Chapter 5

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I'm blushing like crazy. I kissed Jace Leighton for the third time in my life. I have no idea what came over me. Did he kiss me because he likes me or because it was convenient? Why am I doubting how genuine that kiss was? I did it voluntarily so I have no right to protest.

We are now walking aimlessly on the streets of Times Square. Man, it's crowded here.

"So, where do you want to go for dinner? I have some ideas but I want to know where you want to go," he asked. "To get to know your tastes better, I guess."

My eyes lit up at that instant. "Great! As we were walking to AMC Empire 25, I spotted a Japanese restaurant, Haru Sushi. Can we eat there? Yvette and I go there to eat every time we come here together. It's very good," I suggested. "And affordable too."

He frowned. Wait, does he not like Japanese food? "This is our first date, Belinda. I want it to be special. You don't have to worry about the cost. I can afford expensive meals. We can go to Wolfgang's Steakhouse; it's a three-minute walk away. Or maybe La Masseria; it's only a ten-minute walk away."

"No, it's fine. I love Japanese food. If you don't mind, I'd like to have dinner there," I replied. I facepalmed internally. I'm actually asking a rich boy who usually eats at expensive places to come with me to eat at a common restaurant. Facepalm. Facepalm. Facepalm.

"Sure!" he said with a smile. "It's good to try new things. Lead the way!"

Oh, why is he so accommodating? "Okay, yay!" I replied and made my way towards the restaurant. It was a three-minute walk away but we took a little less time because I made him run with me. It was fun.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" he asked.

"I'm famished!" I replied. "Besides, you really have to try it out. You sound like you have never eaten sushi before. You're missing out! You have got to try it! It's so good. Ooh, especially salmon sushi! Salmon sushi is the best."

"Didn't you just eat two small buckets of popcorn?" he questioned with a smirk.

I blushed. Does he think I'm such a pig now? "Um, well, it wasn't enough," I laughed nervously. "And sushi is worth everything. I can eat sushi anytime. It's that good, okay? So, no more questions. It's sushi all the way. Let's go in!"

We entered the restaurant and got ourselves a table. We ordered a huge set of a variety of sushi. Oh, I've never eaten that before! It's just way over my budget and Yvette's combined. I'm so lucky to be able to have dinner with a high weekly allowance.

"Are you sure we'll be able to finish that?" he asked.

"It won't be a problem," I replied with a huge smile. "Actually, no, I'm not so sure. I've never eaten anything of such a large serving before. But I'm sure we can finish this together. Didn't you say you wanted to try new food?"

After some time, our food finally arrived. Damn, it's mouthwatering.

I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and used it to pick up the sushi nearest to me. The taste of salmon roe sushi exploded in my mouth. "Mm, delicious!" I said. "Come on, try one." I picked up another sushi and held it in front of Jace. "Try!"

He grinned and opened his mouth. Is he expecting me to feed him? Oh, boy. I placed the salmon roe sushi into his mouth and he said, "Hmm, it's quite nice! What have I been missing for the past seventeen years of my life?"

"Exactly," I uttered. I picked up one scallop sushi and ate it. God bless whoever invented sushi. God bless Japan. "Do you know how to use chopsticks?"

"Yes," he replied and picked it up. "See?" He used it to pick up one salmon sushi. "Open wide, Belinda. The salmon wants to fly into your mouth."

I chuckled and opened my mouth. He put the salmon sushi into my mouth and I chewed it with glee. My favourite type of sushi: salmon. It doesn't taste fishy and it tastes refreshing! It has a mild and delicate scent that makes you want to eat fifty of it.

Holy crap, Jace Leighton just fed me! It's literally the dream of every girl in Empire High to be fed by him. Scratch that. It's the dream of every girl in Empire High to have a meal with him. I am one lucky girl. "So, what do you think?" I asked.

"It's good," he replied. "We should come here more often. Of course, you have to give me the chance to take you to more expensive restaurants for dates. I can do a lot more than this. We can go to La Masseria for our next date."

"Um, okay, then," I giggled, looking down at my lap. He's already planning our second date! What dream am I living in? Please don't wake me up. Ever.

We finished our sushi-filled meal and headed out into the streets. We wandered around Times Square once again and ended up in Bryant Park. We sat down on one of the benches and looked up at the sky. How peaceful...

Out of the blue, Jace asked, "Belinda, can I call you 'Belle'?"

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's shorter and I assume not many people call you that. I want you to always know it's me when I call your name," he replied with a gentle smile. "And I love how daring you are like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. You are awesome."

My heart skipped a beat. Jace Leighton thinks I'm awesome. Help me. I gulped. Belle, Belle, Belle, that special name played in my mind over and over again in Jace's voice. "Yes," I said. "You may call me that. It sounds nice."

He grinned and replied, "Okay, Belle." He took out something from his wallet. It was a ring but made of many strings. "Then, I hope that you will always remember that it was I who created this special moment with you. Belle, will you become my girlfriend?"

My breath hitched. Jace Leighton asked me to become his girlfriend. Damn, the girls in school will hate me so much. "Yes," I whispered. "Yes! Yes!" I shouted and hugged him. I kissed him on the cheek and muttered, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God."

He chuckled and slid the ring through my left ring finger. "I like you a lot, Belinda Clarke, and I hope that we can be together for a very long time." He suddenly kissed me on my lips. This is by far the best kiss we have had. It tasted so sweet.

I like you a lot, Belinda Clarke, his words replayed in my mind. "I like you a lot too, Jace Leighton," I murmured as we broke the kiss. "Um, what's this, though? It's a friendship bracelet but isn't it a little short? Why did you pick this colour?"

"Let's call this a friendship ring. I have one too," he replied. He pulled out another ring and slipped it into his left ring finger. "Blue for unity, white for purity, pink for love. I promise to make you happy for as long as we shall last."

"Thank you," I muttered as I admired the friendship rings we have.

Unity, purity, love.



Is this sweet and romantic in a very simple way? Yes or yes?

Do you still remember the relationships you had in high school? Or even middle school? They're so cute and simple like what Belinda and Jace currently has. So innocent...

Enjoy your childhood while it lasts, my dear teenage readers (*cough* me included *cough*). Adulthood is harsh. You may complain about your life now, and how annoying school and your parents are, but you'll soon realise how much harder it can be.

You only live once! Or you only die once, so Matteo from Begin Again says. Yes, I'm casually advertising here ;)

Stay tuned!

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