chapter 6

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Gautham reluctantly came outside to wait but his heart and mind is with his love .........

Gyn asked radhi what actually happened to her and how she landed into this situation.....before radhi replying some thing gyn told her that gautham has taken very good care of her and he is feeling terrible because of seeing her in the broken condition and she is very lucky to get him as her love...radhi felt good listening to her she wants to run to him and hug him but she cannot she is feeling how destiny has changed their life may be they are destined to be together ...that might be the reason they are not together even from the beginning she loved him and waiting for his love but when he confessed she is not in a state to accept and believe his love
She came to senses when gyn repeated her question and doesn't replied anything to her
"Look radhi we can help u only when you support us and explains us what exactly happened if not we cant help u and it would be difficult for your treatment say something and reduce your pain in your heart think me as your mother dear"gyn replied
"U ppl can only cure my physical pain but what about my mental pain who can heal this..?
No one can do this"radhi thought in her mind and
She explained to gyn with tears flowing like river from her beautiful eyes and asked her at last"tell me dont i deserved to be loved in my life why god is doing that with me"she said with sobbing...... gyn carefully listens to her she gave her a motherly hug rubbed her back and consoled radhi telling her that "look dear god wont give you happiness that easily he will put many hurdles in your life to face and come across through ...try to overcome and become a strong woman dont afraid of anyone if u afraid world makes you more terrible remember one thing no one can help you to come out in any situation only you can...... don't loose your hopes you should swallow the pain before it swallows you and don't think you are not deserved to be loved you are ome of the most purest souls i have seen these are the tests which god has created to send correct person in your life anyone will be with you when you are good but only peoples who are with you even after knowing everything and when you are in the bad condition are the correct one in your life" gyn told trying to console radhi even after saying that she herself shocked thinking how can someone do that to such a innocent and purified soul and feeling bad thinking how radhi must have felt and what she has has undergone.....she has checked her and spoke to her then she gave instructions to take care of her then she came out.....

gautham who has been waiting for long outside and saw the gyn who is coming out amd went to her and enquired her about radhi condition
Then gyn asked him to follow her to her cabin gautham was feeling tensed again listening to that
After they are alone in her cabin Gautham asked her whats the matter..?
Gyn replied that "see gautham she has undergone a lot she has faced very problems on those days i didn't tell her about her conceive part as she is broken i can't tell her and see her more broken if she comes to know about this she may loose hopes on her life she is very delicate like a glass please look her and take care of her like that ....and one thing please dont force her for anything she has suffered from both inside and outside...i hope you understand what iam saying..."
Gautham replied"dont worry doctor ill take care of her i wont let her suffer and thank you so much for showing this affection to her and if u dont mind can i ask you one thing"?
Gyn showed her hand to continue what he wants to ask..
"Doctor can i plz know what exactly happened to her and why can't she conceive....?"
Gyn gave him an unbelieving look and continued that "see gautham when those morons raped her they injected some drugs due to them she loose consciousness and the side effects of that drugs are: victim wont remember that person , she cant conceive in her lifetime and mainly the dna or the traces of the rapists erases from the victim body hence there wont be any clues to know the clue about a person who raped a girl i dont know who are those heartless peoples who invented those kind of drugs due to tbose stupid drugs the forcible rape cases are increasing day by day"she replied clenching her fist and tried to calm her racing heart.....and she continued" coming to how it has happened that's not my thing to tell you i cant discuss those incidents with you she will discuss them with you if she wants to iam sorry i cant do it and yes you should treat her with a lot of love and the care and try to give as much as support u can to help her to recover"..
"Its okay doctor thank you ill take leave and thanks for treating her and definitely i will make her normal and if there is no problem please get her discharge papers ready"he replied with lot of determination
"Sure mr.gautham" she replied smiling......

Our lifes begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matters
Being with someone in their hardtimes itself makes them strong

Hello everyone......
Hw is the update ...?
What exactly happened to radhi condition...?

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