Switching Faces

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"Hello Salvatore's," Emily says as she crosses her arms over her chest.
Emily walks over to us, the clicking of her heels echoing through the cemented room.
"Why are you doing this? You are my girlfriend you are supposed to be on my side," Stefan says.
"I knew she was too nice to be true," I say.
"Oh really Jenna? That's didn't stop you from helping me to escape the kidnapping I planned out. Or help me defeat the dragon as I was sucking out your magic. Oh....and accepting my bracelet that had a tracking device on it."
"That's why we didn't have magic to defeat your guys back at the house. Bitch!" Melanie tries to lunge forward, but is hold back by the ropes.
"Hold on a second. If you put trackers on the girls to find us than how did you get to mom and dad before we even got home?" Tyler asks.
"Everyone knows where the famous Salvatore's live. Everyone always knew where the Salvatore's lived. Plus I used a locator spell to make sure they were home," Emily states.
"Hold on a minute. Did you do all this because my son broke up with you witch? That's a bit psycho even for my standards," dad says.
"Damon not now," mom hisses.
"Damon...Damon...damon almost 2 centuries have gone by and you haven't changed one bit. Still that same arrogant,smart-mouth rich guy," Emily says as she makes her way towards my parents.
What does Emily mean by 2 centuries? That doesn't make sense Emily is only 18 years old. Oh god unless she is the one with the revenge plan because dad killed her family. But like 200 years ago seriously woman get over it. I try to whisper a spell to untie me... nothing. That bitch really did take away my powers. I try to pull on the rope...nothing.
"Jenna don't use up all your energy because it's time for a little history lesson or what I would like to call our story," Emily says as she swaps her hand across her face.
Her face completely changes from blonde hair and blue eyes to raven black hair and green eyes.
We all scream except dad. He just says,
"Oh good you remembering me! At least someone won't be confused about the story right my love."
Emily or Amelia or whatever her name is goes towards my dad and cresses his face as he tries to pull back.
"Listen here you witch bitch the moment  I figure out to untie myself I'm going to kick your magical ass to whatever century you came from," mom glares.
Mom and dad can get a bit jealous when one of them gets hit on. I don't blame them they fought long and hard to be together. For god sakes even the universe didn't want them together. Aunt Caroline told me how the universe wanted uncle Stefan and mom together because they are the star-cross lovers and the sole doppelgängers to ever exist.
"What did you say to me doppelgänger?"
Mom starts choking as Amelia starts to get closer to her.
Stefan, Melanie, Tyler and I scream to her to stop as we pull on the rope to get loose and save mom.
"Don't Amelia. The Amelia I knew would never harm a soul let alone someone I loved fearing she would hurt me in the process," dad says calm and collectively
"I guess that's the problem isn't it. You never loved me like I loved you or else neither of us would be here right now," Amelia says as she passes a hand across moms face as mom passes out.
"MOM!" I scream.
"What did you do crazy witch?" Stefan growls.
"Oh no worries Stefan I was just getting annoyed with the Petrova girl. Just like Katherine annoying and Damon obsessed," Amelia says as she rolls her eyes.
"Katherine was Stefan obsessed. Clearly you have all your facts wrong Amelia," dad scoffs.
"Doubt that, but before we go down memory lane let's actually wake up Mrs. Salvatore," Amelia waves a hand in front mom's face.
Mom slowly gains conscious and looks around the room.
"What just happened? Is everyone okay?" mom asks.
That's mom for you always checking on others to see if they are all right instead of checking on herself.
"Don't worry I haven't destroyed your family just yet Elena."
"Why are you doing this? Have you literally not gotten over your crush on my husband for over 2 centuries now," mom says.
"Well I am the eternal stud," dad says.
"Damon seriously not now," mom hisses.
"Oh you think it was a crush. No that was not it. Damon here was my fiancée," Amelia says
There is a gasp all around.
That just lightened the mood as we all start to chuckle except Amelia who has a sad look on her face.
"This was supposed to be what we were going to have Damon, but you picked Katherine. Yet you still got it all. But not for long," Amelia says as she turns towards me and my brothers.
Tyler, Stefan and I start choking on our own blood. I feel like my insides are on fire and my heart is trying to break out of my chest.
