Chapter 14

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Gaius is rummaging through his potions, trying to keep himself busy, when he hears a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

The door opens, and Gwen walks in.

"Ah, Guinevere. Do you need something?"

"No. I just wanted to come and check on you." Gaius stops what he's doing and takes a seat. Gwen sits down next to him.
"How are you doing? Really?"

"About as well as could be expected." He stares off into space.

They both sit in silence for a minute, thinking. Gwen is weighing in her mind whether or not to ask the question she really wanted to know. Gaius looks at her knowingly.

"What is on your mind?"

She hesitates.
"Do you really think this is the work of Morgana?"

"I fear that is the most likely scenario."

"But why? What would she want with Merlin?"

"I have no idea."

In reality, he does have an idea, he just hopes it's not true. If Morgana finds out about his magic, let alone about him being Emrys, the consequences could be drastic. In fact, she would probably kill him then and there.

"Gaius?" Gwen asks with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Yes, Gwen?"

"Isn't it weird that the bandits knew exactly where they were going? Arthur told almost nobody of the route they were taking."

"Indeed," Gaius ponders. "That is very strange."

"Someone must have told them. But who could it have been?"

They both went silent. Gaius has his suspicions about Agravane from the beginning, but voicing those suspicions to Arthur would be too risky. Gwen has a bad feeling about Agravane as well. He had already tried to convince Arthur that he and Gwen could not be together.

"Can I ask you something, in privacy?" Gwen starts.


"What do you think about Sir Agravane?"

"I think that Arthur trusts him with his life. And that speaking out against him could have grave consequences."

"But do you trust him?"

Gaius sighs.
"I have had my suspicions about him for a while now. But to say that he's in league with Morgana is a dangerous assumption."

Gwen pauses.
"What if we could find out?"

"What are you suggesting?"

"I could follow him around for a while at a distance. See if he does anything suspicious."

"That is extremely dangerous. If you are found out you could be killed."

"I'll be careful." Gaius shakes his head.
"Gaius... if there is even a possibility that this could lead us to Merlin, I have to take the risk. He would do the same for me."

Gaius looks at her. He knows in his heart that there is absolutely nothing he can do to stop her.

"Just promise me that you will be careful."

"I will."


Agravane was left to watch over the kingdom a few days ago by the young king. As far as Agravane knew, there search has amounted to nothing thus far. However, he can't deny that he is slightly worried that they will find Morgana. She is careful, but sometimes he thinks that she's not careful enough.

Agravane does not understand why she is just staying in her hovel at a time like this. Arthur is our in the woods searching for his manservant, and Agravane is on the throne. Camelot is possibly at its most vulnerable at this moment, and she's too caught up interrogating a servant. Whatever answers she is looking for, they better be worth it.

Just as he's thinking this, a knight comes and knocks on the door.


"I have a report on the patrols out with King Arthur."

"Well?" Urging the knights to continue.

"The patrols have found nothing this far, but they have heard reports of sightings of Morgana. They will be searching about three miles Northeast of the Valley of the Fallen Kings."

That's close. Too close. It's only a matter of time before they reach her.

"Thank you. That will be all."
He sends the knight away.

He has to reach Morgana. However, he has no way of contacting her. By horse it should take a day to get there and back. He can leave in the early morning and be back by tomorrow evening. He begins to pack and get ready for the trip he will take tomorrow.

Unbeknownst to him, Gwen was outside of the room looking in through a vent. She heard the report and saw the worry on his face after the knight left. She could also see him packing. There was definitely something off about this. He is not supposed to leave under any circumstances. Gwen quickly decides to go home and pack up. It looks like she's going on a little trip.

Somebody may be starting to catch on... Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

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