-1-Fresh Meat-

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Katsuki was pulled out of the car roughly by 2 guards. The guards cuffed his wrists with quirk deactivation cuffs. Katsuki snarled at the guards, he hated feeling constricted, it made him more livid as a person than he already was. He looked at the building in front of him, it was enormous, it had to be since it was a school housing some very dangerous teenagers, ages 13-20. Katsuki was 16 and so he had a long time to 'rehabilitate'.  The building had a modern design but yet it looked like it went through a hurricane, the walls were a disturbing grey and covered in graffiti while some of the windows were covered by plastic, probably because the window was broken. 

He wonders how many people get thrown out of them.

Katsuki was dragged into the building and shoved near a bunch of other stupid, angsty, devious teens that he did not want to be near, this school was co-ed which meant that Katsuki also had to deal with the crazy bitches. All the teens were cuffed with the cuffs as well. The ones that were tall and muscley were the rowdiest, while the ones who weren't were trying to disappear into the ground. No one even noticed when a petite mouse with a scar on his face walked up to the front until he rung a bell. Everyone was silent, studying the small mouse.

"Welcome to UA Institue, where we rehabilitate the countries most devious teens, which means, if you're here, you've done something fairly bad." The teens murmured but Katsuki kept quiet, his face showing no emotion. If he did show his emotions people would target him and Katsuki wasn't feeling like he wanted to fight these assholes.

"Now we have rules here, #1 you will have an item on your body that will deactivate your quirks, if you try to take those off you will be shocked by the defense technology embedded into the equipment." The mouse paused and continued.

"2, the curfew is at 10 and after 10 there should not be any person of the opposite sex in your dorms." Katsuki rolled his eyes, this wouldn't be a problem for him.

The mouse continued to drone on about the rules before he started to assign people rooms.

"Katsuki Bakugo Room 408." Katsuki followed the line of males going through a door. There was a guard by the staircase and saw that he was removing the cuffs and placing rings around the teen's wrists, arms, neck, and legs. Once Katsuki was in front of the guard he tapped his ankle the guard placed the metallic ring around his ankle so it fits snuggly. Katsuki walked up a few stairs until he made it to the 4th floor and started looking for his room. Katsuki eventually found his room, the door was the only spotless one on the entire floor w.hich meant it was either a new door, or his roommate was someone that should not be messed with. He opened the door and saw his things already there in the room. He turned around the room and saw that there were two beds, one on the left, which was messy and un-made, and one on the right, which was made and Katsuki assumed that that one was his. He huffed and started unpacking his stuff and placing it in the wooden drawers right by his bed. after he was done he stuffed the cases under his bed. 

Katsuki huffed and looked around the room and noticed that a paper with his schedule was sitting on top of his unused pillow. He looked at it and realized that in an hour he had lunch. Katsuki decided to just pick at the wallpaper by his bed for an hour, knowing if he went out to explore he would most likely get into a fight and he didn't want that on his first day. The other guys, compared to Katsuki Bakugo, were bulkier and taller, while he was more lean and average height, but just cause he seemed weaker it did not mean he wasn't able to beat someone twice his size.


Katsuki drug his cold, expressionless self out of his room once a bell had rung. Katsuki stuck his hands deep into his pockets as he followed all the other guys down the stairs and to the cafeteria. He stepped in line and waited impatiently for the grey slop that they were getting for lunch, along with an apple.

He sat down at an empty table and took a bite out of his apple, avoiding the grey slop. Katsuki tensed as he heard trays clatter in front of him.

"Hey look it's a new guy!" A boy with electric blond hair grinned in front of him. A pink girl sat beside him and rolled her eyes.

"Danks, he's going to think that we're here to beat him up if you say that!" She swatted the back of his head. The boy pouted. A redhead with extremely sharp teeth and red spiky hair patted the boy with the (hopefully) nickname 'Dunce' on the back.

"It's alright Denki this kid doesn't look like he's scared of much." The boy chuckled. The redhead looked up at Katsuki and grinned.

"Hey I'm Eiji,  This is Denki, The Pink Lady is Mina, and Toshi should be around here somewhere, but anyway, what's your name newbie?" Eij grinned and Katsuki decided he might as well have friends here.

"Katsuki." He said as he bit into his apple. These dorks didn't seem like snakes, just oddly happy people in hell.

"Cool, What's your quirk?" Denki asked curiosity all over his face. 

"I can make explosions from my hands." I shrugged. The blonde's eyes widened.

"Wowww! That's so cool!" He smiled.

"What about you guys?" Katsuki asked, a little bit intrigued by the 3.

"Well, I can shoot acid from my hands!" Mina grinned.

"I can make electricity, although I can't control it well." Denki sheepishly said.

"And I can harden my skin! It's really cool." Eijiro smirked.

Eventually, a tired-looking male had joined them, he introduced himself as Hitoshi and Katsuki thought that he was alright. So far the day didn't seem to bad for Katsuki.


This is a lot longer than I thought it would be.

Tell me if you enjoyed the first chapter!

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