"NOO" I hear screaming.
"What you didn't mind when it happened to your first born," Amelia says looking towards my dad.
"What do you mean? Amelia just talk to me. If you want me then just take me I'll come with you freely, but don't hurt my family. Please!" dad begs.
"Fine for now. I guess they should know the truth about their father."
Amelia stops her magic. I take in a painful breath but as I keep on taking in small breaths the pain starts to subside.
"Let's paint a picture shall we. So the year is 1862 the year your father is forced to go to war due to your grandfathers tyranny. I was a neighbour of your fathers and I had just turned 18 the age where women my age were set to marry their husbands. Your father and I meet at the ball we danced all night and he even walked me home. The whole summer we were together either in his garden walking around the flowers or in my room where I use to show him my magic," Amelia says.
"Hold on a minute you are not just a vampire?" Tyler asks.
"Really Tyler now you realize this? She's been using magic this whole time. But then what are you?" Melanie asks.
"That's not important listen to the story. So the night your father left for the war he handed me his necklace as a promise to me that I am his and he is mine forever. We were to be married once he came back from war, but we didn't tell many people just in case he didn't make it back. But he did and the first person he came to see was not his brother Stefan, but me his fiancée. We made love that night and a couple of weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. By then he was infatuated by the lovely Katherine Pierce," Amelia says as she spits on the floor.
"You never told me this or sent me a letter, Amelia. You don't think I would have married you after finding out you were carrying my child," dad says.
"Well it doesn't matter because after you ignored me to run after Katherine I decided to kill myself by jumping into the river because my lover didn't love me back and I didn't want to be called the town whore. But that stupid Bennett witch had some sort of tracker on witches and she saved me. I was battered and bruise by that time due to the rocks and I was barely breathing. The witch got Katherine's right hand women Pearl to save me and the baby. Emily walked me all the way to my door that night and watched me go into the house. I say the necklace you gave a year earlier on my desk and I knew that a love like ours couldn't just vanish. I had found out Katherine was a vampire and knew from my grandmother that vampires can compel people's love so that's what I thought she did to you. So I decided to walk towards your house and my plan was to kiss you so that the compulsion can be lifted. On my way there Katherine meet me half way and she killed me. I woke up the next day thirsty as hell for blood. Emily gave me the two options; one to die or to live as a vampire. I had this need to get revenge on Katherine for taking everything away from me so I decided to live. 30 years ago Katherine died, but that burning hatred remained because I realized I hated you too Damon," Amelia says with tears in her eyes.
"Why me? I didn't do anything," dad gasps.
"You left me. You choose her over me... over your child. So then I found out Damon Salvatore is going to be human to start a family how ironic. I decided to wait until I can take away your family and hurt you just like you hurt me. And well I guess so far it's a success," Amelia says.
"I still don't get how you can do magic and be a vampire like how do you even exit. Witches hate vampires it's there natural instinct. Well everyone but my sister clearly," Tyler says.
"Hey!" I say.
Its in my blood to fall in love with a vampire; all the petrova's have.
"She's a heretic Tyler; half witch and half vampire. That's what I found out the day I got kidnapped. I start digging because nobody but the Saltzman twins are alive in the Gemini coven yet you told Stefan that's where you are from and you have magically convinced everyone that. Then your slang slipped sometimes from decade to decade and only a vampire is able to do that. Plus you hate being around werewolves at first I thought crazy animals with crazy temperaments. However; I borrowed one of your sweaters one day and James made a face when I walked into the room. So I asked him what was up and he said that I smelled like Alex... like a vampire. I asked Jenna and she said I smelled fine. The next day I didn't smell like a vampire anymore to James so then I made him smell your sweater and he said that whoever wore this was definitely a vampire. That was what I searching up at the library that day how someone can be a witch and a vampire at the same time. I didn't remember at the time what happened but that was only because of the lost of blood and this weird vomiting happening, but I never actually forgot I was just dazed and confused. Pretty sloppy don't you think for a 200 hundred year old vampire?" Melanie says.
"Whatever witch. Does it really matter now? Knowing I am a heretic is not going to save you know."
The door of the dungeon opens again and we all turn our heads and gasp.
"Hello love,  glad you can make it," Amelia says.

The Salvatore'sDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora