Chapter seven, II

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We're finally at our destination... Final destination, maybe.


I feel euphoric, feel like my entire life has lead to this very moment. My only chance of making things right again. Of reestablishing justice.

God... I feel amazing.

None of us dares to speak as Chaeyoung lead us to her apartment, until we stop in front of a door. It's time.

"I swear blondie, if you tried to trick us..." Jackson warns and I shake my head, not letting the singer the time to reply.

"She isn't stupid, she doesn't want to die like this, right Chaeyoungie?" I say, my tone voluntarily mocking. I'll remind her every second I can who has the power now.

"Are you guys ready?" Lisa asks quietly and we all nod. We don't have a choice anyway.

I grab Chaeyoung's arm and pulls her in front of me, gripping my handgun tightly in case anything happens. It's more like a safety measure, especially with joy... Not that I don't want to kill Chaeyoung. I do.

I... do?

God. Now is not the time to feel pity, I have to stay focused.

"Open the door Rosie." Lisa says, bringing me back to earth in a second.


here we go.

Chaeyoung opens the door quickly, I hear her gulp, probably afraid of what will happen next. I am, too.

The apartment is completely silent, but I know better than just relax. We step inside slowly, carefully. I hear the door shuts behind me, but stay focused on what's in front of us. I can't afford being distracted for even just one second, not now.

"You- you shouldn't-" The idol whimpers, her voice low, and I just ignore her.

I know I shouldn't.

We keep on walking towards what I guess is the living room. She has to be there.

My breathing quickens, there's only a door in front of us now. I force chaeyoung to go before me, basically using her as a shield now, and kick the door open in one swift motion.

Then, it's like time stops.

Joy is there, standing in the middle of the room, staring at us with an evil glint in her eyes and an arrogant smirk. She was waiting for us.

She has a gun in her hand, too. Pointed right at us.

It's just a game of who will pull the trigger first, now. I know that we won't all survive this. There's no way.

"Jennie... It's been a while, huh," She says, completely ignoring the other's presence, or the fact that I literally am holding her girlfriend hostage.

...This what not how it was supposed to go.

Chaeyoung is shivering in my grasp, but I ignore it. I have to stay stern, show Joy that I'm not here to joke around. Not anymore.

"Were you expecting us?" I say, a low chuckle leaving my mouth, and her smile grows wider.

"I was, actually. Sorry for the cold welcome by the way,"

I hear Lisa scoff behind me, but she stays silent. We're five against one. There's no way she can win this.

"The police are on their way," She states calmly.

I don't care. I just want to get my job done.

"How did you know?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me. I know one wrong move, and I'm dead. I want to at least savor this moment, I can't bear dying so close to our goal.

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