Chapter 28

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Everything looks like it is going according to plan. As tough as it is for Merlin to watch, Morgana seems to be adjusting well to her new life. On the way back, before they had met up with the other knights, Arthur had to put the magic suppressing chains back on Morgana. She took it well, and the chains did not seems to have a very strong affect on her. She went back with them willingly with Merlin and the knights of the Round Table surrounding her. It was certainly helpful having the group of them know what actually went down. When they arrived back in Camelot, Gaius was overjoyed to see Merlin. Merlin had to assure him multiple times that he was unharmed.

Morgana was taken to the cells soon after that. Fortunately she was only down there a couple of days. During that time, Merlin visited on various occasions. Of course, it was only during the shifts with the knights that knew what all had happened. After her brief time in the cells she was brought before the court where she gave her "official apology and surrender." As promised, Arthur welcomed her back with open arms as long as she agreed to wear the cuffs. They had already discussed all of this, so this was all for show. Morgana was moved to her old chambers will also under strict watch of guards. Beyond that, everything seems to be going fine.

Morgana moved in to her chambers two days ago, with almost everyone on edge. Merlin had numerous discussions with Gaius explaining exactly what happened. As apprehensive as Gaius was, he decided that for now she could be trusted. Gaius also can't deny how happy Merlin seems to be at the sight of Morgana. Gaius is sitting at his work desk when Merlin walks in, beaming.

"Why are you in such a good mood?"

"I finished my chores early!" Merlin smiles.

"Right... and would you happen to have plans for the rest of the day?"

"Oh you know, I'm just going to go out to the meadow. It's a beautiful day! It would be a shame to spend it inside."

"Well enjoy your day. Oh and Merlin?"

"Yes?" Merlin questions, already halfway out the door.

"Tell Morgana I say hi."

Merlin grins and runs off to visit Morgana. Merlin has pretty much memorized the guards on duty. Lucky for him, today it is Gwaine and Percival who are keeping an eye on the wing of the castle where Morgana is staying. Merlin passes Gwaine on the way, who gives him a knowing smirk. Merlin finally reaches Morgana's door. Before he knocks on the door he whispers a few words and a bouquet of flowers appears in his hand. He knocks and she comes and opens the door, looking almost exactly like her old self.

"Merlin!" She smiles.

"My lady." He gives her a mock bow, which causes her to giggle.
"I was wondering if you would care to join me in the meadow?"
He extends the flowers to her and she smiles and takes them.

"I would love to! But I don't know if me leaving the castle is a great idea right now... what with the guards and the people..."

"Don't worry about that. Gwaine and Percival are on duty, and I know a more hidden way to get to the field. It'll be fun!"

"Fine," she sighs as she puts the flowers in her room.
"Lead the way."

He leads her out of the castle, through the woods, and put into the field passing few people along the way. When they arrive they both lay on their backs next to each other, taking in the beautiful sky and the feel of the grass under them. It's like a breath of fresh air.

"How are the cuffs treating you?" He asks, somewhat guiltily.

"They're fine. I mean, I'm still getting used to not having my magic. Other than that, they do not have a huge effect on me."


"How was your first day of training yesterday?" She smirks.

Merlin groans.
"It's lucky I was able to walk today. I barely got out of bed this morning!"

Morgana laughs, causing Merlin to smile despite how stiff he was.

"I'm serious! I think had Arthur had some frustration to work out... which is understandable. At one point I caused him to trip using magic. Let's just say that did not end well. Actually I probably have a bruise from that one..."

This causes Morgana to laugh even more. Merlin eventually joins in. Merlin reaches out and grabs her hand, enjoying the moment between them.

"I can feel it when I'm with you," she smiles.

"Feel what?"

"Magic. Right under my skin. It radiates off of you. It's a wonder no one noticed."

"They don't feel it the way that we do. They can only see it."

She hums in agreement.

"Morgana? Are you happy here?"

"You mean under watch and without my magic?" She chuckles.

"No... I mean being in Camelot in general, with me?"

"Yes. And I'm happy thinking about the days to come, when magic is free and we don't have to hide who we are."

"So am I."


In the months to come, Camelot saw many changes. Slowly the laws began to change until the point that magic was no longer banned. The punishment would fit the crime. When Arthur first made the announcement there were many mixed reactions. The people seemed to take it pretty well for the most part, save one or two riots. Most of the council was outraged. They said that this was an abomination to Uther's rule. However, Arthur stood firm. After a couple months of chaos things began to calm down. Arthur had formally made peace with the druids and people were starting to see magic within the kingdom.

Soon after the magic ban was lifted Arthur removed Morgana's cuffs. She and Merlin both served as trusted advisors to the king. They helped seal the gap between Camelot and the people of magic. With protest from Merlin, Arthur named him Court Sorcerer. Merlin rules over the druids and helped give Arthur advise on all matters involving magic... and on just about everything else as well.

Eventually Merlin and Morgana got married, along with Gwen and Arthur. It was a joyous time in the kingdom. With Arthur and Gwen ruling over Camelot, and Merlin and Morgana alongside them Camelot was unstoppable. In time, they united the land of Albion and fulfilled their destinies.

Merlin and Arthur remained as two sides of the same coin. Even into their old age they would still banter and have the best of times. Morgana and Gwen quickly put their pasts behind them and grew close once more. Camelot prospered and the four of them lived in peace knowing that all was well in the kingdom. All of this came to pass because of a boy from a small town with a big destiny. It was the doing of Merlin who turned out to be more than a servant.

Guys... I stink at endings. I just needed to get one more fluffy chapter in there though. Stick around for an announcement and maybe a little surprise??? Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it almost as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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