The book of enemies

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It has been a month since the kidnapping. Emily was released after a week. All her bites marks were gone and she was fully functional. However, Melanie had to stay in the infirmary for the rest of the month after that vomiting attack she stayed in a coma for a week. Every teacher used their magical abilities to find out what caused the vomiting attacks, but nobody found anything. Melanie was magically released from her coma after multiple tests were done with no evidence on what can cause the instant vomiting. The week after Melanie just kept getting splintering headaches once again nobody knew why. Finally Miss Harris the nurse/ witch brewed a tea casting a spell to banish bodies of evil. After drinking that Melanie threw up, but that was last time she threw up and she had no more headaches. Nurse Harris decided to keep Melanie in another week to make sure her vitals were fine and to make sure the tea didn't have any side affects like certain spells do. Stefan stayed with Melanie every night until her release this morning. I think Stefan feels the need to protect her after finding out Melanie's past about her family well the lack of family she has.
As I walk into the infirmary I see Melanie talking to someone. As I get closer I notice it's Stefan and he is holding a bag with all of her stuff.
"Stefan what are you doing here? It's my day with Melanie," I say with a slight irritation in my voice.
" I get that you have the need to protect everyone in need. Your stupid hero act can take a day off because I want to spend a girls day with Melanie. Plus don't you have a girlfriend," I say rolling my eyes.
"I just came here to tell Melanie that our parents are inviting her to our house for dinner tonight," Stefan says.
"What? Aren't we not allowed to leave school unless it's the holidays or someone's birthday. Hence the word boarding house in the schools name. And it's only the second week of November  so unless Thanksgiving moved up, I don't think this is allowed," I say.
"Yeah why is professor Alaric giving us permission  to do this?" Melanie asks.
"Miss Scott, I need you to just fill out this release form," nurse Harris says as she walks up to us.
"Sure," Melanie says walking towards nurse Harris and away from us.
"Stefanie we need to talk," Stefan says with a stern expression on his face.
"I couldn't agree more. Melanie is my best friend and I got her in this stupid Salvatore mess. I'm the one that's supposed to be the one that has to protect her not you so lay off and let me be her best friend," I say with a huff.
Tyler and Stefan never see me as strong enough or powerful enough. They always see me as their little sister and it's getting on my last nerve. Last time I check I'm the second most powerful witch in the world. If anything I'm the one that needs to protect them not the other way around.
"Listen it's not about who should be protecting who. It's about the fact that Melanie was sick for a month and nobody from her family contacted her to see if she was okay. Melanie may not want to admit it, but it hurts her that her family does not care if she lives or dies. I'm bringing her home so as her first meal back to the living would be filled with love and laughter because that's what it is when we are home. We are lucky Jenna that we have parents who care, not everyone has that."
"Well when you put it that way then I'm okay with this plan."
"Mom! Dad! We are home!" I yell as I enter my house followed by Melanie, Tyler and Stefan.
"You know Jenna just because I'm not a vampire anymore doesn't mean I became deaf," dad says as he walks up to the entrance.
Our house is a very vintage Mystic falls house, the living room is to the left of the entrance while the kitchen is in the back and the stairs that lead upstairs are right in the front of the entrance slightly to the right. Mom told me once when I was a little girl she tried to have our house look exactly like her childhood home growing up just one little difference was she took out one of the living rooms to make a bigger kitchen. Mom told me she felt bad burning down her house when uncle Jeremy had died when they were younger so to right her wrongs she wanted to build an exact replica of it.
"Well you are getting old dad your hearing can start to weaken," I say.
"It's always nice having you home isn't it," dad says sarcastically.
"I love you daddy," I say in my sweet voice that allows me to get away with anything with dad.
"I love you to sweet-heart and I missed you. The house isn't the same without you," dad says hugging me.
"What are we chop liver?" Stefan scuffs.
