A Day to Remember

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Morgana touches the flowers in her vase, admiring the new ones Merlin had brought her. She is amazed the even through all the business of being Court Sorcerer and having to calm down riots every other week he still found time to bring her flowers. Luckily it has calmed down a good bit. The first couple months were insane. The amount of death threats they had gotten were actually surprising. Well, they're still here so everything is fine.

Someone knocks on the door, breaking her from her thoughts.
"Come in!"

Gwen walks through the door with a smile on her face. She is practically glowing!

"Well you look happy today! Let me guess, you just went on a ride with Arthur?"

"A walk through the town actually," Gwen giggles.
"And goodness knows I'm not the only one that's happy today. I notice you have a new batch of flowers."

It is now Morgana's turn to giggle.

"He brought them this morning. We ate breakfast together. It was very nice."

"Hmm... very nice. Any news with you two as of late?"

"Gwen! Of course there is no news. Things are going well. We're taking things slow. With all the unrest with magic right now it really would not be the best time change anything yet. However, I am starting to wonder when Arthur is going to make his move."

Gwen sighs and sits down at the table. Morgana joins her, amused by this reaction.

"I mean realistically, I'm still only a servant. I am of no Royal house and have no claim to the throne in the first place. So, I mean, I shouldn't really expect anything, right? I mean, I'm not going to get my hopes up if nothing can ever happen."

"Guinevere. Do you hear yourself right now? He loves you! I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. And it's been that way for years! Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to ask a certain question soon."

Gwen scoffs.

"At this rate I don't know if he ever will."


"Merlin! What took you so long?"

"Believe it or not, sire, being Court Sorcerer and part time servant and physicians assistant can be quite time consuming."

"Okay, first of all, how many times have I told you that you no longer need to be my servant? Second of all, I'm the king and when I call you that means you have to come. This is a situation in which I really need your help!"

Merlin gets worried at this point. Could it be another problem with the law change? Merlin is already running scenarios in his head to see how they can get out of this one.

"Is it urgent?" Merlin asks.

"Extremely. I don't just need your help as an advisor; I need it as a friend."

Merlin gulps.
"Umm, okay. What do you need help with?"

"I need your help setting up a place for me and Guinevere to go tonight. And help planning what I'm going to say, what to wear, how to pose the question, and of course I need to talk to Elyan but I'll have to do that on my own-"

"Wait- what?!?"

"I'm proposing to Guinevere tonight."

Merlin can do nothing but stare for a moment. Once the wave of shock passes out him, he engulfs his friend in a bear hug.

"Merlin, what-"

"Finally! Three years later, finally! Okay, so I'm going to find a spot in the meadow. I'll go get some candles, prepare a meal, and of course you'll have to dress a bit nicer. You can't simply propose in your casual wear. You can get her right before sunset I would bet. Perfect time for a proposal!"

Arthur stares at Merlin in awe, and slight concern.

"Merlin... have you been planning this?"

"Maybe a little."

"How long?"

"Two years."

***(later that night)***

Knock, knock.

"Come in!" Morgana yells from inside her chambers, already knowing who it's going to be.

Gwen enters the room beaming, squeals, and flops down on Morgana's bed. All Morgana can do is simply laugh.

This was just fun. I plan to have only a couple more of these (one of which being a wedding). Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

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