Chapter 22

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All the knights and Guinevere sit down right outside the barrier forming a semicircle in front of Merlin. Merlin sighs and sits down in the grass in front of them.

"Just wondering, is it really necessary that you all sit out there?"

"I don't know. Would you tell me if it was?"

"I guess that's fair... Look, Arthur, I know you're upset-"

"Oh, I'm furious. The only reason you're not on your way to the cells right now is because you're trapped in some magical bubble."
Merlin is hurt, but he tries not to show it.
"So, right now your best option is to start explaining things and hope that I don't still want to charge you with treason by the time you're done." Arthur says in his most kingly tone.

It's weird speaking to Merlin this way. Arthur hates it. But, he also needs answers. Even if Merlin is his friend, magic is outlawed. Deep down, Arthur knows that he could never actually kill Merlin, but Merlin doesn't necessarily need to know that. Merlin bows his head and nods.

"Yes, sire."

"How long have you been practicing magic?"

"I was born with it. I never had a choice."

Arthur inhales.
"I thought that wasn't possible. People have to study magic."

"It wasn't possible. But then it happened, to me. It's some kind of destiny thing. I have able to levitate objects and stuff like that since I was a boy."

"What's your plan? Why did you come to Camelot?"

"My plan?" Merlin's anger starts rising.
"What, just because I have magic I have to have some secret plan to take over the kingdom? I had to leave Ealdor. The people there knew I was different; they just didn't know how. I was beaten, ridiculed, and whipped because the people there didn't trust me."

Gwen let's put a gasp and covers her mouth. All the knights were taken aback by this, including Arthur. Arthur quickly regains his composure and goes on with questioning Merlin.

"Why would you come to Camelot though? Magic is outlawed."

Merlin calms himself before answering.
"My magic was growing stronger, and I didn't know how to control it. My mother sent me to an old friend who she believed could help me control my powers."

"I assume this is Gaius?"
Merlin nods.
"Of course it is..." Arthur grumbles under his breath. "What do you use your magic for?"

"For you Arthur! Only for you."
Arthur seems confused at that so Merlin continues.
"I use it to protect you. You have no idea how many people try to kill you on a daily basis. I've defeated countless people who have tried to kill you and attack the kingdom. I've almost lost my life for you numerous times. Like... remember when you were bitten by the questing beast?"
Arthur nods.
"I went to trade my life for yours. However, Nimueh ended up dying which served as a sacrifice for your life. And there are plenty of other examples... if you need to know more."

Arthur is stunned. Merlin was going to die for him? How should Arthur know that all of this is true? It doesn't seem like Merlin is lying, but he has lied to Arthur for the past six years. He's probably become good at it by now.

"How do I know you're not lying to us?"

"Arthur!" Gwen exclaims, horrified by his question.

Merlin simply lifts up his shirt. Gwen gasps and cries out. The knight's eyes widen in horror. Even on a seasoned knight, they had never seen so many scars. There was also an enormous, ugly burn right in the middle of his chest.

"Merlin..." Gwaine starts, still horrified, "where did you get those?"

"Umm... well a lot of them come from whippings or beatings. Quite a few sword slashes... one or two from a mace, and a fireball. Also, there's a serket sting on my back."

The knights are speechless. Some of them actually have their mouths hanging open just staring. Merlin awkwardly lowers his shirt, breaking the knights out of their trance.

"Umm... could you go back to the fireball for just a second?" Elyan questions.

"I'm more concerned about the serket sting," Gwaine adds.

"When were you hit with a sword?"

The questions start rolling in. Before Merlin has the chance to answer any of them, Arthur yells,

They all turn to look at him.

"Merlin... no mortal man should be able to survive the wounds you've described. Heck- you know how many knights I've seen die from serket stings? How powerful are you?"

Merlin chuckles, but there's no humor behind it.

"Apparently I'm the most powerful. The druids know me by another name: Emrys."

Percival gasps. Everyone else just looks on, confused.

"I'm the most powerful sorcerer ever to walk the earth. The Old Religions told prophecies about me and the Once and Future King helping to bring about the time of Albion."

"The Once and Future King... that's not-"

"It's you, Arthur."

"It's... what? No way..."

Arthur puts his head in his hands, trying to comprehend what he's hearing. There's too much that has happened even in the last hour. Merlin's a sorcerer. He's this Emrys guy. Arthur is the Once and Future King, and him and Merlin are supposed to bring about the land of Albion. Then, he thinks of something.

"So... were you just loyal to me all this time because of some great destiny?"

"No! I mean, at first yes. However, at first you were a prat. You still are, but not as much. I'm loyal to you because you're my friend. I would never betray you, Arthur. You know that."

Arthur's brain is still overloaded, but at least he knows why Merlin has been so loyal to him. He needs to process all of this. He also needs to decide what on earth he's going to do with Merlin and Morgana.

"Arthur?" Merlin asks hesitantly.
"What are you going to do?"

"I... I... I need to take a walk."

Arthur gets up, and turns to walk into the woods. The knights and Gwen watch as he walks off.

"Give him time. He'll come around." Gwen smiles at Merlin.

Merlin gives her a small smile in return, holding as much fear as it does hope.

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