"You boys are always your moms favorite everyone knows Stefanie is mine," dad says giving me a hug.
And on cue mom comes in and gives both boys a hug.
"Let's get the facts straight here for Melanie. Stefan is mom's favorite because he is named after uncle Stefan and he's her first boy. Jenna is dads favorite she's his only girl. And me will I'm really choper liver," Tyler says.
"That's not true. Don't listen to him Melanie. We treat all our kids equally," mom says hitting the back of Tyler's head.
"I believe you Mrs. Salvatore. You have raised amazing kids with very strong family bonds," Melanie says.
"Please call me Elena. Mrs Salvatore makes me sound as old as my husbands real age."
"Hey! I'm not that old."
"Sweet-heart you are over 200 years old. Anyway dinner is ready time to eat."
Mom made her famous Chili that has apparently been an old family recipe on the Gilbert side of the family. Actually the recipe is as old as dad! We are all sitting down and eating. I look over at Melanie, she's laughing at something dad said one minute and helping Stefan tease Tyler about Katie the next. Melanie looks like she belongs in this family, but most of all she looks happy. I guess Stefan was right Melanie needed tonight to feel loved and at home.
After dinner I help mom with the plates as the boys show Melanie our old family albums. I know it sounds so old fashion now that everything is digital, but when you have a dad that's born in the 1800's you have to keep some old fashion ways.
"Hey mom can I ask you something?"
"What's wrong Jenna? Are you and Alex in a fight?"
"Well I wouldn't consider it a fight, more like a disagreement. But that's not what I want to ask.
"What type of fight?"
"Mom focus who cares about Alex  right now."
It is not the time to think about that man right now. Especially when he has not spoken to me in weeks since are disagreement back in the library. I thought he was going to prove to me that he isn't behind the kidnapping instead he disappears for a couples of days then shows up out of the blue. He doesn't come to classes instead I see him only speaking to Dorian or uncle Alaric then he disappears again. Thank god for James he has really been a friend these past couple of weeks. He allows me to sit with him and his friends during classes and even sometimes during lunch when my brothers or Emily are not around. James use to come with me to see Melanie. I think the three of us are becoming quit close friends.
"Sweet-heart that day at the Mystic Grill you couldn't stop smiling when we were all together and he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Even your dad noticed how much he makes you happy. If Damon Salvatore can admit that a guy actually makes his little girl happy then it must be true. So I'm going to ask you again what was the fight about?"
"I accused him of kidnapping Melanie about a month ago. I also accused him off trying to kill Stefan, Tyler and I because dad killed his family back in the 20th century and now he is out for revenge."
"Why didn't you guys tell us any of this?" mom says getting angry at me.
"Uncle Alaric is aware and what exactly were you and dad going to do about it. The two of you are humans last time I checked."
"I could have helped you by giving you the book of all our enemy's."
How many enemy's does my family have that they could write a book about it? My siblings and I are so screwed. Even if we find out who the enemy is today there may be more enemies coming to revenge what ever my dad did in his vampire life.
"After Hope Mikaelson was born all of the Mikaelson  enemies went after her especially Klaus' enemies. Once I found out I was pregnant with Stefan I knew the same thing would happened to him. Your dad was no Klaus Mikaelson, but he was no saint either. Don't forget there is also your uncle's enemies that we had to think about too. I told your dad to help me make a list of the enemies he and Stefan had accumulated over the years so we would be ready when they come. I guess today is the day. Follow me."
I follow my mom down to the basement. We walk all the way to the back of our basement now clean from any mess my brothers and I use to make as kids. We stop in front a painting of a house on the prairie and mom takes it off it's hinges. Behind the painting is a vault. My mom punches in the code and it opens. In there is vials of blood, which I'm guessing is vampire blood, a stake to kill vampires and some type of looking bombs with liquid inside them. Under all that mom pulls out a medium size brown leather book.
"This will have the key to all your answers," mom says as she hands me the book.

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