Chapter 27

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"Hurry up, Lexie! I can't wait to see Mum and Dad!" Talia squealed.

"Coming!" I hollered, pulling my luggage and throwing it into the car. My aunt had graciously lent me a truck and a chauffeur since all of us can't drive. Yes, it's been confirmed. Matteo can't drive. He wasn't interested in learning and he's having major regrets now.

However, he's not coming along. He has MCAT in a few weeks and he needs to study for it. He did say he would come after that, though. I'm not sure how because he doesn't know where it is but I'm sure he has his ways.

We waved each other goodbye and I scooted off to my good old town with my three best friends. When we reached, we were greeted by everyone. We always gathered at the same spot, awaiting the arrival of the three musketeers. This year, there are four!

The two people whom I noticed didn't appear were Mr and Mrs Sherwood. That thought wrenched my heart. They must be heartbroken over their son's incarceration. As much as I now hated him, I felt bad.

"Welcome home, Lexie," my mother greeted and hugged me tightly. "I miss you so much. How's it going with your boyfriend? What's his name? Matthew, was it?"

"Matteo," I corrected with a chuckle.

"Yes, what a handsome name," she giggled. "Let's go home now. Your dad and I missed you so much! We're so glad you're home. Lunch is prepared for you. It must've been a long and tiring journey from the city."

I grinned. "It's not that long and tiring..." I muttered. "You should come and visit one day! You should see my apartment. It's beautiful. Oh, and you'll love Matteo. He's kind of quiet and awkward but he's a very nice guy when you get to know him."

"Yes, you told me that many times. He sounds like a nice guy. As long as he's nothing like Derek, I'm sure your dad and I will love him," she replied, ruffling my hair.

"Lexie! Welcome home!" Dad hollered as soon as we stepped in. He ran towards me and wrapped me in an embrace. "So, where's that cute little boyfriend of yours? Mum and Dad want to see him!"

"He's not here," I giggled awkwardly. "He has MCAT in a few weeks and he needs to study for it. He'll come after that."

Dad nodded slowly. "Well, I can't wait to see him when he comes. I want to see what kind of person he is and if he's worthy of my precious daughter."

I chuckled. Ever since Derek, my parents have been rather overprotective about who I date. When they found out that my neighbour was a guy, they freaked out and burst my aunt's phone with their calls. It took some reassurance for them to calm down.

When they found out I was dating my neighbour, contrary to their initial reaction, they were ecstatic. I had been feeding them about my interactions with Matteo which were mostly positive, resulting in their eventual liking for him.

I have such a sweet tongue!

I put my things in my room which still looked the same. I took out my phone and texted Matteo: I'm home! I'm looking forward to seeing you.

He replied a few hours later: Me too!

It's been a month and there was still no sight of Matteo. His MCAT should've been over for a week by now. I wonder what's taking him so long. Does he have no intention of coming? It's such a pity because I thought he'll love it here.

Lying down on the grass with my best friends, I heaved a deep sigh. Even though we video call each other every other night, I miss him so much. I miss our stupid banters and, more importantly, I miss his cooking. I want food made by Chef Matteo.

"Does our dearest little Lexie miss her boyfriend?" Talia teased.

"As a matter of fact, yes," I replied, keeping my eyes closed.

I heard some sound which I assume is someone moving on the grass. After that, Erica said, "That's so sweet. The only people I have ever missed are my parents and you. Well, I don't have to miss you anymore because you're in NYU!"

"This is the life of having a boyfriend. We all can't relate," Zenia sighed dramatically.

We spent the next hour watching the clouds and chatting about random stuff. We did this a lot growing up. It feels great to know that we're a team once again! As it was getting late, we went back home. I wonder what Mum cooked up for dinner!

I opened the door and I was surprised by what I saw. "Matteo?" I asked. He was standing there in the corporal form. My boyfriend has found his way to my hometown! I rushed towards him and jumped on him. "Oh my God, what took you so long?"

"Easy, girl. My wound is still healing. I surely don't want it to rip apart in a foreign place," he laughed. "Anyway, your aunt got someone to drive me here. I'm relieved that you have an extra room lest I don't know where to reside."

"Oops," I muttered and backed off, patting his shirt. Just then, I saw my parents standing there, smirking. Oh dang.

"Wow, you were so excited to see your boyfriend that you forgot that we existed," Mum teased, causing me to blush. Oh, mothers! "Anyway, dinner's ready. It's good to see this chef at work. He's very good."

I giggled, "I know! It's nice to have a boyfriend who can cook."

Matteo laughed, "Especially when the girlfriend can't cook to save her life." He poked my cheek and I smacked his hand away.

We spent the next hour or so having dinner and catching up. Matteo talked about living in Manhattan all his life and how it's vastly different here in this much slower-paced town. Of course, my parents were intrigued. They hardly left town.

Matteo and I volunteered to wash the dishes. We fooled around a little but we got the job done nevertheless. I talked about how I missed him, especially his food. I just thought about it this afternoon and I got it! A little genie must've been lurking around the corner.

We walked around late at night. It was very quiet. In Manhattan, it's very noisy no matter what time it is. Students are studying and people are working. Such a relaxing environment must be very new to Matteo!

"I love you, Alexia," he said all of a sudden.

"I love you too," I replied with a smile.

Three months ago, on Valentines' Day, Derek asked to end our relationship after cheating on me. I void his request and broke up with him first. That night, I cried my heart out. Millions of pieces of my heart poured out through my tears.

That night, I told myself I would never let myself love again.

Tonight, I am back here in this town where my first relationship began and ended. Derek is my past and I should embrace it even though it was an ugly memory. I am here once again to continue where I left off with Derek.

Coincidentally, I am wearing the dress I wore that fateful day. I have finally cleansed this beautiful dress with a beautiful memory. I have finally removed the stain of heartbreak that Derek had left that day. Matteo shall walk me through the rest of my life, something Derek had failed to do.

He will fill my heart with all the love and care I need.

Under the gleaming moonlight, under millions of stars, I am standing here with the love of my life. I'm so glad I've been given the chance to... begin again.

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