. She finally decided she had enough trying to work around his shirt to examine the wound.

"Gadael crys." Her eyes flashed gold and his shirt was removed so she could finish her work. However, when she saw his chest she froze.

His entire torso was covered in scars, and the most prominent one is a giant burn mark in the center of his chest.

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