The Truth Comes Out

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"What do you mean?" I ask.
Everyone is quite even Amelia and we are all staring at Alex.
"It happened about 10 years ago. I was in Mystic Falls and I was walking around. I was mad that Amelia wanted to wait until Damon's kids would be old enough to kill them. I was 5 when my parents died so why wait any longer. Jenna was young maybe about 5 or 6 and at the park with some friends. I remember Elena being there talking to one of the other parents.  Jenna and her friends were playing with a ball which ended up near my feet. I picked up the ball as Jenna walked up to me. She was just a little girl with her brown hair in pig tails and innocent blue eyes. I knew she was yours Damon not because Elena was near by, but because she has the same piercing blue eyes as you. One never forgets the eyes of the man who killed his parents. Anyway as Jenna came towards me to get the ball I bent down at first you know to kill her. But when we were face to face and I was staring at this little girl who did nothing, but have a blood sucking father. I knew I couldn't kill her for his mistakes and so I gave her the ball and she thanked me and walked away. I had not seen her since until the day I walked into the Salvatore boarding school and saw her talking to Melanie. I knew in an instant she was the little girl with the pig tails all those years ago."
"And came to kill her at 16 because it's easier to kill a teen then a child. That makes sense,"Stefan interrupts.
"Would you let me finish Salvatore. You are really getting on my last nerves."
"Yeah let him finish Stefan," Josephine says.
We all just look towards her. Nobody knows why she is here other than the fact that Alex had to bring in a werewolf, but nobody knows why he chose Josephine specifically. I get Katie because she is Tyler's girlfriend and James is her brother and my friend...well I still hope he is after this.
"What? This story is getting interesting. How did you know Jenna was starting at the boarding school this year? Do you have a tracker on her or something?" Josephine asks.
Can he do that? Do vampires have a tracking ability?
"For god sakes what is wrong with you people. Does nobody understand how vampires work? The only thing vampires can do is compel people," Alex huffs in frustration.
"Have you ever compelled me?" I whisper.
"No Jenna never. I wanted whatever we had to be real because I do care about you a lot Jenna more than I have cared about anyone in my life"
"What? Excuse me? I'm the love of your life," Amelia says walking up to Alex.
"No you are not and you never were. Our hatred for Damon was what kept us together all these years. Until 10 years ago when I told you it was just mental to go after children."
"This of course was after you meet little miss Jenna. How pathetic to be in love with a 6 years old. That's even illegal now a days you know that right?"
"I was not in love with her 10 years ago. I just realized that this hatred you are holding onto for so many years was pointless. If I killed Jenna, Tyler or Stefan that day it would not have brought back my parents. They are gone and so is your baby Amelia. But Damon did not kill your baby you did by trying to commit suicide."
Amelia gasps.
"How did you know about that? That's not the story I told you."
"Henry did when I went to pay him and his family a visit. You were no where to be seen Amelia. None of our friends knew where you were for over a year. But I know Henry; your little heurtic puppet would know where you were. I knew he would talk if I grabbed his new vampire wife and put her new the sun. He sang like a canary. Henry told me every thing; you trying to commit suicide, taking a poison to kill the baby, you using me all these years as a replacement for Damon and finally you going to the Salvatore boarding school under a new name and face. Henry did not know what face or name you took on but that did not matter to me. I knew where I was going and who I needed to protect. See the thing is Amelia you were a bit sloppy with the coven details. The last Gemini witches are Elizabeth and Josiette Saltzman and they are not old enough to have a teenage daughter. So my question to you is how did you get past their father with that lie?"
" I didn't lie. I told Alaric I was a foster kid from Canada who just started to develop these powers and  they were getting to hard for me to control. I was thrown out of the system because I was seen as dangerous and a freak. He took me in no questions asked. Alaric always falls  for those wounded bird stories. I siphoned power from Stefan one day to sense how strong his powers were cause as a heurtic you can do that. He started asking questions so I feed him a bullshit story about me being part of the Gemini coven. The witches from the Gemini coven are known to be siphons so he believed me. Now are you happy you know everything. No more lies between us and we can go back to the good old days of you being in love with me."
"Not a chance Amelia. This is not love Amelia it was more of a manipulation you used me for your own personal gain. Love is putting the life of the person you care about the most in the world in front of you owns. Damon taught me that during that gruelling man to man talk at the Grill. But he is right and you have never put anyone's life above your own, not mine, not Damon's and not even your child's. You are incapable  of love Amelia."
Amelia blasts Alex with magic knocking him
down as he screams in pain.
I pull on the ropes once more trying to set myself free to help the man I love and who loves me.
As I keep on pulling I feel a power surge run through me. I sense this powerful energy go through me.
"JENNA NOW!" Melanie screams.

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