-8- Toga

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TW- A lot of swearing and gore ig?

When Izuku lost Katsuki he tried to look for him but he wasn't able to find him in the halls when students were pushing him every which direction. He still had a tight grip on Hitoshi's hand so he decided to power through and get to Eijiro and Denki's dorm without him. They made it to the silent stairwell and relaxed.

"Are you ok? I'm sure that Katsuki will be fine, he's basically the same level of Ice boy or whatever they call him now." Izuku nodded, Hitoshi's words had calmed him down and they continued their way to the third floor. Izuku's mind was now focused on the 2 boys that were on that floor. Over the week he had started to have romantic feelings for the two but he was too awkward and scared to do shit about it.

The third floor was about the same as the fourth but much less violent. The two boys made their way to the dorm halls. So far things were still running too smoothly for the boys so they were much more alert as they made it to Eijiro and Denki's dorm, both boys standing outside it with Mina who was chewing on bubble gum. 

Once the blonde and redhead spotted the freckled boy their eyes lit up like Christmas lights. Izuku smiled as they walked up to the group of three.

"Hey, wheres boom boom boy?" Mina asked Hitoshi and Izuku, referring to Katsuki.

"We lost him in the halls, he'll probably be fine though." Hitoshi shrugged as he stuffed his hands into his oversized sweatshirt. Izuku nodded along with Hitoshi's answer.

"S-so how was t-the third floor?" Izuku asked Denki, knowing he had a problem with a few of the students, mostly because he didn't have a filter when he was talking.

"Good, I've successfully avoided Jiro so far." He grinned proudly as he leaned against the door frame. Izuku loved it when Denki or Eijiro smiled, he thought it was the best thing in the world. 

The lights flickered off, there were some screams in the hallway and Izuku heard very light footsteps running up to the group. Just as the lights flickered back on Izuku watched as Toga stabbed Denki quickly in the side with a psycho smile, the knife dripping in Denki's blood. Izuku watched as Denki's smile faded and his face twisted with hurt as he gripped his side.

Izuku started running without thinking, chasing after Toga without a second thought, absolutely furious that the psycho had stabbed Denki. He could hear the voices bubbling up inside his head as he found her running into a classroom.

get her.

Se hurt him.

Make her hurt Izuku.

Don't you want revenge?

Kill her.

Don't be a wimp Izuku.

Don't be what they said you were you bitch.

Izuku growled like an animal as he quietly slipped into the class, not making a single noise as he watched Toga laugh with Twice, who was wearing a mask over his face. Toga was covered in blood as she leaned against the teacher's desk. Izuku grabbed a pencil that had fallen off a desk and he positioned himself in a crouch before he lunged and smacked Twice's head against a desk, knocking him out and turning around and dodging a swipe of her knife and stabbing her hand onto the desk. Toga let out a huff of air as she bit deep into her lip, refusing to scream out in pain.

"Do you think that you can just stab whoever the fuck you want?" Izuku sneered, a gruffness was added to his usually soft and friendly voice. His stutter had also disappeared as if he never had on to begin with.

Toga giggled. "You would look so much better covered in sweet, sweet blood!" She tried to drive the knife that was in her other hand into Izuku's neck but before she could The boy with acid green eyes had grabbed her hand and forcefully made her drop her knife.

"Shut up," Izuku whispered before he grabbed the knife off the floor and stabbed her other hand so she was pinned against the desk. Toga still hadn't screamed yet but Izuku was going to make sure she would after he was done. Izuku stood up straight, rolling up his black sleeves to his sweater as he grabbed a couple of pencils, making sure they were sharpened.

Stab her.

Izuku stared at Toga for a second before he plunged a pencil into her knee with extreme force. 


Toga's yellow eyes bulged and watered as she whimpered, still not fulfilling Izuku's anger he stabbed in between her ribs. Toga screamed out in agony and Izuku had a sick smirk on his face.

"If you ever mess with Denki or anyone else I care for I swear to God you won't get out of this school alive, got it you human pin cushion?" Toga nodded vigorously, tears falling down her cheeks and Izuku had calmed down but used the last pencil stab her thigh. 

He pulled down his sleeves, not minding the blood on his hands or the splatters on his face or clothing. The voices had stopped and he had quickly realized what he had down.

"Oh fuck, I lost control again." He mumbled under his breath as he walked back to the dorm, ignoring the glances he got from other people as he made it to the room. He opened the door and smelled the scent of blood wafting around the room. He saw Denki in his bed and Eijiro sitting tiredly by the bedside. Mina and Hitoshi were on Eijiro' s bed and a bruised Katsuki was leaning against the wall, there were blood-soaked paper towels littered everywhere on the floor and Denki was shirtless and his side was wrapped in bandages.

When the door had opened everyone looked at him they looked relieved but then concerned when they saw the blood all over him.

"Where did you go? Are you okay?" Eijiro asked, worried for the small freckled boy. Izuku just sat next to Katsuki against the wall and nodded.

"Y-yeah i-it's not my bl-blood, Is he o-kay?" Izuku's stuttered had returned as he asked Eijiro about Denki. Eijiro looked back to the sleeping blonde and nodded.

"Yeah, we managed to stop the bleeding so he should be." Izuku nodded.

Just two more days of this.


So who likes crazy Izuku? 

Thank you for readdiing I appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to read my story ^^

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