chapter 7

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"its okay doctor thank you ill take leave and thanks for treating her and definitely i will make her normal and if there is no problem for her health please get her discharge papers ready" he replied with lot of determination..

"sure MR.GAUTHAM" she replied smiling....

Gautham went to see radhi and seen her face he thought of not going back again and he should make her fall in love with him againRadhi has seen him coming to her smiling "Why are you smiling still are you not feeling happy seeing me here in this stage or are you expecting more again...?"she asked him irritatingly...Gautham face became pale still have a sad smile on his face which is not reaching to his eyes and replied "doctor told me that u can get discharged and we can go home""oh okay mr.gautham Give me your phone" radhi asked himHe felt happy atleast she asked him his phone .......silently he gave his phone to her and observed what she is doingRadhi seen him observing her carefully from her lashes "will you please go out for sometime mr.gautham i need to talk in private""okay mrs.Gautham" by teasing her he came out from the room without uttering a single word.....

 Radhi glared at him after listening to this and came out from a shock then called to a person and waited for the person to lift the call...but the person didn't.... she tried for 2 times again it got the same response and she has cut the call irritatingly while cursing the other side of the person....

after 5 min gautham has returned to the room...he decided to talk to her and he wants to get the person punished for what he did to radhi

"Radhi i want to talk to u" gautham spoke in a less confident voiceRadhi shocked after listening to him she never ever seen him like this less confident before she replies gautham told her its about a case..."Tell me officer, how can this dirty,waste girl help you"? Radhi spoke to him"Look radhi i want to know exactly what happened to you that night, do you remember any of the person who was after you ..???plz let me know at least even if u have slightest idea about it, i will make sure they will get punished irrespective of who they are and whom they belongs to" gautham told her with rage in his voiceRadhi is taken back by his sudden action.." look MR. ACP gautham i dont want to think about that incidents again and again i dont want any justice i am not expecting anything from anyone of you people please let me live in piece i request you to dont drag me into this " she replied him with joining her palms..

"Please radhi iam here and asking you as an ACP please tell me i promise i will do whatever i can do... its okay even if you don't trust me as your husband but at least trust me as a police officer u know how much i love this job and my dedication levels towards this job radhi " gautham told her

"I request you please dont play with my emotions again by showing your fake love you all have killed the innocent in me and i never forget that gautham" she replied with cryingGautham spoke to her "i know i have done a big mistake radhi iam blindfolded and couldn't see anything ...i beg u please give me a single chance i will take care of you and yeah iam going to punish the one who is the reason and responsible of your condition including me" after saying this gautham is ready to leave Radhi shocked listening to his last sentence and hold his hand..."They tortured me gautham they tortured me"she is said with hiccups

"They tortured me brutally and they raped me do you know about the marks on my body which made by them and did u saw that...?  i dont like this reality to remember again and again gautham, when iam thinking about that i want to kill myself for infinite times and i dont even remember them gautham tell me they might have done something to doesn't remember them and iam sure about that.. you dont even have a single clue to catch them and iam not only the girl who got raped by them there are 'n' no of girls ......tell me are you going to do justice for everyone of us tell me how you are going to get justice gautham???" She replied holding his collar while sobbing and gautham made her sit on the bed

gautham cupped her cheeks and said that "look radhi i promise you i am telling you i may not solve all your problems but iam sure i wont let you face them alone" then he kissed her forehead and assured her

" why are you doing this gautham...??? are you expecting something from me i dont have anything to give you gautham i have nothing now....if u want me to break again u cannot because iam already broken soul" she asked him while crying....

"if u wants to know the answer behind that then listen to me YOU ARE MY LAWFULLY WEDDED WIFE AND YOU ARE MY SOUL IN MY BODY" gautham replied her smiling


If you dont like the reality then be enough strong to change the reality

the pain you feel today will be your strength tomorrow

having your loved ones with you when you are in pain is the most blissful feeling


 hello everyone how is the update....????

yeah gautham and radhika are the couple...........

        thank you for reading 

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