Chapter 10

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It's been two days, and I still couldn't get the courage to get out of my room. Mina and I have been talking to each other, and she said that our friends are already informed that Lisa, infact, did leave.

"Jennie, dont you want to see the letters that Lisa left for you guys? I mean sooner or later, you're gonna need to leave that room, so why not do it now?" Mina asked me on the phone. I stared blankly at the wall not knowing what to say.

"Just give me some more time, and I'll be able to go through with this" I stated, as I could hear Mina sigh on the other end. There was a long pause before she started to speak again.

"You know Lisa's gone, and yes she wont come back anytime soon, but trust me, she'll come back" Tears were brimminh in her eyes, as I remembered the last moments that we were together.

"I know" Suddenly there was a knock on my door "I have to go, I think the squad is here" I said and we bid goodbye to eachother. I went to open the door, and as expected Jisoo and the others were there.

They were looking at me with simpathy, I could tell they already knew.

"Hey...guys?" I greeted them, but it vame out as a question.

"We found out Lisa left some letters for us, dont you want to go and see it?" Jisoo asked as she leaned on the door frame.

I hesitated, thinking that I didn't want to see it yet, but everyone knew that I desperately wanted to see it.



We went to Mina's house a few blocks away from the campus. We sat on her couch and surprisingly, even the biys are behaved.

"I have the letters over in the dining room, she said that you guys can take it whenever you guys are ready to see what she says"

One by one my friends went to the dining room to get their letters. Not knowing what to do, I suddenly thought of Lisa.

What is she doing? Will she be fine? Is she mad at me? When will she come back?

I was broken out of my trance by Mina who tapped my shoulder. Telling me that I was the only one who didn't take a letter.

"I know you have a lot of questions in your mind, but those will be answered when you open the letter" She smiled warmly at me, and I noticed my friends were all about to cry after reading their letters.

I stood up and went to the dining room to get mine. It was a yellow envelope, with a heaet sign next to my name. I slowly opened it and there was a white paper inside.

It read:

Hi Jennie,

I know you're reading this and probably wondering why I left, and you have a lot of questions in your mind. Well Im here you tell you that Im sorry...for a lot of things really. Im sorry if I never understood you fully, I know that was my mistake and I am willing to fix this all, but not now. I left because I needed to study in California, my parents said so. I didn't want to tell any of you becayse I didn't want you all to be worried. To be honest you guys were the closest to me aside from Mina and my family. Second, Im sorry if I never really said my feelings to you. I assumed you felt them but I guess that wasn't the case. You have Kai, and I can see that you're happy with him. You can say Im the jealous type and I wouldn't even vither to protest. Lastly, Im sorry if I left.

Jennie you dont know how special you made me feel when we shared that kiss. All these years I thought I was straight and would find my knight in shining armor, but I guess I was the knight and you were my princess. The only problem though is that I wasn't able to protect you. I was a coward. Thank you for making me feel this way Jennie. I hope we see each other again, and if we do. I hope that we can be friends, if we cant be something more.

I love you Jennie Kim, and I wont be afraid to tell you that anymore. Im sorry if I couldn't tell it to you in person, but it's the truth. I really do love you.

As always, I'll be supporting you silently and continue to love you. Wait for me Jennie.

I love you.

Your Lalisa

A tear escaped from my eye. I wanted to take back everything I did so that we would still be together.

I didn't notice that I fully broke down, until I felt my friends engulf into a tight hug.

"Jennie, stop crying, Lisa will come back, you just need to wait for her" Jisoo said as she rubbed my back.

"But for how long? What if she is just saying that to make me feel better?" I asked still sobbing into her arms. Mina came close to me and looked at me with a sad expression, but she managed to force out a smile.

"Jennie, I know Lisa and when she promises, she doesn't break them" Mina said

"That's what you thought" I retorted

"What do you mean Jennie?" She asked, and anger took over me

"She said she wouldn't leave me! She said that on the night of our kiss! I hate her! I hate her so much for leaving me!" I shouted as I dropped to the floor and hugged my knees sobbing into them "I just wish I could've done something, but I didn't! I wish she would've kept her promise!"

I hate you Lisa.

I hate you so much for leaving me suddenly. If you would leave atleast give a warning, but you didn't.

I hate you..


A/N: Well, there goes our ship sinking..

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