Chapter 18

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March. It's an incredible month for women, the Leighton family, and the world. International Women's Day falls in March. Mrs Leighton's birthday falls in March. Avery Hudson's birthday falls in March. Hollywood is roaring.

It's been a month since Jace and I went Instagram official, by the definition Yvette gave me. Yes, he indeed posted photos of us at the prom on his Instagram account. I was ecstatic. There were a lot of comments and a lot of people requested to follow me.

Of course, I didn't accept them. I don't even know who they are. Why should I let them see what I'm up to in life? Besides, I don't use it often.

I opened the app. There were lots of Instagram posts and stories wishing this movie star a happy birthday. It must feel great having thousands and maybe millions of people showering you with their love and well wishes.

Yvette was thrilled. She also made a post dedicated to Avery Hudson, also known as my boyfriend's mother. Her five hundred followers are going to see that post that doesn't even have her face in it since she's never taken a photo with the celebrity.

But I did! However, I didn't want to expose the appearance of the Leighton family's living room so I decided against it.

"What should I wear?" I muttered to myself.

I can't possibly wear the only dress I have because Jace has already seen me in it twice in six weeks. Besides, I don't want to upstage the birthday girl, not that my dress is outstanding in the first place. I bet Avery Hudson would be in a gorgeous dress.

I put on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. It's both casual and cool. Just then, my phone rang. I picked up the phone and said, "Hi, Jace."

"Hi, Bella. I'm Jace. I turned into a girl. I don't know what happened. I lost my dick and I suddenly have boobs. What's happening? How is this possible? Am I dreaming? Help!" a female voice rang on the other end.

"Oh, oops. Hi, Eve. What's up?" I replied, grimacing at my mistake.

"I forgot. Oh yeah! I can't believe you got invited to Avery Hudson's birthday party! That is such an honour! Why wasn't I invited too?" she blabbered.

I rolled my eyes. "Because it's a private family party and you happen to not be her son's girlfriend. You also happen to not be her best friend's daughter," I replied. "But it's okay! I'll show you lots of photos."

"You're so lucky," she sighed.

"I know," I chuckled.

"Have fun!" she exclaimed and hung up.

I looked at my phone and saw a new message from Jace: I'm downstairs waiting for you. There was a series of hearts following that. A huge smile formed on my face. I replied with three hearts and ran downstairs.

"I'm so nervous," I remarked as I closed the car door.

"It'll go well. It's a typical birthday party. It's just Mum, Dad, you and me. It's a normal family dinner except there's a cake," he replied.

"What's typical to you may not be typical to me, Jace," I chuckled. "To me, a birthday party is just Yvette and me in my apartment. She would've bought a nice slice of cheesecake for me from a nearby bakery. We would sing a birthday song and I would blow the candle. It's been a long time since I've had a proper birthday party."

He drove and said, "Belle, we're your family now. Besides, don't you celebrate your birthday with your aunt?"

I shrugged. "No, she's very busy but she would still send me a gift. Alfred doesn't always get a birthday party either. And when he did, I chose not to go because it reminded me of my lack of a happy family and a proper birthday party."

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