Chapter 17

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Saturday. It's time to work again.

Aunt Adeline gave me the option to take the weekend off to study for my finals but I rejected her offer. I can't be given special treatment simply because I'm her niece, though the fact I'm working at Devon Grey is a special treatment, to begin with.

"Good morning, Aunt Adeline. Good morning, Uncle James," I greeted.

"Good morning, Alexia," he said.

"Early, as usual, Alexia," she replied with a smile. "Have you had your breakfast?"

I nodded. I made tuna and cheese sandwiches for myself this morning. It reminds me of home. When it comes to sandwiches, Mum always made them with tomato and egg while Dad always made them with tuna and cheese. I love both of them.

It's part of our breakfast menu. We can't possibly eat the same thing every day lest we get sick of breakfast. We created a duty roster so, on some days, Mum will make breakfast. On other days, Dad will make breakfast. I help to wash the dishes.

Mum and Dad know how I can't even cook to save my life.

Uncle James left and we walked to Aunt Adeline's office. I normally follow her around as she works. I don't think other doctors would want a student following them around especially since it's not part of their job. Aunt Adeline is very generous to allow it for me.

Her schedule is packed throughout the day. I never knew that OB-GYN's were this busy. I thought Aunt Adeline was just a gynaecologist but I learnt that she's also an obstetrician. That also means I see her deliver babies from time to time.

And I will never become an obstetrician. It's scary. Imagine delivering a tiny brand new life. It's so delicate, definitely more delicate than an adult.

Sometimes, I would follow Uncle James around. It turns out he's a cardiothoracic surgeon, not a cardiologist. I guess my mother didn't know the difference so she gave me a lot of wrong information on my uncle's and aunt's jobs.

Following Uncle James around means seeing a lot of open chests. By that, I mean thoracic cavities. It's kind of cool but also kind of scary. I wonder what neurosurgery and general surgery look like. I mean, I can't trust what I see on television.

"So, how are things between you and Matteo?" Aunt Adeline asked.

"Oh, not you too!" I groaned.

She laughed, "Oh! Are there others asking you about him?"

I contemplated for a moment before replying, "Yes. My friend, Talia, can't stop shipping us. Just so that you won't ask again, we're good friends. He's nice, smart and cool. I'm nicer, debatably smarter and much cooler. End of topic."

"Hmm, why are you so quick to push this topic aside?" she said.

"Aunt Adeline," I sighed. She smirked. Help me. "Okay, I think he's a much better man than Derek. That's it. I thought for a split second that Matteo would make a better boyfriend than he did. It was just once."

"And there will be more," she replied.

I shook my head. "I just ended a three-year-old relationship with my first boyfriend three months ago. I'm not ready for another one. I might be over him but that doesn't mean I want another boyfriend so quickly."

She gently placed her hand on my shoulder. "Matteo's a good catch. Cherish him. His uncle and I hope that you two can get together one day. You two seem compatible. I'm not forcing this on you. Ultimately, it's your choice."

"Okay, thanks," I replied.

"Nine o'clock. It's time for work. Enough chit-chat," she said all of a sudden.

At that instant, a woman walked in. I moved from the seat opposite my aunt to the seat beside her. I listened to their conversation. Of course, she had to assure her that I was safe. She always had to. It's private and confidential information after all.

Thank God my aunt isn't a therapist.

Eight hours passed by very slowly. Don't get me wrong. I love this job but it gets boring when you don't do anything. I just sit or stand there and watch as my uncle and aunt do things. Of course, it made absolute sense since I don't have a medical licence.

I had to go home on my own because Aunt Adeline is staying in the hospital. My working time is over but hers isn't. That woman sure is busy. She works nine hours a day, from seven in the morning to six in the evening. As a surgeon, Uncle James works longer hours.

It's tough being a doctor of any kind.

I kicked my shoes off at the door and headed straight for my couch. I lay down and— Oh, it feels so good to finally be home. Imagine working for forty-eight to seven-two hours straight during residency. I have five more years to go.

Out of random, I thought of Aunt Adeline's words earlier today. Matteo's a good catch. You two seem compatible. I'm not forcing this on you. Ultimately, it's your choice. Then why do I feel pressured to date Matteo Knight?

Just then, the doorbell rang. "Oh, speaking of the devil. I mean, thinking of the devil," I murmured. What the hell am I saying? I hollered, "Coming!" I opened the door and saw Matteo standing there. "What's up, brother?"

"Welcome home from work," he replied. "I assume you haven't eaten so I'm cooking dinner. Do you want to come over?"

"No, I'm not hungry..." I murmured even though my stomach was growling.

"Right..." he slurred.

Sighing, I replied, "I'm just so tired! I just want to sleep right now. There are exams and then there's work. Give me a break!" I'm going to accept Aunt Adeline's offer and get the nice long rest I deserve. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay," he chuckled. "How about you go take a nice hot shower? After that, you'll feel all refreshed. Then, I'll come back and check up on you! Maybe, by then, you're in the mood for dinner."

"That sounds like a plan," I replied, barely keeping my eyes open. "See you later," I said as I walked to my room. I heard the door close and I went into the bathroom. "No, we're never ever getting together. It'll be weird," I muttered to myself.

I was too lazy to walk a few centimetres to his apartment so I called him over. Dinner was quieter than usual. I looked up at him and looked down at my food again. He takes good care of you. Why won't you give him a chance?

Right. What chance is there to give? We see each other as siblings!

Do we?

"Thanks," I uttered. A part of me can't move on from the wound Derek inflicted on me. Another part of me wants to start a new relationship so that I can squirt lemons back at him. Besides, I don't want to date someone just to get back at my ex who doesn't even care.

"You're welcome," he replied.

I grinned. Why am I thinking about this? It's a non-existent problem! There's nothing to think about! I don't like Matteo. He doesn't like me. We're friends. Do friends treat each other so well, though? Do they cook for each other? Do they go to each other's houses so freely?

Now, that got me thinking. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

He looked up at me, seemingly surprised by that question. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. His eyebrows were furrowed. It looks real to me.

"Is there something you want to tell me but you can't bring yourself to?" I asked.

He remained silent, seemingly in a daze. Then, he blinked and looked up at me. A slight smile emerged on his face as he replied, "No."

"Okay," I muttered. A question surfaced in my mind as soon as I heard his response. I wanted to ask him that but my brain does not have the capacity to listen to the answer after working the entire day. Perhaps I'll ask him tomorrow...

If your answer was so simple, why did you think for so long?

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