Chapter 3

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Radhi: please leave from here i dnt(she faints while shouting at him)

Gautham becomes shock by looking at her and sprinkled some water droplets on her face to wake her up, but she didn't...... immediately he takes her into his arms by carrying her in bridal style and takes her to the hospital....

At hospital

Gautham: Doctor please look at her she fainted at home I tried to wake her but she didn't

Gautham informed to the doctor with the scaring tone

Doctor: okay...Don't worry ill examine her till you wait outside.

Doctor came out after sometime

Doctor: Get her health reports i want to look at her reports

Gautham becomes shock by listening to doctor

He doesn't have any idea what's going on so he went to her home and searched for the reports and came to doctor and gave to him .........after looking at the reports doctor informed that he wants to do some tests on her body Gautham becomes panicked after hearing that......

Gautham: Doctor what happened to her why she fainted and what tests you want to perform and she might fell down with weakness.........

Doctor: I can understand your pain mister but I cant tell anything by that reports.. to get the complete idea about her we need to perform some tests on her ...but one thing I can tell you she didn't fainted because of weakness when you got her here we thought she fainted due to weakness but after examined her I can tell that this is not only reason....

Gautham: you saw everything in her reports right doctor.....please tell me is everything okay...? i cant leave without her ....if anything happens to her ill die.... she is my life please tell me she is alright doctor

He is pleading and bombarding questions to doctor having tears in his eyes......

After performing various tests when doctor came out Gautham stopped him

Gautham: How is she..?

How is her condition..?

Doctor: i can only tell u after talking and discussing with the gynecologist

Gautham become numb after hearing to that he is very tensed while Doctor left from there

Later after sometime Doctor and OB-GYN and told him that they wants to talk to him something about serious

Doctor: how are you related to patient...?

Gautham is not understanding what to tell

Gautham: she is my love he finally replied

OB-gyn: she brutally got RAPED by some peoples they tortured her and they must treated her like dangerously....

They tortured her like hell she had marks on all over her body and she is stirring with the pain her body has a lot of cigar marks and teeth marks ......she has suffered a lot.....and she cant conceive again


Although the world is full of suffering it is full also of the overcoming of it..

the only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain

when your loved one's get hurt it eventually causes you more pain and more sufferings......


hello everyone how is this update?????

what do u ppl think wt exactly happened to the radhi...??

she is in such situation...???

is everything going to be okay in between them....????


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