chapter 14

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Gautham opened the file and he became astonished by looking at that girl photo and details

Gautham opened the file and he became astonished by looking at that girl photo and details

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This is the passport size image of the girl and the it is Radhika

"She is ishaan's friend, i never thought she can do like this, i thought she is innocent, but she is irresponsible look girl i will teach a lesson to her..." gautham murmered under his breath

Gautham called ishaan:
"Hello ishaan, get your friend Radhika to police station immediately"gautham spoke to ishaan

"Why are you asking for radhi, what did she do, look brother don't scare that girl, she is innocent and currently she is not in a position to come"ishaan told gautham

"Just shut up and do what i say, i should decide whether she is innocent are not, anyway i don't have time and get your friend to station as soon as possible" gautham said in a rude tone and cut the call without even giving a chance for ishaan

After one hour Ishaan has come to police station along with radhi...
By the tym they reach station gautham was beating the person very badly who is in the jail without bothering about surroundings he doesnt noticed when radhi and ishaan came to the station..

Radhi got scared of him seeing like that and she has became scared why did he called ishaan to get her to the station along with him

Feeling someone's gaze gautham raised his head at her he then came to her and clutched her shoulders tightly asking "do you have a shame to leave a person whom u hit on the road..?
Do you even hace some common sense is this what u have learnt in these days..?
Shame on you" he said that words to her....

When radhi is about to say something gautham stopped her by showing his palm to her

He then dragged her to the lock-up and threw her into that ruthlessly
Ishaan became numb witnessing this scene he has taken sometime to get everything into his head

"How dare you do that gautham..?
How can you throw a girl into lock-up..?
Didn't you see her condition even after that u dragged and thrown like a dog into the lock-up
Atleast have some humanity" ishaan shouted at gautham

"I know what iam doing
I don't want anyone to interfere in this matter
Listen to me carefully
This is my station, everything goes as per my rules and my wish
She hit a person with her scooty and let the person like that and she left..tell me should i honour her..?
Should i felicitate her..?" Gautham spoke with anger in his voice

Rudra became shocked after coming to the spot witnessing all these words from gautham...
"Are you sick man why can't you control your rage...?
Why are you blaming that pour soul.? you cant come to conclusion that she is accuse even though if she is accuse you can't treat a women in this way this is not correct this is 100% wrong and how can you decide whether she is culprit or not.?

Look at her face how innocent she is....look at her dress it has some blood stains over there and there are even some band aids on her body too
You are messing everything by keeping that missing case into your mind
and ishan what are you doing here and why didn't you stopped him from doing all these non sense"...? Rudra glared at ishaan

" keep one thing in mind, anger doesn't solve anything it builds nothing,but it can destroy everything


Look bayya she is my friend radhika we are studying in the same class and she is my very good friend...when we were in the college he called me to get radhi here as soon as possible ......

i asked him about the reason but he yelled at me, so i got her here after coming here he directly dragged radhi and threw her into lock-up"ishan completed saying while looking at gautham with anger

"You all are blaming me see this vehicle number she has done accident and she went from there without even taking care about that person"gautham spoke to them with venom in his eyes

Radhi eyes got watered after listening to him " i never thought of himself like that .......we never ever met before this

this is second time we are meeting here why he is doing like this to me" she is thinking in her heart and controlling her tears by bitting her lips

Rudra turned towards radhika and introducing him to her "See ms.radhika iam rudra iam working here please tell me what exactly happened there"rudra spoke calm to her

"Yeah radhi bhaiya is very cool he will never come to conclusion like someone you can tell him definitely he will help you" he said supporting rudra and glared at gautham

"When iam coming to the college on my bike this morning , i stopped at signal but a old man has came there by his bike and his brakes were not working properly he came and hit me directly and we both fell down from there and whithin short span of time most of the people has gathered around us

Some of the constables came there and wrote our vehicle numbers as uncle is having problem with his leg i went aside and called my friend to come there to help uncle....

with the help of my friend we left uncle at his home after visiting to hospital" she completed telling them

Rudra and ishaan glared at gautham

Before you judge or comment on someone make sure you know the truth and whole story because you might end up loosing something or hurting someone

"What !! Why you people are looking at me like this ..?
Why do you think this is true.?
I was there at that time
I was told about this accident by some people who were there
I got the details from constable and let him come and lets listen to his side too"gautham completed speaking and called constable narayana

Constable narayana entered and looked at radhi" arey madam how are you .?
How are your injuries.?
Why are you here.?
how is the old man you helped..?"
He asked radhi with worry in his voice

"Stop and narayana tell me what happened exactly at the spot.
Isn't she is the one who did accident..?"gautham spoke interfering narayana

"No sir, she didn't do accident a old man has done that accident to this girl due to some brake problem" narayana spoke to the Trio

He then explained the complete situation to them which happened this morning

"Okay, you can leave now" gautham ordered narayana and opened radhi's lockup with guilt

"Iam sorry iam very stressed about some other missing girl case" saying this gautham bent his head down and opened the lock-up

"Its okay" this is all she said and then she came out...

She is not angry but she is hurt there is a difference

Gautham hoped  her to say something....

Just because you are angry it doesn't mean you have the right to be cruel

Anger is nothing more than an outward expression of hurt, fear and frustation


Thank u everyone

Be safe........


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