Chapter 7

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"So, it's our first date as a legitimate couple," Jace said.

I grinned and nodded. "I can't believe it. I'm actually your girlfriend," I laughed nervously. "I feel like I'm in a fairy tale. I hope this one has a happy ending," I blabbered. Images of Dad's face at my mother's funeral flashed across my mind. "It will, right?"

He smiled and held my hand. "I hope it will. I'm very serious about this. I'm curious, though. Why is it so unbelievable that you're my girlfriend?"

"Ah," I muttered. "It's just that... you're Jace Leighton, the most popular kid in school, and I'm just Belinda, some random ordinary girl in Empire High. There's nothing interesting about me." Except for my interestingly messy life story and the fact that I'm secretly rich thanks to my deceased mother's will. Hahaha.

"You're not ordinary, Belle," he replied. "You're nice, you're smart and you are very pretty. You may not be popular like me but at least you get good grades. You don't give yourself enough credit. I think you're awesome."

My heart skipped a bit. No one other than my mother and Yvette has said that about me. This man is too perfect. "Thanks," I muttered with a shy smile as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Why did you become my friend, though? We never really talked."

I remember how it all started. Jace was walking down the hallway and I was standing by the lockers, waiting for him to walk by just so that I could breathe in the same air as him. Creepy, I know. He looked at me and smiled. Needless to say, I was exhilarated.

My crush smiled at me! He acknowledged my existence! Anyone would be happy by that.

Afterwards, we would smile at each other as we passed by each other. Soon, it became a simple greeting. That was the stage we were in when I attended his New Year's Eve party. Then the kiss happened and here we are today.

"I don't know, actually," he replied. "I saw you and I thought it would be nice to smile. I don't want people to think I'm an arrogant jock. Somehow, it caught on and I started greeting you whenever I saw you. Friendship is weird, isn't it?"

I laughed, "It kind of is, now that I think about it." Once upon a time, we were complete strangers who shared two classes. All of a sudden, we smiled at each other and we became friendly acquaintances. Now, we're dating. How interesting.

Just then, our food arrived. I licked my lips. It looks delicious! Why haven't I ever eaten here before? Oh, right, because sushi is my hardcore favourite food. Plus, the food here is expensive and I simply can't bear to part with so much money at once.

"So, you smiled because you didn't want one of your fans to think you're a jerk?" I asked. "That's quite sad, don't you think? Being a popular kid in school, you have to watch your image. It's quite restricting."

"I don't think that has anything to do with being popular," he chuckled. "I just don't want to fulfil the stereotype that people have on athletes. You know how the media is. They portray athletes like total assholes. I don't want people to think like that."

I nodded slowly. "I like that attitude," I replied. "And I guess it really doesn't have anything to do with being popular. It doesn't matter if you're an athlete or an ordinary student, rich or poor. If you're a jerk, no one will like you."

"Well, to be exact, if you're rich, people will still suck up to you even if you're a jerk," he said. "Those kinds of people want the benefits of being your friend. They want to become popular and probably make connections for the sake of their future careers."

"Damn, this kind of stuff starts from high school?" I asked.

"Yeah, it kind of does. Imagine if you made an enemy in your high school days and he's your future boss? Damn, that will not go very well," he replied, shaking his head. "So, yes, please watch your behaviour in high school."

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