Powerful Witches

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The robe untied itself. I blast Amelia into  the far wall away from Alex. Due to the blast Alex's  chains got loose and he zooms towards my brothers, James and Josephine. Alex unties them as Amelia gets up.
"Go all of you," Alex says.
"What about Katie and Jenna?" Tyler asks.
"And Melanie and my parents?" Stefan asks.
"I'm not leaving my sister," James says.
"Goodbye all of you," Josephine says as she walks towards the door.
I slowly make my way towards my dad throughout the commotion and untie him.
"Dad," I whisper.
"Oh Stefanie I'm so sorry."
He brings me into a hug.
Someone starts to scream in pain and we turn our heads to see Josephine's lifeless body fall to the ground.
"Now where were we? Oh yes that was me killing you all," Amelia says at the front of the door with her two bodyguards next to her.
My body goes numb at the sight of Josephine's body laying on the ground. I thought Amelia was all talk and no game, but now I know she means business. I have to get my family out of here.
"Now lets start this killing spree. We'll start with the girls who all hold a place in each one of the  Salvatore man's hearts," Amelia says as the barrier around my mom, Katie and Melanie falls away.
"What?" James utters completely heartbroken.
I knew over the last couple of months James developed a thing towards Melanie, but I also knew Melanie and Stefan had a strong connection between them. I do not know if it was their tie towards me, but their connection was undeniable and it was clear to Amelia  too.
"I know little wolf these Salvatores can be so ruthless taking away the people you care about,"Amelia says.
"That wasn't my initiation. Melanie is my little sister's best friend. However, over time I fell for her wit, her courage and her beauty," Stefan says looking straight at Melanie.
"Really?" Melanie asks with a huge smile on her face.
"I wouldn't move if I were you Stefan," Amelia says just as my brother took a step towards Melanie.
"What are you are going to do about that?" Stefan taunts.
Amelia rises her hand and mom gets lifted off the floor and starts to choke up blood.
"Really Stefan you had to taunt a psychopath with powers," Tyler says.
"Amelia let her go and take me instead. You hate me Amelia... I'm the one who made you lose the baby...I'm the one who ruined your life not Elena," dad pleads.
"How many times do I have to say this.."
Amelia gets cut off as the door goes flying and hits her across the head. Both Amelia and mom go down.
"I got you," dad tells mom as she falls right into his arms.
"Sorry we were late. What did we miss?"
"Lizzie? Hope? What are you girls doing here?" I ask in shock.
As Lizzie and Hope enter, Josie and aunt Bonnie are right behind them. The bodyguards try to get them but Hope snaps their necks.
"Hot guy with the accent came to me today. He told me you were in danger and I needed to get a group of powerful female witches assembled. Now the question is how did you track me down vampire?" Lizzie asks.
"Your father had your new address written on a sticky note on his desk. I'm not a stalker if that's what you are implying."
"Now that we have figured out that  Lizzie does not have a stalker can we get back to the task at hand. Now what is the problem here? Did we just solve it? She's a witch and I think we pretty much killed her," Hope says pointing at the body.
"I'm more than just a witch," Amelia says swiftly getting back up and showing her vampire face.
"So am I," Hope says showing her own vampire face.
"Use this," Melanie says giving Hope a paper.
" I already put a barrier spell around her that Katie had in her jean pocket."
"How do you know this will work?" Hope asks.
"It will I have been searching to find the perfect spell to kill this witch. But you cannot do it alone. To defeat a powerful witch then it must take a witch from each bloodline and you all encompass the great 5 blood lines. The Gemini coven, the Bennett witch line, the Scott witch line, the granddaughter of an original witch and the last female Petrova bloodline. Together your powers will kill her. I know it," Alex says.
"Don't listen to him nothing can kill me. I am INVINCIBLE ," Amelia screams.
The ground shakes once more.
"Well it's worth a shot," Hope says.
The five of us witches lock arms and start to chant:
Maiores quidem magnum quattuor venimus quisquam unus malis reddere mala naturalia pondera in hac amputanda
Amelia starts screaming as light starts to shine through her and she explodes into a million pieces.
"Well that was easy," Lizzie  says.
The rest of us just let out a huge sigh... it's over... she's gone.
*6 months later
I close my suitcase before scanning the room to check if I missed anything. Today is the last day of school before summer vacation. And I cannot wait to spend a couple of weeks on the beautiful beaches of  the Amalfi Coast with my boyfriend, my best friend and my family. Dad has been trying to make amends with Alex since the kidnapping and so inviting him onto our annual Salvatore vacation was one of the ways of dad trying to make it right. Stefan and Melanie are officially a couple now. Since Melanie has no family she is definitely coming on our family vacation. Katie was also invited, but she decided to stay behind and go back to New Orleans. Hope has decided to teach Katie some wolf tricks and alpha material so Katie can take over when Hope's not around. James decided to go back to New Orleans with his sister.
"Need any help with your suitcase?" Alex says as he leans on the door.
"No I got this."
I try to pull on my suitcase, but it won't budge.
Alex chuckles and makes his way towards me. He lifts the suitcase off the bed effortlessly.
"Any thing for my girl."
Alex leans down and kisses me.
And in this moment everything is perfect!

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