Chapter 9

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"What was that?!" Merlin shouts gathering his bearings. "You entered my mind to look at my memories?"

Morgana is still on the floor trying to find the strength to get up. The spell absolutely exhausted her. Merlin takes the opportunity to continue yelling at her.

"What were you thinking? You can't just enter into someone's mind-"

"Well clearly I just did," she weakly replied.

"No, you can't. First of all, it's wrong. One is not supposed to enter the mind of another. That's why you're exhausted!"

"You wouldn't answer my questions!"

"You invaded my mind! My personal experiences!"

"In case you haven't noticed, Merlin, you're trapped. I needed answered, and clearly you were not ready to give them," Morgana sneered, gaining her strength.

Merlin is fuming.
"Did it occur to you how dangerous of a spell you were trying to perform, for both of us? You could've lost control and gotten trapped! Who knows how long we both could've been stuck in my mind if I didn't block you out!"

"How would you know anything about this, Merlin?" Morgana snaps, now on her feet.

Merlin pauses, realizing he may have gone too far.

"Gaius told me stories of sorceresses in the Old Religion getting trapped in the minds of their captives. In some cases their memories became so intertwined that they couldn't tell the difference. They lost their minds Morgana! The same thing could've happened to us."

"But it didn't."

"You're welcome."

"Shut up, Merlin. Need I remind you that I am fully capable of making your life 100 times more miserable than it already is?"

Merlin scoffs but he doesn't respond. A wave of exhaustion overtakes Morgana again and she decides to take a seat. She knows that she will need to sleep soon, but she needed one more answer first.

"Why are you so loyal to Arthur?"

"What?" Merlin looks like her, confused by the change in subject.

"You heard me. Why are you so loyal to Arthur?"

"It's my job."

Morgana simply laughs. Merlin knows that that's not enough of an answer. He debates not answering at all but at this point he fears what Morgana would do. The fact the she hadn't found out about his magic yet was a miracle, and he wasn't going to mess that up now.

"I'm his servant, and I'm proud to be in that role. I believe that he will create a fair and just land for all people." Morgana scoffs.
"Besides, it goes both ways. He saved me numerous times... and he's my friend," Merlin adds quietly.

Morgana looks at the ground, almost sadly. As she looks up and meets Merlin's eyes she asks,
"Wasn't I?"

The question stuns him. Before he could even attempt to respond, Morgana stood up and walks to her bed. She was physically and emotionally drained. Tomorrow she will be able to actually find out the information she needed to know.

All Merlin could do was stand there tied to the ceiling, and wonder what on earth just happened.


Agravane had been called into the council chamber as part of an urgent meeting. The young king is so caught up in looking for his manservant. It had been a week at this point and Agravane had already told him the searching may prove to be futile. Of course, they have yet to find anything. The king is just distracting himself, which could be an advantage if Morgana ever wants to strike.

He arrives at the council chamber where Arthur, Gaius, and Arthur's most trusted knights are waiting.

"Agravane. Nice of you to join us," Arthur welcomes.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. Just finishing up some business," Agravane takes a seat. "So what is this about?"

Arthur clears his throat and stands up, preparing to address everyone.

"As you all know, Merlin was recently lost while we were on a trip. Because we have yet to find him, I believe it is safe to assume he has been taken somewhere. However, some evidence has come to light giving us reason to believe that Morgana is involved. Actually, I believe she may have Merlin herself."

Gasps are heard around the room. The knights that are closest to him are particularly concerned.

"What?" Agravane exclaims. "Morgana? Near Camelot? What makes you think this?"

"We found strange markings on the arms of the bandits that were killed. They are markings of the Old Religion."

"How could she have gotten here undetected?" Agravane asks, feigning deep concern.

"I have no idea. But she does have magic, and we know she's powerful. We also know that she would stop at nothing to see Camelot fall. At this point our priority is finding her. And if at all possible, bringing Merlin home."

"Sire, would you like me to send out a search party near the Valley of the Fallen Kings?" asks Leon.

"Yes. And while you're at it interview the citizens of the nearby villages. Find out if there is any sign of Morgana."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"This meeting is dismissed," Arthur declares.

Quickly everyone files out of the room, eager to get a search underway. Agravane, however, has other plans.

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