Chapter 14

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My eyes widened in shock when I heard what he said. Jace never uses that word! I looked at him. His eyebrows were furrowed. I raised my eyebrows in concern and asked, "What's wrong? You look pissed." I glanced at the person who called Jace. "Who is he?"

"Keep walking and don't turn back," he whispered. "He's someone I know from middle school. He's very annoying. Ugh, why is he here? He freaking lives in Brooklyn. This area is so far away from where he lives."

"Why do you think he's annoying?" I asked.

"He's the most arrogant person in the world. He always flaunts his wealth. It's so sickening. It's not like he's the richest or the smartest person in the world. He thinks I'm ashamed of my wealth because I don't do the same. Can you believe it?" he replied.

I shook my head. "No, I can't. Aren't you just being humble?"

"Precisely!" he responded.

"Hey, Jace! Jace Leighton! Where are you going?" that guy called out to him once again. This time, heads started to turn. It must've been the use of Jace's last name, Leighton. Everyone knows the famous Avery Hudson is married to Elden Leighton, his father.

"I think we should stop running and greet him. We don't want the paparazzi to swarm around us," I suggested.

Jace sighed and turned around. "Hey, Mark. It's been a while."

The guy, Mark, smiled in a seemingly sinister way. He gives off playboy vibes or maybe I'm just being influenced by what Jace told me. He walked towards us and said, "Hello there. Is this your girlfriend? She looks hot."

I narrowed my eyes. I don't like this guy.

"Yes, she is," Jace replied with a straight face, hooking his arm around my waist. He held his head up high and asked, "What are you doing here, though? Don't you belong somewhere in the south?"

"I do belong somewhere in the south but that doesn't restrict me from coming up here. I'm here to have coffee with an old friend of mine," he replied, smirking. He looked ahead of us and said, "Ah, she's here."

The lady in question was a pretty brunette. She had striking blue eyes. She's distinctly taller than me but maybe it's because she was wearing heels. "Hello, Jace! It's been a while."

"It's been a while indeed," he replied, shaking her hand.

All I did was smile. "Who is she?"

"This girl is Jace's ex-girlfriend from middle school!" Mark exclaimed which made the girl glare at him. She didn't seem comfortable sharing that information. "It seems like my buddy has a type: brown hair and blue eyes. Don't you think?"

"I'm not your buddy," Jace said as soon as Mark mentioned the word.

"Shut up, Mark," the girl snapped. She smiled as she turned towards me. "Hello, my name is Isabelle Wray. What's your name?" she asked, extending her hand.

Wray, huh? She must be the heir to Wray Jewellery. Everyone knows the Wray's have only one daughter and she's the family's little princess. She's rich and pretty. No wonder Jace used to date her. I shook her hand and replied, "Hi, I'm Belinda Clarke."

Her eyes lit up. "That's great! It's good to see a girl. They always give birth to sons. The Clarke family has a son. The Leighton family has a son." She pointed at Jace. "The Knight family has two sons." She pointed in the direction of the Knight Tower. "The Wilson family has a son." She pointed at Mark. "And then there's me."

I giggled. I never really thought about that. "And me," I laughed. "I'm the niece of Elena Clarke, the chairman of our family's company. My mum is her younger sister. It's not always sons. In the previous generation, the Clarke family had two daughters."

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