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Katsuki was left in the hallway of the building with awful injuries. His body was covered in bruises and deep bleeding cuts. But with all the wounds he had grown so used to them in those few hours that he was laying there, that they were numb and cold. The blonde has also passed out two more times, falling in out of present state each time. having flashbacks from his time outside of the school that he did not want to remember.

When the morning had come to, some students passed through the hallways and found the unconscious Blonde and immediately sent for help, thinking that Katsuki was dead and they didn't want him stinking up the place with his deadness.


"Whoever did this to the poor boy really did a number on him. I'm glad that recovery girl had been able to heal all his broken bones."

"I know, the principal said that his friends should be arriving any minute to take him back to his dorm."

"That's great I-, Oh, he's waking up!"

Katsuki stirred, opening his eyes before closing them quickly, the light inside the hospital room harming them. He could barely feel the pain now and once he opened his eyes the light didn't hurt him anymore.

The two nurses were about to take the injured male's vitals before he scared them off by screaming at them to not touch him with his hoarse voice, regretting it after when his throat throbbed in pain. He did not feel comfortable with people he didn't know to touch him when he was weak. Katsuki sat up slowly, being careful to not harm himself anymore. He had bandages on his arms, neck, legs, and torso that were kind of constricting his movement.

"Bro? Thank god you're awake!" Katsuki turned his head to the door to see Eijiro, Mina, Denki, Izuku, and Hitoshi. He was kinda upset that his roommate wasn't there but here quickly pushed that thought away.  Everyone in the group looked exhausted and unkempt.

"Why do you guys look like your got attacked more than I did?" The group chuckled awkwardly.

"Do you know how long you've been asleep Kat?" Mina asked with concern in her raccoon-like eyes. Katsuki shook his head in confusion.

"No, how long?" 

"F-four d-days, y-you were in a c-coma." Mina cried out, hugging the male tightly, forgetting about his still-healing injuries. Katsuki didn't mind though, he was in shock that he was asleep for 4 entire days. He swore that he was going to find who did this to him and make them pay.

"The doctors also said that we could take you back to your dorm when you woke up so we brought you extra clothes, hurry, and change!" Denki said excitement laced his voice, he was excited to have his explosive friend back. When they had heard the news he was on the brink of tears. 

Katsuki took the clothes he was given, which was just a red shirt with some sort of black print and black baggy jeans with holes at the knees, along with black converses. The group turned around and Katsuki slipped on the clothing and told his friends they could turn around. Katsuki hopped up on his feet before they felt very tingly and strained and started to fall before Izuku took notice and helped his friend up with ease.

"A-are you o-okay Kacchan?" The green-haired male asked his friend as they walked out, Izuku helping Katsuki as the group walked. Katsuki felt kinda embarrassed that he needed help walking but he didn't lash out at Izuku simply because he knew he was just trying to help his friend. 

"So blondie do you know who did this to you?" Mina asked as they entered his room. Katsuki noticed that Shouto wasn't there and was kind of upset.

"No, those assholes came from behind me and I could barely get a hit on any of them, though I did scratch one of them on the arm." Katsuki huffed and sat down on his bed, already feeling kinda worn out.

"Ah, well we'll look out for that I guess. We'll leave you alone since you look pretty tired, take a nap or something man." Denki said as he pats his friend's shoulder and exiting the door, he was soon followed by the rest, everyone saying goodbye and that they wished him well.


"P-please I don't k-know anything! I swear to god!" Neito cried as Shouto held him against the wall by his white buttoned-up shirt. Shouto looked exhausted, his normally well-dressed self was rugged and he had prominent bags under his mismatched eyes. Neito was bleeding from a cut on his nose and from his mouth as he tried to get out of the psycho's grip. Ever since his roommate was put into the infirmary Shouto has been a lot more aggressive, if you even looked at him the wrong way he would go off on you. He's already been reprimanded 4 times by Aizawa since he was about to kill a few students during training. Even Dabi didn't know how to calm his rampaging brother.

"Bullshit! You know everyone's little dirty secrets you bitch, tell me who hurt Katsuki!" Shouto pulled back his fist ready to punch the male once again before he finally spat out a piece of information.

"W-wait! I don't know who hurt him b-but I do know M-momo had something against him! Just please for the love of God don't hit me again!" Shouto eyed the male before he let Neito go roughly and stomped away. Shouto didn't really know Momo all that well and had a sneaking suspicion that Neito was lying. Shouto slinked back to his room he felt awful the past four days if he hadn't pissed off the blonde then he wouldn't have gone into the hallway and gotten beaten. That's one of the reasons why he's been pissy.

Also, he missed the small adorable blonde (Though he would never admit it since he did not want to be punched by the violent male.) Shouto sighed once he got to his dorm's door. He swung it open and shut it loudly, not caring if he had startled anyone.

"Jesus Christ! could you be anymore louder for fuck's sake!" Katsuki hissed as he sat up from his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

The mismatched male just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. The blonde wondered why he was giving him such a weird look, maybe he was upset that he was back? Shouto just sighed in content and took his shoes and jacket off.

"Are you okay?" Shouto asked when he sat down on his own bed. Katsuki eyed him before nodding.

"It takes a lot more than getting jumped to take me down, I'm fucking fine." Bakugo rubbed the bandages on his neck, they were starting to get on his nerves. Shouto nodded.

"I would like to apologize for making you walk out if I had known what was going to happen then I wouldn't have aggravated you an-" 

"Don't apologize it wasn't your fault, go to sleep you look like hell had a kid." Katsuki interrupted his roommate with a snap. Shouto smiled at his comment slightly before nodding his head once and grabbing of change of clothes, getting up to change in the bathroom.

Katsuki laid back down on the bed, still exhausted, and eventually dozed off once again, feeling much calmer than before.


I've been obsessed with painting lately. I painted a wooden E, my desk and a mailbox. My dad had to get me like a gallon of white and red paint xD

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