-7-What the f-

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Shoto doesn't know what to do with Katsuki so he takes his back to their room and treats him, Dabi comes in with info.

When Katsuki had started falling Shoto immediately lurched forward and caught him, holding the blonde bridal style. Shoto could see the red marks all over his body, which were soon to be bruising, along with the bleeding cuts on his face and arms.

Shoto pondered for a moment before deciding to take Katsuki down to level one to his friend's room. She should have some medkits for him to borrow... Shoto walked down the staircases, holding Katsuki closely, not wanting to slip and harm the Blonde. 

He eventually made it down the level one dorms and opened the stairwell door. The halls were a lot more calmed down here, the only thing that was wrong was that there was graffiti on the wall. The level ones that were out in the hall froze once they saw Shoto coming, scared out of their minds to see the most terrifying student on their floor.

Shoto was completely oblivious to this though, as he looked for room 105. He found the room number and opened the door without knocking.

"Hey Ochako, you used to study medicine right? Do you have any more medkits I could have?" Ochako looked up from her desk and smiled before nodding, getting up from her seat to open one of her drawers to pull out a red box with a white cross that indicated it was for medical use. Shoto nodded.

"I owe you one, see you later."

"See you Shoto, and tell me if he's okay, got it?" Ochako wasn't even fazed that her friend had a blonde boy in his arms. She knew that she wouldn't get any answers out of the silent boy.

Shoto left the room, walking towards the stairwell door. The hallways had cleared out and all Shoto could hear was yelling and loud music, even though there shouldn't be any electronics so someone must've stolen a guards radio or phone. Shoto huffed as he shifted Katsuki so he could have one hand to open the door. Once he did he saw to students making out on the stairs, half-naked, tongues and all. both looked up at Shoto and froze like deers in headlights. The male with heterochromatic eyes just blinked before walking past them, Readjusting the blonde in his arms so the medkit didn't fall. The two teenagers on the stairs were shocked that he was caring for someone, but also slightly embarrassed that they were caught.

Shoto walked back up the flight of stairs. Some might find this difficult while carrying a person but Shoto didn't even break a sweat, once he made it back up the door flung open to Dabi, his knuckles bloody and a wicked grin on his face.

"Oh, what's up- did you kill him? Do we need to hide another body, I think I-" Dabi was cut off by an annoyed look from his younger brother.

"No, He's my roommate and he passed out in the stairwell so I got a kit from a girl down in level one." Dabi seemed surprised but quickly covered it with a devilish smirk.

"Hey if you see some bloodied people in the hallway just step over them since you seem to be in the 'helping' mood." Todoroki rolled his eyes at the stitch face that he calls his brother. Dabi was the one who caused the most trouble out of the 2, Though Shoto could do as much destruction as his brother, he chooses not to. 

The school doesn't need two sociopaths.

Shoto opened the door to the fourth level and walked to his dorm, his brother following behind him. As the boys walked through the halls they did indeed see bloody figures slumped against the wall or sprawled across the floor. Most of the walls were tagged with gang signs or unreadable words. There were also only 2 or 4 working lights in clusters cause people broke them.

They made it to Katsuki's and Shoto's room, the blonde still knocked out in his arms. Dabi opened the door for his brother and Shoto walked in, Laying the blonde in his bed and grabbing the kit and moving it so it's on his bedside table.

Shoto started to clean and bandage the male's wounds. After he finished the wounds he could see Katsuki started to wake up.

Dabi came up behind Shoto and whispered in his ear.

"The beast awakens." Shoto rolled his eyes once again and elbowed his brother in the ribs. Dabi groaned, cackling while he laid on the floor dramatically.

Katsuki groaned as he sat up, he felt like he was put through a blender and dumped out into the trash. The blonde sat up quickly, alert as he was not in the last place he remembered being. He looked around and saw Shoto by his bed and his brother on the floor catching his breath.

Katsuki looked confused but Shoto informed him that he brought him here and patched him up. Katsuki nodded skeptically before sitting up and getting out of his bed.

"Uh, T-thanks." Katsuki cursed himself out for stuttering, he hasn't stuttered since his mom had died and his dad basically kidnapped him.

"I gotta go, thanks for not leaving me on the floor?" Katsuki walked out and walked down to the third level. He was heavily confused about why his body felt like jelly. He sighed and walked down the third level of dorm hallways. He found Shitty hair and Pikachu's room. He heard shouting inside as he opened the door. Mina and Eijiro were kneeling by Denki, shouting at Shinso as he unrolled a roll of paper towels, Izuku was nowhere to be seen. Katsuki got a closer look at what they were doing and saw the Denki was passed out and bleeding from the side heavily, bloodied paper towels littered the scratchy dorm floor. Eijiro had silent tears spilling from his eyes as he helped mina put pressure on the blondes wound as he bled. Denki looked sickly pale but peaceful in the scene unraveling in front of Katsuki.

"What the fuck?"


Thank you for reading

You might get a lot more chapters from me since school was canceled for 2 weeks due to the boomer remover so I have to stay home and do online classes. which suuuckkks >.>

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