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Shouto swung open the door and sees Katsuki's motionless body laying on the grass, surrounded by broken glass. The devastated lover bit his bottom lip hard and ran quickly over until he was kneeling right by Katsuki's head. He kneeled down by him, ignoring the glass that was digging into his skin.

Katsuki's head had blood dripping down it heavily, a giant bloodied piece of glass in his side, and his leg was twisted unnaturally. Katsuki had small cuts all over his skin from the glass as well. The blondes eyes were closed and he looked so vulnerable. Shouto shook him as gently as he could but enough to wake the injured blonde.

"K-Kat wake up! Don't go to sleep, Baby please!" Katsuki's eyes fluttered open but Shouto noticed they were dulled slightly from their usually fiery red.

"S-Shouto? God my head fucking hurts." Katsuki groans and tries to get up but Shouto gently pushes him back down.

"No you have to stay still so you don't hurt yourself more." Shouto felt tears slip down his face as he watches his boyfriend mumble about his mom and how he's sorry about what happened. His words were becoming more slurred before he closed his eyes once again.

"No, NO, K-Katsuki! Open your eyes!" Shouto cries as he holds onto his boyfriends hand. Izuku was crying so hard that he was shaking and had to be held up by Hitoshi so he didn't fall onto the floor.

"K-Ka-Kacchan, Please!" Izuku wails and watches Recovery girl rush out of the school with more doctors and equipment.

"Please step away, we need room to work." Recovery girl said to Shouto and he shook his head.

"No, I need to stay with him- Katsuki!" Dabi had to grab ahold of his frantic brother as the doctors work quickly to put the blonde onto the stretcher and started to rush him back inside. Shouto flailed in Dabi's grip but the older brother didn't budge.

"Shouto, it's okay, he'll be fine." The crying boy stopped flailing and hugged his brother for comfort as he broke down. Calling out for his boyfriend even if he knew that Katsuki wouldn't couldn't possibly comfort him right now. Dabi comforted his brother, he hasn't seen him so broken in such a long time.

"All students please report back to your dorms, an incident has occurred." The principal's voice sounded through the school through the speakers.

"Let's go back to your room Shouto." Dabi held his brother close to him as he walked, Hitoshi following with Izuku, who's wailing has turned into hiccups and was acting delirious, arguing with someone that wasn't even there.

The halls were quiet as they went up the stairs they found Eijiro, Denki, and Mina looking worried as they stepped into the stairwell.

"What's going on?" Mina questions as she sees the two distraught teens and no Katsuki.

"Katsuki got pushed out the window." Hitoshi says as Eijiro and Denki immediately grab their distraught boyfriend from the purple haired male. Mina gasps and puts her hands over her mouth as the group walked up the stairs to the fourth floor. Her eyes started to build up with tears.

She didn't bother to ask if he was okay, it was a stupid question, the blonde literally fell out on the top floor. The group of teens made it to the fourth floor and made their way to Shouto and Katsuki's dorm.

They opened the door and Dabi sat his brother down on his bed and sat next to him as the male curled up next to him.

"Tell us what happened exactly how did he fall out the window?" Eijrio questions and Dabi sighs.

"That bitch Momo pushed him against it and the windows here are so fucking bad that he flew out." Mina bites the inside of her cheek and groans. Mina hated Momo.

Eijiro played with Izuku's hair and Denki whispered in his ear that everything was going to be okay. Izuku was still shaking and mumbling, telling the voice to leave him alone.

The group sat silently in the room for hours, Izuku was asleep on Denki's laps and Eijiro was asleep on his shoulder. Mina curled up against the wall. Dabi sat on the bed with Hitoshi and Shouto, Shouto staring up at the ceiling, replaying all of his memories of Katsuki in his mind.

There was a knock at the door and Dabi opened it.

"Yes? Do you have news on Katsuki?" Dabi asked the nurse.

"Yes, Katsuki Bakugo is out of surgery, you may go and see him whenever you like, just be quiet and respectful. He may not wake up for a week, he was put into a medical induced coma to better heal his head injury." The nurse informed the group and they all felt a weight lift off their shoulders.

That happened.
This ones a little shorter but I wanted to get it out so I didn't leave you guys hanging xD
I'm not that sadistic guys, god
But yeah, thanks for reading!

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