Chapter 10

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Oh my God, I'm about to meet a famous actress who is my boyfriend's mother. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I can't possibly let his mother see me fangirling over her! She'll think I'm only dating him because he's a celebrity's son.

Just then, I felt Jace's hand on my arm. Oh, it's as if he sensed my nerves! I grinned at him and muttered, "Thanks."

"Don't worry, Belle. She's going to love you," he replied.

"I hope so," I said. I looked out of the window and saw that we were already at Greenwich Village where Jace lives. We're going to reach his house anytime soon. Is his mother truly going to like me? How can he be so sure?

"Okay, we're here," he announced.

My breath hitched. Here goes nothing. Just smile and be yourself! I nodded and exited the car. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I wiped my sweaty palms on my shirt, fixed my hair and followed Jace into his house.

There were two men standing outside his house. "Bodyguards," Jace muttered. "Don't mind them. They're just there for security since we're rich and famous."

I nodded. I don't recall seeing them when I came here for the party. They must've blended in with the crowd somehow. I looked at the one on the right who was keeping a straight face. He looks scary. I diverted my eyes instantly.

Jace keyed in the password and I instinctively looked away. Chuckling, he opened the door and we were greeted by two people. "This woman here is our housekeeper, Mrs White, and this man here is our butler, Mr Black," he said.

Black and white. Really? I looked around and gaped at how amazing this place looked. It's so big and fancy and exquisite. I will never be able to afford a house like this!

Jace kicked off his shoes and walked in. I followed suit. I turned around and saw that Mrs White was keeping his shoes on the shoe shelf. Rich people's life. I cannot relate. Jace called out for me and I ran towards him.

Sitting on the couch was a lady with her back facing us. She had blonde hair. It dawned on me at that instant. Who else can this be? "Avery Hudson," I gasped in a questioning tone. My eyes widened in horror when I realised what I did. "Sorry, I mean Mrs Leighton."

Avery Hudson turned around to see who this random stranger who just said her name was. She stood up and walked over towards us. "It's okay. Welcome," she said. I swear I can faint at any moment. Avery freaking Hudson is standing in front of me and talking to me.

"Hi, Mum. I exist," Jace commented.

"Hi, Jace. I know you exist. I brought you into existence. Welcome home," she replied. She looked at me and asked, "Is this your girlfriend?" I looked at her nervously as her eyes went up and down. "She's cute."

Somebody pinch me. Avery Hudson thinks I'm cute. "Thank you, Mrs Leighton," I replied. I can barely contain my excitement. I'm supposed to see her as my boyfriend's mother and not a celebrity! This is supposed to be a family dinner, not a meet-and-greet!

"You look like someone I know," she continued.

"I can't imagine why," I replied. Shit. I sound so sarcastic. Stupid girl. "I mean, what are the chances? How possible is it for me to be somehow related to someone you know for you to think of that person when you see me." What the hell are you saying, Belinda?

Avery Hudson giggled, "Oh, calm down, my dear. What's your name?"

"Belinda," I replied, grinning. Avery Hudson asked for my name!

"And I'm Jace," he added, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Go away, Jace. Go up and shower right now. You stink," she retorted.

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