Chapter 22

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She has unlocked her phone and searched her contacts her eyes and finger stopped at a contact which she wanted ACP GAUTHAM and dialled the number without thinking twice

Her heartbeats are increasing as the phone is ringing continously, but he hasn't lifted the call, she has sighed due to disappointment.she again called him without thinking again, but he has disconnected the call this time. She is getting irritation herself for calling him and thought he might be busy. Then she went to her friends and sat with them but she didn't say them anything about her doubt and her call to gautham, before telling them she wants to confirm first.

On the other side, Asusual our hero gautham and rudra are very busy with their own works, they were called by Their senior Assistant commissioner of Police for the meeting about the recent crime rates in hyderabad, they noticed that there are large crime rates in the hyderabad in the recent times. A gang people are creating havoc by doing the crimes all over india without even giving a single clue, this gang people does the crimes with very intelligence. All the people in the city are very terrific with these crimes. After discussing some thing in the meeting, they dispersed to their cabins.

Rudra came inside his cabin with his lunch box and rudra warned him to discuss something other than case saying he fed up working with him dramatically. While gautham rolled his eyes at him, rudra asked gautham about ishaan and his trip while gautham told him about the details and he smiled thinking about radhi.

Rudra asked gautham to call ishaan as he wants to talk to him, but later his phone was cut by ishaan.Gautham told that might be busy with his friends.

"Yes, tell me gautham do you think ishaan loves radhi,".? Rudra asked him
Gautham spitted out his food and coughed while rudra patted his back saying someone may be thinking about him
While gautham asked rudra"which radhi, you are talking about"?
"Arey dumbo, the same radhi whom you arrested with a misunderstanding" rudra replied him
"How can you think that ishaan loves radhi"gautham shooted his question
"Why, don't you see his care towards radhi on that day at here, he went against you to save her, i think there are high chances for that"rudra told while eating his food.
"No, how can it is possible..?
They are just friends, okay i accept good friends may be best friends, but i don't think about love"he replied to rudra
"Why, is it not possible there are high chances of that, best friends can become best couple"rudra told gautham

They left to their respective works, after some time when he was in deep discussion about rudra regarding some case, his mobile rang indicating unknown number he didn't lift the call and he put his mobile aside, after his mobile rang again with the same number. He cut the call as he is busy, he thinks to call later to that number.

Here radhi and gang are thinking about the girl, they are trying to trace out the girl, but they don't have any idea regarding that girl. All their friends thought and decided to give complaint but radhi doesn't want to, she wants to talk to gautham but he is not lifting the call, if she is say no her friends, they won't listen so carried along with her friends.

Boys doesn't want radhi to be in trouble so, they created a story saying that they all have seen the same, and followed them but they missed them as one of her friends has fell down.

They all went to police station and explain the same but, the officer said "Look, you are young people, you came from different state for sight seeing, be a guest to this city, watch, enjoy and leave the city, how you come. Dont try to poke your nose in these matters, just forget the scene these all are common here and don't reveal this matter to anyone and listen one thing if you reveal the same to anyone, you all will not return like this, remember" Saying this he patted ishaan cheeks

"Being in the respectable position, how can you be like this..?, how can you be so irresponsible, don't you have shame to behave like this, you are working for the government and your duty is to protect people, but what are you doing..? You are trying to save those bloody idiots instead of saving a girl who is getting tortured by those rogues, shame on you officer, officers like you are shame to the society but the officers like ACP GAUTHAM are proud to the nation i know you can't do any justice to the girl not only that girl, but also for every girl including your daughter" As soon as these come from radhi's mouth officer slapped radhi which left his handprints on her milky cheek and little bit blood oozed from corner of her lips, when he is about to clutch her throat ishaan, rohith and rohan stopped him while the girls went to radhi and pacified her

"Shut up your bloody mouth girl, what are you thinking about yourself.? Are you PM or President of this country..?,who are you to judge me..?
This is my station, my place and i will do whatever i want to do, i don't want you to open your mouth anywhere if you do that, don't forget, i will arrest you under some cases which women doesn't wanted to be involved, just imagine how your parents face the society, did you get that.." Police shouted at radhi..while radhi flinched at his tone.

"Sorry sir, we will take care about this, she has just said this in a rage, we will promise you we don't discuss this matter anywhere i promise sir, we will leave this city tomorrow, please you don't do anything to her sir please" Ishaan begged officer seeing this tears emerged from radhi's eyes. Saying this all of them went from the station.

The car ride from station to their hotel is quiet, even though they all are close to each other there is some uncomfortable silence in between them. Tears were continously flowing from radhi's eyes. Boys are very angry so both keerthi and sakshi were afraid to talk to them. After they reach hotel, everyone retired to their rooms.





Hello everyone......

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Is this chapter boring..?

Iam little bit disappointed with the votes...don't i deserve getting the votes from you...???
hope you all understand me....

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Take care of yourself and your surroundings....

Thank you everyone

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