Chapter 13

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"Gibbs I know it may not be the right thing but if Troy hasn't been moved yet I wondered if it would be okay if I talk to him" she said regretting her decision instantly.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I honestly don't know. I feel like I still need closure from him. I mean I know that he has done terrible things but I still care about him. Besides I might get information out of him".

"Okay but I'll be right outside".


Jane started to question why she even wanted to do it, Gibbs was just as confused. Gibbs wanted to take back what he said and not let her go in but it was too late, she was already in. Gibbs went into the viewing room to make sure he wasn't going to try anything.

"Aww here to kiss and make up" Troy said.

"No I'm just here to officially say goodbye".

"Wow your not going to come and visit me".

"Really Troy".

"So what do you want?"

"Tell me where this Frank smith is".

He started laughing "you haven't figured out his real name yet?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Look Harry, Frank, and I all use bogus last names to cover up. Like I'm Troy Wesley, Harry is Brown and Frank smith".

"So what's his last name?"

"I want something?"

"What do you want?"

"A hug and kiss goodbye from my lovely girlfriend oh wait I mean ex".


Jane got up and gave him what he wanted.

"That was nice" he said.

"Ok now tell me".

"Find his name is Frank Kort. Happy".

"Yes thank you".

She gave him a kiss on the check and was about to head out.

Gibbs recognized that last name and barged into the room.

"You sure it's Kort?" He asked angrily.


"Did he ever mention to you who is father was?"

"No only thing I got from him about his dad was that he had an eye patch for a while".

"Thanks Troy".

"Your welcome I guess".

Gibbs kinda dragged Jane out of the room just by how fast he left the room.

"Gibbs wait what's going on?" She said.

"If Troy is telling the truth and his father is who I think he his then this just way more complicated".


Gibbs basically sped walked to the bullpen while Jane was struggling to keep up. She didn't know anything and was so confused.

When Gibbs met Jane Where stories live. Discover now