Chapter 19

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Gautham felt like his life is going away from him, eventhough they didn't speak much to each other,he always like radhi, he always listens about radhi from ishaan's mouth
He started attracted to her simplicity
Her innocence attracted him.He always wants to listen about radhi when ishaan speak to him about his college life.He is feeling that she is attracting him so much

Everyone were retired to their homes after their beloved one's departure.....

Everyone are enjoying in the train,rohan is still trying to convince sakshi, while rohith is watching and admiring keerthi when she is talking to radhi.

Ishaan is observing rohith and whispered to him"if you love her this much, why don't you tell her, even i feel she likes you so much"

Rohith alarmed by listening his words and asked ishaan"whom you are talking about ishaan, iam unable to understand anything"

Ishaan chuckled at him" i know that you have feelings for keerthi romeo, i have been observing you from so many days, do you think you can escape from my eyes, its impossible"

Rohith sighed and asked him
"Its okay iam scared what if i loose her friendship.?
I can't bear that, okay now come to you
Why don't you express your feelings to radhi"ishaan who is drinking water spilled out and coughed while rohith rubbed his back then ishaan spoke to rohith

"Oh my god, where does this come from..?, radhi is like my sister i never ever have any feelings for her
She is very good friend to me,
She is very innocent girl, so iam lil bit protective towards her, i don't have sister so iam seeing my sister in her,that's it"

"Oh,iam sorry ishaan....i don't meann it , i wanted to tease you so accidentally i got her name iam sorry,okay now then tell me who is the girl whom you love.
Is it Radhi's sister aadhya
I know she is the one
The way you look at her tells everything"rohith winked at ishaan

"What happened to you man, what happened to our calm and innocent rohith,go get back to your behaviour, is that mad girl soul in you, iam sure it is...
that is the reason you are behaving very oddly today and i won't let you to talk with aadhya again you turned out to be bad boy by talking to her for sometime,its final don't worry i will protect you fr.."rohith interrupted ishaan

"Are you sick ishaan, what happened to you why are you saying about that poor soul"rohith asked ishaan then ishaan touched his forehead and checked his body temperature.....

"Are you sure you are alright, your body seems to have normal temperature"ishaan told to rohith
"Stop it idiot, why are you exaggerating things..?"rohith irritated with ishaan

"Its because you are calling that little devil as poor soul"by saying this ishaan told his first meet with aadhya to him after listening to this rohith started laughing very loud which attracted his friends and all turned to his side by stopping this works including rohan and sakshi

"What happened rohith..?
why are you laughing that..?
Is it some joke please tell us even we want to laugh"keerthi spoke to rohith

"Nothing keerthi"saying that rohith scratched back of his head nervously after listening this everyone continued what they were doing before.

"I must say you both makes very good pair ishaan, she is the only one whom you scared of, i would he very happy if something happens between both of you in a good way"rohith said this, after this once again rohith went into his la la land with keerthi😉😉😉😉
Coming to our couple sakshi and rohan...sakshi is still mad at rohan

"Oh my god, stop your bickering idiots, you people are busy in your own fighting world,radhi and keerthi are engrossed in talking and this idiot is in his own dreams
For the god sake, we came to to trip, if you people continue the same i will go to hyderabad on tomorrow by catching some flight as soon as we reach, please stop doing this and don't you both have some other works and don't you both get tired of fighting,how did you both fell in love.? why do you have a fight tell me about this" frustated ishaan shouted at all of them

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