-14- I hate you

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The first day back from classes and they had hand-to-hand combat training and he was not excited about being back. He could feel his classmates stares on him and it was not pleasant. He has felt eyes on him practically all day and it made him very agitated the whole time.

He almost hit someone with a tray when they talked about the incident. Too bad he missed.

He went outside with everyone else and did stretches while Izuku rambled on about different ways people were tortured. which he listened to very entertained that the innocent looking boy knew so much about. (And also tips)

Aizawa went down the list and Katsuki got paired up with his roommate, again.

Katsuki could literally feel Shouto's arrogance when they stepped on the mat. Shouto grinned at Katsuki which only earned him an eye roll and sneer.

Aizawa blew the whistle and Katsuki quickly went for a punch to the mismatched male face. He landed it quickly and Shouto countered it with 2 jabs his side and a punch to his shoulder.

After a few minutes, Katsuki grew extremely tired and cursed whoever attacked him for making him unfit and lose some of his stamina and speed. Shouto didn't let up of course and attacked Katsuki until the male was pinned on the floor, ensuring the taller males win. 

Katsuki was furious at himself that he lost to this jackass and glared at the other male. He couldn't control his anger and he knew that it was one of his many fatal flaws.

"Get the fuck off of me you horndog." Katsuki seethed. Shouto just huffed and complied.

"Horndog is a new one."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't stop being so fucking horny."

"Horny? I don't think anyone has ever said I should stop being horny in my life." Katsuki flushed a dark red. 

"Shut the fuck up."

"What if I don't, what are you going to do about it, Kat?" Shouto had a stupid sly grin that the blonde just wanted to wipe off his stupid face. With his lips.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do. I hate you so fucking much."  Katsuki glared or tried to before he gave him a small smile.

"Awh, you see, look at that face." Kat gave him another glare and flipped him off making Shouto smile one of his rare smiles.

"Oh Shouto, may I talk to you about something, privately?" Momo glared at me and I gave her a glare back.

Shouto's smile dropped quickly and he nodded, excusing himself as he stood up and they went to talk where the two were out of sight.


Izuku has had a crush on the blonde and the redhead for quite a while and he's developed a crush on both of the boys and was honestly scared of it. He's been in some past relationships and they were awful and abusive and he didn't want a repeat of it at this place. 

Now it was night time and his roommate had a girl over and asked Izuku to politely get the fuck out and he did. Now he was just wandering the 3rd level hallways cause he got bored of the fourth level. The third level was a lot quieter and somewhat serene. His footsteps were as silent as possible and he seemed to blend into the background when someone did walk by, not even glancing at the green-haired boy. He already passed by Mina's room and was somewhat more excited to pass Denki and Eijiro's.

Izuku was about to turn the corner when he heard something weird, he cautiously peered over the corner and was not ready for what he saw.

The two people he liked were together and making out outside of their door. Of course, Izuku thought. The only 2 people he had liked in a while and they were together. He felt tears building up in his eyes. He knew they were too good for such a dumb ugly bitch like himself. Izuku slipped away from the hurtful scene and quickly walked back to the stairs. He swung open the door to be met with one of the night guards, or teachers. Sometimes the principal made the teachers be guards at night.

"Izuku, what are you doing on the third floor?" The boy with the sad green eyes sniffled.

"Oh n-nothing, o-one of my friends j-just needed help b-but." Mr. Aizawa nodded. He could tell the boy was upset and just let him be on his way.

Izuku ran up the stairs, the tears flooding down his face. He knew he was pathetic for crying over boys but he couldn't help it.

Izuku went to the public bathrooms and sat in a stall since he didn't want to bother his roommate since he promised to not have sex on his bed and he didn't want to see something that he would regret.

he bit his lip to stop him from sobbing and making a racket so hard that his lip started to bleed. Izuku knew that he wasn't going to stop seeing the two males and as long as he suffered he knew that they would be.


Thanks for reading!

poor Izuku :<

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