chapter 24

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Soon the night passed by, everyone got fresh up and gathered to have breakfast, still ishaan and radhi both are not in talking terms. Ishaan is angry on radhi for behaving like a stupid in front of that SI without thinking about the consequences, while radhi is mad at him as he accepted SI demands.

"Hello, are you missing me" came a familiar yet unfamiliar voice. All heads are turned to the owner of that voice.

A Person was standing with smile on his face, seeing that person ishaan went and jumped on that person and said "bhaiya" everyone were laughed at his childish act.

Radhi was dumbstruck by seeing that she has never expected gautham to be there. She thought he won't concentrate on this case but his presence has completely surprised her. Gautham came to her and asked her "how are you?"

"I thought you won't be here and i guessed that you don't even concentrate on this case but this completely unbelievable"radhi spoke to him in the trance
Listening these words gautham started laughing by clutching his stomach,while their friends were not understanding what exactly happening....

"Look ms.radhika iam not that kind of officer who leave the case like that, if i start handling a case i will never leave it in middle until and unless i get justice for that person. To bring justice and to protect the people i will go to any extent"gautham spoke to her while her lips curved up.

"Now everyone get ready, i want to go to the spot where you find the girl ms.radhika but not before going to station" everyone nodded and went to their rooms by completing their breakfast.

After 30 mins everyone came to the entrance of the hotel. They get into the vehicle and started to their destination.

"This is the place where i have seen here, i was enjoying the nature suddenly i heard a girl voice asking for the help, and this is the direction i heard the voice, i was about to reach but one person has clutched her hair, i wanted to go and save her but i was alone on the top of that if they see me, they would have captured me too. So i followed her to some extent and......"radhi completed saying and shown the path.

"Okay, did you see any of their faces..??" rohan asked her
"No, there is no chance, why does they show their faces, they came for kidnapping" gautham told them
"Yes, their faces were covered with monkey caps"radhi sighed.

"Did you see anything or do you have little bit idea something related yo them..?
Please try to remember, it would be helpful" gautham asked her while radhi is thinking about it suddenly, she told that " yes, one person has snake tattoo on his one hand and his other hand was burnt but that burnt was not new by seeing it i can say that it has happened long back"

"What ..,?? snake symbol..?
Are you sure about it..?"gautham asked her while she replied "yes, officer iam damn sure about it.
Their eyes were blood red i got scared at that sight, i tried to save her when they laid her down. I thought of moving ahead but suddenly a person has come and if he was not there, either i would have save her or they would have catch me " radhi sighed at that.

"What, who is that person..?"gautham asked her.
Radhi told him about that mystery man who dragged her from that place and also she told him the sentence which he told "Don't do this again i will not be there everytime to save you"

Why did you hide this matter from me..?" Gautham asked her
"I thought it is not useful"saying this she shrugged her thoughts.
"Are you dumb..?
Look there are some chances one is that person might be following you from long time and he might be trying to harm you or he is trying to save you or he might already know that you were in danger or he was just a person who visted that place" gautham told her
While she shivered at his information.

"Am i in danger " she asked him shivering.
Gautham was scolding himself for telling this information to her and scaring her.
"May be or may not, i won't tell you that you are not in any danger you should be more careful from now on, and don't worry these are just my assumptions, iam not sure about them" gautham replied her

They spent their time and went to some distance to check for any proofs.
They returned back to their hotel as they did not get any and they were completely tired.

After freshup radhi has called to her parents and spoke to them then they gave the mobile to aadhya to talk to radhi.
"Tell me how many classes you bunked again in these days.?
Or should i ask that how many classes did you attend" radhi is making fun of her sister
"Akka. Why are you making fun of me i attended all classes" she told sadly while radhi chuckled at her crazy behaviour
"Akka, why did you not sent me any pics till now, send me the pics i want to see them" aadhya demanded her.
"Okay i will send you after the call, tell me what are you doing"radhi asked her baby sister.

"Completing all my pending assignments😭😭"she replied sadly.
"Why don't you do your works on your time, if you have completed on time you don't have to struggle now aadhya" she taunted aadhya
"Akka, please you also becoming like mom and dad. Don't be like that , i hate when you taunt me for assignments" aadhya told her
"Okay i won't say anything to you, complete your works ill call you tomorrow, good night" saying this radhi cut the call.

She opened her gallery and clicked on a folder and saw something, then suddenly she hit her forehead and murmured "shit, how did i forgot this"
Saying this she went out and knocked a door and the door has opened revealing gautham
"What are you doing here..?"he asked her
"I forgot to tell you something, i don't know how it skipped out from my mind" saying this she gave her mobile to him.

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