Chapter five.

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I'm losing my mind.

There is no other way to put it- as the night goes by I feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into a world of madness. Nothing makes sense anymore. There is no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong.

I just have to survive.

We have to survive.

But can I save everyone ?

I couldn't save Yeri...

Who will be next ?

My head is hurting, everything feels like it's spinning around me, everything- all these years spent here were just lies.


The voice seems far away- so so far away, and I pay no mind to it, playing with the hem of my shirt to distract myself from falling deeper into darkness.

"Jen, hey-"

I can't- won't look up.

"Open your eyes, please,"

I do as I'm told this time. The voice seems closer, warmer.

I'm instantly met with big doe eyes, tinted by worry and... fear, I'm guessing.

"Are you okay ?" She asks, her voice gentle.

I laugh.

"Lisa," I shake my head and watch her eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Do you really have to ask that?" I mock.

This is ridiculous. Everything is ridiculous.

"I mean..." She clears her throat, "Like- you seemed really off, and..."

"Sorry, Lis." I say, "I'm just still in shock. I don't think I'll ever be okay again..."

"Yeah..." She sits beside me, staying silent for a few seconds, "Same."

We sit in silence for a while, watching the other girls in the corner of our eyes. It's like no one knows each other anymore, like we're all enemies, waiting to destroy the other.

I sigh.

"Hey," She says after a while and I just hum, prompting her to continue, "So... I've been keeping an eye on Seulgi,"

I immediately look at her, my eyebrows scrunched up, "And...?"

"Well she's just really not acting like her normal self. I mean, it's understanding, but you know.... she just seems so distant? Like, kinda like a robot or something,"

"Lisa," I chuckle, "That's not-"

"No, I know. But... We're obviously all pretty shocked by what happened. Yet none of us stayed alone all the time, unlike her,"

I nod slowly, trying to replay all the events of this night, only noticing now that ever since we got the news about Jin's death, Seulgi stayed on her own. All the time.

As if she knew for sure one of us was guilty.

Or maybe she knew something else?

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