Chapter 13

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Arthur and his knights had been searching for hours. Nothing. As far as Arthur's group goes, they have found absolutely nothing. Arthur is trying very hard not to let his disappointment show, but Gwaine can see right through him.

"Hello, princess!"

Arthur gives him a look that clearly says, 'really Gwaine?'

"Look, I'm worried about him too. Merlin is one of my best friends. And whether or not you will admit it, he's also yours."

Arthur sighs.
"I'm just worried about where he is right now. He's not dead, I know it. I just hate to think of what's he's going through right now if he was captured."

"Merlin is strong, and determined. Wherever he is, he'll be okay. We are going to find him and bring him home."

Arthur smiles.
"Thank you Gwaine." Arthur looks at the sky, realizing that it's getting dark. "We should make camp soon. There are a couple villages near here that we can check out tomorrow."

"I'll gather up the men, Sire."

As Arthur's group of men starts setting up camp, Arthur sees Percival approaching.

"Percival!" He runs up and shakes Arthur's hand.
"Do you have any news?"

"We do, Sire. In one of the villages we passed through, there was a woman that said she saw Morgana out in the woods. The woman hid so Morgana didn't see her."

"Where was this?"

"About four miles North of here."

"Alright. Tomorrow my group will come and help search those woods. Head back and get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Yes, sire." Percival turns to leave.

"Percival!" Percival turns to look. "Thank you."

"Of course, Sire."


"So Merlin, now that we've established that you have magic, how did you actually get that burn on your chest?"

"Really? That's what you want to know?"
Merlin feels his insides begin to burn.

"Well it's as good a place to start as any."

The burning and aching in his stomach starts to increase. He winces in pain.

"Fireball." The pain subsides.

"A fireball? You survived being hit by a fireball?"

"Well... yes."

"Who threw it?"

He hesitates a few seconds, deciding if he should answer. Then the pain starts kicking in, even stronger than before.


"Nimueh. As in high priestess of the Old Religion." He nods.
"Huh. You must be stronger than you look."

All she receives is an eye roll in return.

"How long have you had magic?"

"Ummm... as long as I can remember."

"Why didn't you help me?" She asks bitterly.

"What do you mean?" He starts feeling discomfort in his stomach.

"When I started to realize that I had magic. You could have helped me! You just said that you've had magic as long you can remember."

"I tried to help you Morgana! Remember who told you about the druids?"

"But you had magic Merlin. You could have taught me yourself instead of lying to me and sending me away."

"I wanted to tell you. I really did. I couldn't risk it though. If anyone were to find out, I would have been killed."

"Out of all people Merlin, do you really think I would've told anyone? We had the same secret!"

"Don't you think I know that!"

They both pause. Morgana is just shocked at what Merlin said. He sounded almost guilty. Merlin is just exhausted. He is trying to tell only half truths so he doesn't raise any suspicion about his true identity. Because of that, there seemed to be a constant dull pain in his stomach. In addition, the handcuffs were draining him. He's fears that he'll pass out from the strain.

"Why did you poison me?" She breaks the silence.

"I had to."

"What on earth is that supposed to mean? Because I had magic? In case you didn't realize, you had magic too!"

He looks at her confused.
"Morgouse didn't tell you?"

"She told me that you poisoned me and that she rescued me in exchange for breaking the spell. But, why did you have to poison me?"

Merlin looks somewhere between shocked, confused, and almost angry. He also keeps looking at the ground. This just makes Morgana more confused.

"You didn't know..." he sighs, "of course you didn't."

"Didn't know what?" She asks, slightly irritated.

"A spell that powerful needed a living source of magic to keep the spell from breaking. You were the source, Morgana. The magic that was keeping the spell going came from you."

"What? No, Morgouse cast the spell."

"But Morgouse needed a vessel. She used you."

"No... no, she's my sister! She wouldn't use me without telling me... you're lying!"

"Wouldn't you be able to tell if I was lying, Morgana?"

Morgana faces him angrily. He has to be lying. Morgouse wouldn't just use her without her permission. Maybe the poison isn't working.

"Gwanwyn cryf!"

Nothing changes. Merlin's only reaction is looking confused. That should have strengthened the poison. He should've felt pain! Unless...

"No..." she whispers.

"Morgana, I'm sorry."

She turns, ready to yell or use magic. However, she stops herself. Merlin looks as if he's about to pass out. His eyes are starting to close, and he seems to struggle to keep his head up.

"Merlin... Merlin?"

He was fine a moment ago. Merlin slumps over in his chair, unconscious.

"What the heck..."

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