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Katsuki yawned and rolled onto his side, realizing his neck ached he sat up to go to the bathroom and look in the mirror but he was quickly dragged into the bed by the other sleepy male. Katsuki rolled his eyes and turned around so he could face the one who gave him his neck pains.

"Good morning Blondie, did you sleep well?" Shouto asked as he cuddled the small explosive blonde.

"We have classes today you fucknugget." Shouto laughs at the new nickname and he held onto Katsuki.

"Are we boyfriends, Katsuki?" The taller male questioned as he kissed his hickies gently. Katsuki nods and sits up again.

"Yes, now get up so we can go cause I'm fucking hungry." Katsuki went over to his side of the room and grabbed under wear and pants and then searched for a turtleneck to cover his neck. He could not find one and just grabbed a black jacket and a dark red t-shirt and grabbed socks and shoes to slip on.


Katsuki slammed his tray on the table grumbling under his breath about how he was going to kill Shouto for grabbing his ass while they were walking in the hall.

"Uhh, Katsuki are you alright?" Mina asked the blonde who looked up from his tray. He sighed and shook his head.

"It's nothin' sorry I didn't meet up with any of you, my dorm room got blocked by somethin'." Katsuki stated as he ate his fruit loops.

"Nah it's fine, everyone basically just hung out with others and Izuku apparently threw someone out a window." Mina caught up Katsuki and he looked at the small boy who was between Denki and Eijiro. Izuku blushed a deep red.

"I-it w-was s-self defense!" Izuku stuttered with a pout and Katsuki just laughed. The table talked about things that the author doesn't want to write about since she's really lazy and rather get on to the next part of the chapter.

Katsuki finished his food and turned to see the time on the clock when Denki gasped.

"Oh my god, is that a hickey!? Oh my god my baby's growing up." Denki squealed and Mina gasps as she sees it as well. Katsuki quickly covers the spot with his hand.

"Katsuki you better tell us who you've been sluttin' around with or else!" Mina threatens with an excited grin. Katsuki rolled his eyes and was about to tell them to fuck off before he was rudely interrupted by Shouto sitting at the table and wrapping his arm around his waist.

"That would be me he's been 'slutting' around with." Shouto stated and Katsuki hid his red face in his hands as he heard his friends gasp in realization.

"God damnit!" Denki hissed as he took off his yellow hoodie and handed it to Izuku who grinned as he slipped it on. The two made a bet about who Katsuki would most likely date and Izuku had won the electric blonde's hoodie that he had betted away carelessly.

Shouto liked the dynamic of the group, he thought that they were humorous.

"But wait I thought he was dating that Momo chick?" Eijiro said with a questioning look and The dual haired male and the blonde scrunched up their noses.

"It's along story but basically they broke up." Katsuki explained as Shouto poked at the blondes hickey. Eijiro nodded.

The breakfast continued and they were joined by the other Todoroki brother.

"Heyy, Hitoshi are you feeling better, I had to leave early so I couldn't check on you." Dabi stated and Mina spit out her chocolate milk.

"Jesus, are the two of you just naturally attracted to dumbasses?" Mina questioned and the two brothers laughed while Hitoshi and Katsuki gave her a glare.

The bell rang and the group stood and parted ways when they had to head off to different classrooms. The whole time Katsuki walked through the halls he had to smack Shouto's hand away countless times so he wouldn't place his hand on his ass. Shouto pouted but quickly turned it into a glare when he saw someone try to approach his explosive boyfriend. They immediately backed off.

They got to the classroom and saw a sour faced Momo once they entered the room. Katsuki immediately glared at her as he passed and sat down at a desk. The classes soon begun after the bell rang and Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom.


"We're doing pairs once again I'll list you off and the class will observe, this time only one of you will use your quirk." Mr. Aizawa read off the list and Katsuki groans when he realizes he's been paired off with Momo.

He wasn't very interested in most of the fights, only Shouto's when his shirt was incinerated  and he could see the scratch marks on his back, making him blush slightly and look away.

"Momo and Katsuki, Momo you are the one to use your quirk." Mr. Aizawa stated as the two got onto the platform. Katsuki was slightly worried, he still hasn't regained most of his stamina from the attack and he knew Momo hated his guts.


Katsuki quickly dodged a sword that came out from Momo's arm and many attacks after that. That went on for a while, Katsuki dodging every attack until he grew tired. He hissed as one went through his shoulder but he used the opportunity to punch her once in the jaw hard enough to knock her out in one go. The blade slid out of his shoulder as Momo fell to the ground unconscious and Katsuki groaned, holding on to his bleeding shoulder.

"Shouto, please take him to the infirmary again and we'll start the next round." Mr. Aizawa ordered. He knew that Katsuki trusted his roommate, that's why he always sent him to check or help the male. Shouto quickly walked over to Katsuki while Dabi made cooing sounds to his brother and Hitoshi just smacked him across the head with an eye roll.


"Hold still! Jesus Christ, why isn't recovery girl ever here when we get here??" Shouto grumbled as he patched up his injured boyfriend.

"I don't know, she probably has some other shit to deal with." Katsuki responded as he leaned on Shouto tiredly. The taller male chuckled and he kissed the blondes head gently.

"Do you want me to just take you back to the room?" Shouto questioned as he finished up patching his shoulder and he slipped the blonde's shirt on carefully. Katsuki nodded, yawning.

Thanks for reading
Hope this chapter was satisfactory to you all.

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