Chapter 24

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Gwen and Arthur return to the sound of men laughing, and oddly enough a few donkey noises. As Arthur comes into view, Merlin is the first to see him. Merlin quickly turns serious, dread filling him once more. The knights look and stop laughing, but some of them still couldn't keep the smiles off their faces.

"What's going on?"

"Oh Merlin's just telling us a few stories of happenings back in Camelot."

Arthur thinks back to a certain time which could result in much laughter and donkey noises. He clears his throat trying not to think about it.

"Right. Well could you all give us some privacy for a moment. I need to talk to Merlin alone."

Merlin visibly pales, but he doesn't move from his spot. Whatever Arthur decides to do, Merlin will have to just let him do it. Running or fighting will only increase his hatred of magic. The knights quietly stand up and start walking into the woods. Many of them give Merlin sympathetic smiles as they walk by. Then, only Merlin and Arthur are left.

There's an awkward silence in which Merlin shifts to his knees. Merlin considers talking but he thinks better of it. He just kneels staring at the ground in front of him. He hears Arthur unsheaving his sword. Merlin looks up in fear, but then Arthur simply thrusts his sword into the ground.

"Don't worry, there's no need for that."

Merlin relaxes, but continues to look at ground.

"Are you going to sit there kneeling all day? Get up, you've never treated me as royalty before might as well not start now."

Merlin quickly rises to his feet, which is made slightly harder because his hands are still bound. They both stand there awkwardly for a second until Merlin starts.

"Arthur, I just wanted to say before you sentence me to whatever I'm-"

"Sorry?" Arthur interrupts.
"Save it. I don't need your apology."

"But I mean it! You didn't deserve to find out this way, and I'm sorry for that."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You would've run me through. Or turned me in to your father."

That stung Arthur, but he couldn't deny that it very well could've been true. He doesn't know what he would've done.

Merlin sighs.
"That being said, I owed it to you to tell you. I will take whatever sentence you give me."

Arthur pauses, taking this all in. Then he recomposes himself to give Merlin the news.

"Well, you should be relieved to know that you're not going to die."
Merlin breathes a sigh of relief, and Arthur continues.
"And since I apparently would not last a day without you, you will not be banished either."

Merlin looks at him with relief and disbelief. After the way that Arthur found out he at least expected to be banished.

"Thank you," he whispers.

"I'm not done yet. Just because I owe you my life doesn't mean you're off the hook. My trust has still been broken. You're going to have to earn it back."
Merlin nods enthusiastically.
"You will continue to work as my servant so I can keep an eye on you. No one is to know about this, and I will tell the knights as well. As far as right now is concerned, your secret must stay a secret. Also, don't expect me to let you off the hook for randomly disappearing or trying to hide things from me. From now on it's the truth or the cells, got it?"

"Yes, my lord."

"One more thing, on top of all your current duties you are going to begin training."

"Sorry, what now?"

"Training, to fight. If you're off risking your life every other day, you need to know how to use a sword."

"I know how to use a sword," Merlin mutters under his breath.

"Hardly. I will be training you myself so I can be sure that there's no cheating going on. Don't think I haven't thought about all those branches that have randomly fallen during fights."

"You know how many of those branches have saved your life?"

"Oh yes, that's another thing. I can't prevent you from protecting me and the other knights, and honestly I would be stupid to do that. Just know that if the wrong person finds out about your magic, I don't know if I will be able to help you. From now on you are working strictly under my orders. If there is a threat you come to me first. You do not act without my permission."

"Yes, sire."

Arthur releases a breath, glad that part is over with. He sinks to the ground feeling a wave of exhaustion hitting him. This day has been too much to handle.

"Arthur?" Arthur looks up, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. And for heavens sake unbind yourself; we both know you can. You're not my prisoner, you're my servant."

Merlin's eyes flash gold and the rope breaks. He then sits down at the grass in front of Arthur. Merlin becomes particularly interested in a certain piece of grass, that is until the king interrupts his thoughts.

"What should I do with Morgana?"

"After all that you're asking me?" Merlin's shocked.

"Gwen tells me you felt as if you were getting through to her. I feel that making peace with her would send out a good message. However, I also can't let her off the hook for all she has done."

"Well... the cuffs should not harm her for a while. Also, when we get back to Camelot I can enchant one of the cells to be able to hold her, with your permission of course."

The wheels in Arthur's head start turning. Merlin is their best bet at making peace with Morgana, and he's the only one that can overpower her. There may be advantages to having him around.

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