Chapter 1

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I walked towards the house, straightening my dress with my hands. Not going to lie, I'm nervous as hell. Gripping Yvette's arm, we walked towards the house, Jace Leighton's house. He was holding a New Year's Eve party. Of course, I had to attend.

We entered the courtyard and into the house. There were a lot of people inside. Some were talking while others were playing games like spin the bottle. Nah, I'll steer clear away from that game. I know who I want my first kiss to be with.

"Bella, I need to go to the bathroom for a while. Wait for me here. Please don't leave me alone," Yvette said firmly, pointing her index finger at me.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Yeah, whatever. Just go."

With that, she ran off. I wanted to come to this party so badly but it felt really weird to come alone so I dragged Yvette along. She did not want to be here at all. I stood there awkwardly, looking around for the host of this party and the reason I came.

"Hey, you came," I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was Jace. I immediately felt my heart racing. Calm your hormones, Belinda. "Hi, yes. I can't possibly miss the last party of the year, can I?" I lied. You know damn well the real reason you came, Belinda, I could hear my conscience chiding me.

"No, you can't. It's so great to know you came today," he replied, smiling. Gosh, he looks so good. "You look beautiful today. I mean, you always look beautiful but you dolled yourself up today. It's nice," he blabbered.

I blushed. Did Jace Leighton just compliment me? I tried to chuckle as I replied, "Aw, thanks. You look good too." I nodded awkwardly as silence reigned between both of us.

"So... Do you want to eat something? I got some really good food. I've got cakes, muffins, sushi..." Jace asked with an awkward smile. He looked so cute.

"Sure!" I replied a little too loudly and followed him as he led me to the dining room. Damn, his house is big. I'll be the luckiest lady in the world if I ever get together with him. "Ooh, this looks delicious! You sure ordered a lot of good food."

"Yeah," he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "I just ordered every little snack I could think of. Hey, try the tiramisu. I heard it's really good."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh? Really?" I remarked. With that, I took a small plate and placed a slice of tiramisu on it. Using a fork, I took a little bite. "It's actually good!"

"See? I told you!" Jace chuckled.

I never thought there would be a day where Jace and I could talk freely. We were just friendly acquaintances in school. We greeted each other in the hallways, nothing more. After all, he was a rich and popular kid and I was just an average nobody.

"Hey! I told you to wait for me there! I was looking all over for you," I heard someone holler.

I turned around and saw that it was Yvette. Oh crap! I gasped, "Oh Gosh, sorry! I was just so hungry. I couldn't resist the temptation of grabbing food from the dining table. By the way, the tiramisu is very good."

"Yeah, right," she replied, rolling her eyes affectionately. Yvette is the only person who knows I've got a crush on Jace Leighton. She's the only person I could trust with this secret. If anyone else knows, they'll probably broadcast it to the whole school and everyone will mock me for thinking I even had a chance with the most popular kid in school.

And I will never be able to hold my head up high in Empire High ever again.

"Come on, let's play some card games. I know you don't know how to play with poker cards so let's play Uno. Welcome to the Uno club," Yvette said.

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