Chapter 7

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"Oh my God! Jake and Amy are just so cute!" I squealed. The seventeenth episode of the second season just ended. I especially love the final scene where Jake and Amy smiled at each other as he was dancing with Gina's great aunt Susan.

This show just gets you smiling like you're in love.

By the first hour, I was squealing because Jake admitted that he still likes Amy. By the second hour, I was crying because Jake got together with a girl who is not Amy. By the third hour, I was screaming because Amy confessed that she liked Jake.

Screw Meredith and Derek. Jake and Amy are my favourite onscreen couple now.

"Yes, yes. We know," Talia sighed. "We watched the entire series at least five times. We know the plot of this show like the back of our hands."

"And we will never get sick of this show!" Erica exclaimed.

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the win!" Zenia hollered, punching the air.

I chuckled upon hearing that. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll go get that," I said and stood up to open the door. There stood Matteo Knight and some random people behind him. "Hey! You're here! And you brought some people along..."

"No, they're not with me. I think they're your caterers," he replied in a questioning tone. "At least, that's what they told me and it really looks like it."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I gasped. "Come in, Matteo," I said and he entered my apartment. I turned to face the people from Sweet Basil and told them, "Oh, hi, you can put the table and food along the corridor. I'm sure Matteo wouldn't mind."

"No, I won't because you'll be the one cleaning it up," he replied.

I rolled my eyes and continued, "You heard him. Thank you so much!" I left the door open and walked back to the living room. "Hey, Zenia. Go and handle the food. It's your job," I laughed. "Alright, guys. Turn off the TV. The guests are going to come very soon."

Erica switched off the TV and Talia cleared the food trash.

"What were you guys watching?" Matteo asked.

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine," I replied with a smile. "I know you're a hardcore Grey's Anatomy fan but you should try it out. Trust me. It's very good. I'm not ashamed to admit that Meredith and Derek are not my favourite onscreen couple anymore."

"Too busy studying," he said with a straight face.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, if you can spare time to watch one episode of Grey's Anatomy a week, you can spare time to watch three episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine a week."

He raised an eyebrow. "How does that even make any sense?"

"One episode of Grey's Anatomy is one hour long. One episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine is twenty minutes long. Do the math," I deadpanned.

"Oh," he murmured. "I'll see how it goes."

I shook my head. I know he's not going to do it. "Anyway, you're here early! Don't you have to study or something? What happened to the hardworking Matteo Knight I know?"

He grinned. "Well, I thought I could help but it seems like you're all done. It looks good, by the way. Good job. And, for your information, I spent my entire morning and afternoon revising. Thank you very much."

"Tell that to Erica. She's the one who handled the decorations," I laughed, gesturing at her. "Wait, you actually studied your morning and afternoon away? What a nerd. Aren't the final exams like three months away? Tone down a little. Get a life."

"I'll get a life after I get my Doctor of Medicine. Until then, I'm going to study all the way," he replied with a smirk. "Besides, I enjoy living under a rock. Everything above will only distract me from my goals. It feels great to get full marks for every examination after studying so hard. That's what you get when you don't have a life. A great sense of satisfaction."

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